blob: c1cc2119f1384cd12cbccae86d763091134c870b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import com.sun.ejte.ccl.reporter.*;
* Test for bug 2136042: bufferSize property doesn't work
public class WebTest {
private static SimpleReporterAdapter stat
= new SimpleReporterAdapter("appserv-tests");
private static final String TEST_NAME = "headerBufferSize";
// Request keys
/** Hashtable key for headers property (type of corresponding value = Hashtable). */
public static final String HEADERS = "headers";
/** Hashtable key for method property (type of corresponding value = String). */
public static final String METHOD = "method";
/** Hashtable key for request parameters property (type of corresponding value = Hashtable). */
public static final String REQUEST_PARAMS = "request_params";
// Response keys
/** Hashtable key for response code property (type of corresponding value = Integer). */
public static final String RESPONSE_CODE = "response_code";
/** Hashtable key for response message property (type of corresponding value = String). */
public static final String RESPONSE_MESSAGE = "response_message";
/** Hashtable key for response content property (type of corresponding value = String). */
public static final String RESPONSE_CONTENT = "response_content";
// Request and response keys
/** Hashtable key for cookies property (type of corresponding value = String[]). */
public static final String COOKIES = "cookies";
// Values
/** GET value for property method. */
public static final String GET_METHOD = "GET";
/** POST value for property method. */
public static final String POST_METHOD = "POST";
// Default values
/** Default value for property method. */
private static final String DEFAULT_METHOD = GET_METHOD;
/** Default value for user-agent header. */
private static final String DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_HEADER = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)";
/** Default value for user-agent header. */
private static final String DEFAULT_CONNECTION_HEADER = "close";
// Static methods
** Main method for testing purposes.
** @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String host = args[0];
String port = args[1];
String contextRoot = args[2];
try {
String[] testUrls = new String[1];
testUrls[0] = "http://" + host + ":" + port + contextRoot
+ "/jsp/test.jsp";
String[] methods = new String[2];
methods[0] = "GET";
methods[1] = "GET";
Hashtable[] paramsTables = new Hashtable[4];
Hashtable params1 = new Hashtable();
params1.put("test", "on");
params1.put("num_tel", "065216464");
Hashtable params2 = new Hashtable();
params2.put("test", "on");
params2.put("num_tel", "0577749059");
Hashtable params3 = new Hashtable();
params3.put("num_tel", "0652361456");
Hashtable params4 = new Hashtable();
String[] multipleParam = new String[3];
multipleParam[0] = "1";
multipleParam[1] = "2";
multipleParam[2] = "3";
params4.put("a", multipleParam);
params4.put("b", "2");
params4.put("c", "3");
paramsTables[0] = params1;
