blob: 9b0f4cbb0464203f8db2fd090d333bccaa2cd758 [file] [log] [blame]
Assumption : Two asadmin domains - domain1 with default port values and domain2 with following values are created, started and openESB product is installed on both the instances along with JMS Binding.
Domain2 : Expected values for ports are as follows :
instance port : 9080
admin port : 9848
jmx port : 9686
This devtest includes web service server deployed on domain1 and web service client - Java EE component- servlet deployed on domain2. The servlet accesses web service deployed on domain1 through Java EE Service Engine and JMS binding components.
On domain1, Java EE Service Engine acts as a service provider while JMS Binding acts as a service consumer.
On domain2, Java EE Service Engine acts as a service consumer while JMS binding acts as a service provider.
Only one imq broker at 7676 ie. domain1 is used for creating queues.
Filestore /tmp/imqobjects is used for persistence.
Instructions to run the test case :
Execute $S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1
For first time users, create second domain by executing following command
ant create-domain2
Install openESB on the domain just created.
Execute $S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain domain2
Execute mkdir -p /tmp/imqobjects
Execute ant