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<title>Readme for the RMI over IIOP example</title>
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RMI over IIOP example</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<b><a href="Bank/">Bank/</a>:</b>
The java interface that describes the AccountManager CORBA interface</li>
<b><a href="Bank/">Bank/</a>:</b> The java interface
that describes the Account RMI remote interface</li>
<b><a href="Bank/">Bank/</a>: </b>The java
class that is used to carry data to create an account</li>
<b><a href=""></a>:</b> The
servant that implements the AccountManager interface</li>
<b><a href=""></a>:</b> The servant&nbsp;
that implements the Account interface</li>
<b><a href=""></a>:</b> The server mainline</li>
<b><a href=""></a>:</b> The client mainline</li>
Building this example</h3>
Typing <b>make</b> java (or <b>vbmake</b> <i>on Windows</i>) in the rmi-iiop
subdirectory will this example to be built. This will include the following
<p>1. Compile all the remote interfaces and the AccountData class.
<br>2. Run the AccountManager interface (which refers to all the other
classes and interfaces) through the java2iiop compiler
<br>3. Compile the generated stubs and servants, the servant implementations
for all the remote interfaces
<br>4. Compile the Client and Server mainlines.
Running this example</h3>
To run the examples, first make sure that the VisiBroker Smart Agent (osagent
executable) is running on your network. Then start the bank server using
the command:
<pre><tt><b>prompt></b> vbj Server&nbsp; &amp;&nbsp;
(start vbj Server <i>on Windows</i>)
<i>// make the server run in the background</i></tt></pre>
<i>Next, open some users'&nbsp; bank account with initial balances</i>
<pre><i><tt><b>prompt></b> vbj Client peter 12.213 paul 23.213 mary 5893.223</tt></i></pre>
<pre><i><tt><b>prompt></b> vbj Client&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
// uses a default name</tt></i></pre>
<i>The example client first creates all the accounts specified with the
appropriate balances by creating AccountData objects for each account and
passing them to the AccountManager to create the accounts. It then confirms
that the balance is correct on the created account. The client then queries
the AccountManager for a list of all the accounts, and proceeds to credit
$10 to each account. It then verifies if the new balance on the account
is accurate.</i>
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<p><i>Return to the <a href="../README.html">top-level examples page</a>.</i>