paramsTables[1] = params2;
paramsTables[2] = params3;
paramsTables[3] = params4;
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
Hashtable reqProperties = new Hashtable();
reqProperties.put(METHOD, methods[i]);
reqProperties.put(REQUEST_PARAMS, paramsTables[i]);
System.out.println("TEST " + (i + 1) + ": " + testUrls[i] + " (" + methods[i] + ")");
for(Enumeration keys = (paramsTables[i]).keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String paramName = (String) keys.nextElement();
Object paramValues = (paramsTables[i]).get(paramName);
if(paramValues instanceof String[]) {
// Multiple parameter values
String[] paramValueList = (String[]) paramValues;
for(int j = 0; j < paramValueList.length; j++) {
String paramValue = paramValueList[j];
if(j == 0)
System.out.print(paramName + " = " + paramValue);
System.out.print(", " + paramValue);
else {
// Single parameter value
String paramValue = (String) paramValues;
System.out.println(paramName + " = " + paramValue);
String[] cookieList = new String[9];
String cookie = "JSESSIONID=05036F40443C1A71F49BD583C29C7F01;";
cookieList[0] = cookie;
cookie = "kp=;";
cookieList[1] = cookie;
cookie = "advconnspeedhp=hpbroadband;";
cookieList[2] = cookie;
cookie = "ADVNdGFlashDUU=1;";
cookieList[3] = cookie;
cookie = "ADVOverlayerHPSessione=1;";
cookieList[4] = cookie;
cookie = "ADVNdgFlashHome=1;";
cookieList[5] = cookie;
cookie = "SUNRISE=00D4Kzo5hXUz0BPXqCF75Yv1llw09MvdUoarhg8KyESZbule2edair+WEl19pqibgsMqU2ibW28gtT63D7vsdMQuOCWOGRTJwkpQZRB7Dnn/wNguL0dMJkr/SNAqI+NRBR33un+Fxv2s4eqKXNw2n9pq+u5yYLQ8vSCCuznr/QO9rkwwuPzPOfgLR5NVLxe3h98QG36Xh/U4mX4joCphyAPhohoMUirDnb8qETxTZxOR4NTNTJlC4V/ntsV0h4Wg1IJRVgYk9+/TJ34ngT4YW6jZKfKcVJQMrE61V6VVbR3cFJ9NYB3eUoCV5wIKFVSwci+m9lhExj2WnSObcoOuOzl7Gk4PJWJtkJWLkI+XqzbH7vY4aUf5HW02EF+Kt/8wJVJVktcxzBHkZZR6cKJgLi97H0ASYL5sNJpF+1RN2OBQsSBZBjsdBbENA953YqZyjabD4C4O6kSIIFJkyvEbeDkA==;";
cookieList[6] = cookie;
cookie = "SUNRISE2=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;";
cookieList[7] = cookie;
cookie = "CALIENUP2=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";
cookieList[8] = cookie;
reqProperties.put(COOKIES, cookieList);
Hashtable result = call(testUrls[i], reqProperties);
System.out.println( "Response Code = " + ( (Integer) result.get(RESPONSE_CODE) ).toString() );
System.out.println( "Response Message = " + (String) result.get(RESPONSE_MESSAGE) );
System.out.println("Response Content:");
System.out.println( (String) result.get(RESPONSE_CONTENT) );
String[] setCookies = (String[]) result.get(COOKIES);
if( (setCookies != null) && (setCookies.length > 0) ) {
System.out.println("Cookies set by Server:");
for(int j = 0; j < setCookies.length; j++) {
System.out.println("Cookie " + (j + 1) + " = " + setCookies[j]);
if ( ((Integer)result.get(RESPONSE_CODE)) == 200){
stat.addStatus(TEST_NAME, stat.PASS);
} else {
stat.addStatus(TEST_NAME, stat.FAIL);
} catch(Exception exc) {
System.err.println( "Exception occurred: " + exc.getMessage() );
stat.addStatus(TEST_NAME, stat.FAIL);
