blob: 711b5a2134438bc3c95f242a4a526a09f0864fd4 [file] [log] [blame]
This test is used to verify the PamRealm. When a webapplication is configured using this realm,
the Unix username and password are authenticated. The role should be mapped to a Unix user/group in the sun-web.xml
The test client uses httpclient for simulating a Httprequest and basic auth challenge.
It is important to note that Glassfish must be run as root if Unix realm is used.
If a non-root user is used for running Glassfish, then then user must be able to access /etc/shadow file (must belong to the shadow nix group)
The default setting assumes that there is a Unix login - unixuser
with password 'password'.
If such a user does not exist, please create the user using the Unix command - 'useradd -p password unixuser' or the GUI, as applicable.
If a different Unix user/password is used for testing, please modify and sun-web.xml to reflect the unix username.
Note: The newly added user must have the sudoers privilege to get the test working.