** Static method for performing an HTTP request to the specified URL.<br>
** This method requires as second parameter a non-empty Hashtable, that should specify the URL request properties.<br>
** If the Hashtable is null, a MalformedUrlException is generated.<br>
** The Hashtable can contain the following key/values properties:<br>
** <ul>
** <li><b>HEADERS</b> (key = &quot;headers&quot;): you can specify optional additional headers in this field.<br>
** The corresponding value should be an Hashtable with name/value pairs for each header to add.<br>
** If not present the &quot;User-Agent&quot; header assumes the default value of
** &quot;<code>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)</code>&quot;.<br>
** If not present the &quot;Connection&quot; header assumes the default value of &quot;<code>close</code>&quot;.</li>
** <li><b>METHOD</b> (key = &quot;method&quot;): you can specify which method to use for URL requests between
** &quot;GET&quot; and &quot;POST&quot; are the only ones supported for now.</li>
** <li><b>REQUEST PARAMETERS</b> (key = &quot;request_params&quot;): you can specify the parameters
** to add to the HTTP request in this field.<br> The corresponding value should be an Hashtable
** with name/value pairs for each parameter to add.<br> For multiple parameters use a String[] (string array)
** as value.</li>
** <li><b>COOKIES</b> (key = &quot;method&quot;): you can specify optional cookies to set in the
** HTTP request in this field.<br> The corresponding value should be a String[] (string array).</li>
** </ul>
** This method returns an Hashtable containing the response properties.<br>
** The Hashtable can contain the following key/values properties:<br>
** <ul>
** <li><b>RESPONSE CODE</b> (key = &quot;response_code&quot;): an Integer containing the HTTP response code,
** e.g. 404.</li>
** <li><b>RESPONSE MESSAGE</b> (key = &quot;response_message&quot;): a String containing the complete
** response message, e.g. <code>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found<(code>.</li>
** <li><b>RESPONSE CONTENT</b> (key = &quot;response_content&quot;): a String containing the full response
** content of the requested URL, e.g. the entire HTML page.</li>
** <li><b>COOKIES</b> (key = &quot;method&quot;): a String[] (string array) with all the cookies, that the
** Server asks to set on the client.</li>
** </ul>
** @param url The URL to call without parameters.
** @param requestProperties The URL to call without parameters.
** @return Hashtable The table of the response properties.
** @throws MalformedURLException if the URL is not well formed or the properties Hashtable is null
** @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs during the HTTP request
public static Hashtable call(String url, Hashtable requestProperties)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
if(url == null)
throw new MalformedURLException("URL address cannot be null!");
if(requestProperties == null)
throw new MalformedURLException("URL request properties cannot be null!");
// else
Hashtable headers = (Hashtable) requestProperties.get(HEADERS);
if(headers == null)
headers = new Hashtable();
if( ( ( (String) headers.get("User-Agent") ) == null ) || ( ( (String) headers.get("User-Agent") ).equals("") ) )
headers.put("User-Agent", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_HEADER);
if( ( ( (String) headers.get("Connection") ) == null ) || ( ( (String) headers.get("Connection") ).equals("") ) )
headers.put("Connection", DEFAULT_CONNECTION_HEADER);
String method = (String) requestProperties.get(METHOD);
if( (method == null) || !( method.equalsIgnoreCase(GET_METHOD) || method.equalsIgnoreCase(POST_METHOD) ) )
Hashtable requestParams = (Hashtable) requestProperties.get(REQUEST_PARAMS);
if(requestParams == null)
requestParams = new Hashtable();
String[] cookies = (String[]) requestProperties.get(COOKIES);
if(cookies == null)
cookies = new String[0];
if( method.equalsIgnoreCase(GET_METHOD) )
return( doGetCall(url, headers, cookies, requestParams) );
return( doPostCall(url, headers, cookies, requestParams) );
** Static protected method for performing GET HTTP request to the specified URL.<br>
** See the calling method for details on the parameters.<br>
** @param url The URL to call without parameters.
** @param headers The request headers to set, organized in a table.
** @param headers The list of the cookies to set in the request.
** @param headers The request parameters to send in the query string, organized in a table.
** @return Hashtable The table of the response properties.
** @throws MalformedURLException if the URL is not well formed
** @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs during the HTTP request
protected static Hashtable doGetCall(String url, Hashtable headers, String[] cookies, Hashtable requestParams)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
// Set parameters
StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer();
for(Enumeration keys = requestParams.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String paramName = (String) keys.nextElement();
Object paramValues = requestParams.get(paramName);
if(paramValues instanceof String[]) {
// Multiple parameter values
String[] paramValueList = (String[]) paramValues;
for(int i = 0; i < paramValueList.length; i++) {
String paramValue = paramValueList[i];
if(queryString.length() == 0)
queryString.append( URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
else {
// Single parameter value
String paramValue = (String) paramValues;
if(queryString.length() == 0)
queryString.append( URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
URL urlToCall = new URL( url + queryString.toString() );
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlToCall.openConnection();
StringBuffer cookiesList = new StringBuffer();
// Set headers
for(Enumeration keys = headers.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String headerName = (String) keys.nextElement();
String headerValue = (String) headers.get(headerName);
if( headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie") )
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(headerName, headerValue);
// Set cookies
for(int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if(cookiesList.length() > 0)
cookiesList.append("," + cookies[i]);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", cookiesList.toString() );
// Setting GET method
// Connect
// Read the response
Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
BufferedReader responseReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( urlConnection.getInputStream() ) );
// Read the response content
StringBuffer responseContent = new StringBuffer();
String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String inputLine = null;
while ( ( inputLine = responseReader.readLine() ) != null) {
responseContent.append(inputLine + lineSeparator);
result.put( RESPONSE_CONTENT, responseContent.toString() );
// Get response code
result.put( RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer( urlConnection.getResponseCode() ) );
// Get response message
String responseMessage = urlConnection.getResponseMessage();
if(responseMessage != null)
result.put(RESPONSE_MESSAGE, responseMessage);
// Receive cookies
String returnedCookiesStr = urlConnection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie");
if(returnedCookiesStr != null) {
StringTokenizer commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(returnedCookiesStr, ",", false);
int tokens = commaTokenizer.countTokens();
if(tokens > 0) {
String[] returnedCookies = new String[tokens];
int z = 0;
while( commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
returnedCookies[z] = commaTokenizer.nextToken();
result.put(COOKIES, returnedCookies);
** Static protected method for performing POST HTTP request to the specified URL.<br>
** See the calling method for details on the parameters.<br>
** @param url The URL to call without parameters.
** @param headers The request headers to set, organized in a table.
** @param cookies The list of the cookies to set in the request.
** @param requestParams The request parameters to send in the body of the request, organized in a table.
** @return Hashtable The table of the response properties.
** @throws MalformedURLException if the URL is not well formed
** @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs during the HTTP request
protected static Hashtable doPostCall(String url, Hashtable headers, String[] cookies, Hashtable requestParams)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
URL urlToCall = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlToCall.openConnection();
StringBuffer cookiesList = new StringBuffer();
// Set headers
for(Enumeration keys = headers.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String headerName = (String) keys.nextElement();
String headerValue = (String) headers.get(headerName);
if( headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie") )
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(headerName, headerValue);
// Set cookies
for(int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if(cookiesList.length() > 0)
cookiesList.append("," + cookies[i]);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", cookiesList.toString() );
// Setting POST method
// Connect
// Write parameters in the request body
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( urlConnection.getOutputStream() );
int writtenParams = 0;
for(Enumeration keys = requestParams.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String paramName = (String) keys.nextElement();
Object paramValues = requestParams.get(paramName);
if(paramValues instanceof String[]) {
// Multiple parameter values
String[] paramValueList = (String[]) paramValues;
for(int i = 0; i < paramValueList.length; i++) {
String paramValue = paramValueList[i];
if(writtenParams > 0) {
out.print( "&" + URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
else {
out.print( URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
else {
// Single parameter value
String paramValue = (String) paramValues;
if(writtenParams > 0) {
out.print( "&" + URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
else {
out.print( URLEncoder.encode(paramName,"ISO8859-1") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"ISO8859-1") );
// Read the response
Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
BufferedReader responseReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( urlConnection.getInputStream() ) );
// Read the response content
StringBuffer responseContent = new StringBuffer();
String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String inputLine = null;
while ( ( inputLine = responseReader.readLine() ) != null) {
responseContent.append(inputLine + lineSeparator);
result.put( RESPONSE_CONTENT, responseContent.toString() );
// Get response code
result.put( RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer( urlConnection.getResponseCode() ) );
// Get response message
String responseMessage = urlConnection.getResponseMessage();
if(responseMessage != null)
result.put(RESPONSE_MESSAGE, responseMessage);
// Receive cookies
String returnedCookiesStr = urlConnection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie");
if(returnedCookiesStr != null) {
StringTokenizer commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(returnedCookiesStr, ",", false);
int tokens = commaTokenizer.countTokens();
if(tokens > 0) {
String[] returnedCookies = new String[tokens];
int z = 0;
while( commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
returnedCookies[z] = commaTokenizer.nextToken();
result.put(COOKIES, returnedCookies);