blob: 8f850b0f29730c369dd792bbbdb829344409ab1e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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Set up properties for which javaws image to execute and for the
javaws wait option. (This option is currently broken in javaws on
Windows so we do not want to use it on that platform.)
<condition property="os.isWindows" value="true">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="javaws.cmd" value="${java.home}/bin/javaws.exe">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="javaws.cmd" value="${java.home}/bin/javaws">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="javaws.waitOption" value="-wait">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="javaws.waitOption" value="-wait">
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- runjws macro
Attributes on the <runjws> invocation that can/must be passed in by the caller:
list of the values to be passed to the app client via the URL's query string.
To use a different delimiter, pass argdelimiter with the value set to
the delimiter you want to use.
the character which separates arguments in the args value
the path part of the URL to be used in invoking the app client
There is no default value. When you deploy a stand-alone
app client, the default path the app server will recognize is the
module ID of the app client. In tests, this is often ${appname}-client.
For an embedded app client, the default path the app server will
recognize is
${module ID of the Java EE app}/${URI to the appclient jar}
The URI to the app client jar is the text value of the <java> element
for this app client in the ear's application.xml.
pass "true" to retain temporary files created to run the client; default is "false"
define these to point to the glassfish-acc.xml directory and the file within that
directory to be used when invoking the client - these default to
${env.S1AS_HOME}/domains/${admin.domain}/config and glassfish-acc.xml
the name of an ant property to be set with the completion status
of the javaws invocation. The default is the property name "result."
<macrodef name="run-jws">
<attribute name="urlpath"/>
<attribute name="sunaccdir" default="${env.S1AS_HOME}/domains/${admin.domain}/config"/>
<attribute name="sunaccname" default="glassfish-acc.xml"/>
<attribute name="args" default=""/>
<attribute name="argdelimiter" default=" "/>
<attribute name="resultproperty" default="result"/>
<attribute name="keeptempfiles" default="false"/>
The next few lines convert the caller's argument list into a
form suitable as a query string in a URL, with arg= preceding
each of the caller's arguments - which is what the Java Web Start
feature code expects. The result is in a property that is
used in the one of the <exec> <arg> elements.
<tempfile destdir="${build.classes.dir}" prefix="args" suffix=".tmp" property="argstemp.tmp"/>
<echo file="${argstemp.tmp}">@{args}</echo>
<replace file="${argstemp.tmp}" token="@{argdelimiter}" value="&amp;arg="/>
<loadfile property="user.args.part.of.url" srcfile="${argstemp.tmp}"/>
<condition property="user.args.introducer" value="">
<equals arg1="" arg2="@{args}" trim="true"/>
<condition property="user.args.introducer" value="&amp;arg=">
<isset property="user.args.introducer"/>
Create a platform-neutral representation for the sunacc.xml file.
<neutralize property="glassfish-acc.xml.neutral" file="@{sunaccdir}/@{sunaccname}"/>
<property name="url" value="http://${}:${http.port}@{urlpath}?arg=-xml&amp;arg=${glassfish-acc.xml.neutral}${user.args.introducer}${user.args.part.of.url}"/>
<echo level="verbose">URL is ${url}</echo>
<exec executable="${javaws.cmd}"
<arg value="${javaws.waitOption}"/> <!-- Ask Java Web Start to wait until the client finished before exiting -->
<arg value="${url}"/>
<condition property="discard.temp.files">
<isfalse value="@{keeptempfiles}"/>
<antcall target="delete.runjws.temp.files"/>
<target name="delete.runjws.temp.files" if="discard.temp.files">
<delete file="${argstemp.tmp}" quiet="true"/>
<macrodef name="neutralize" >
<attribute name="property"/>
<attribute name="file"/>
<attribute name="id" default=""/>
<pathconvert targetos="unix" property="@{property}">
<path id="@{id}">
<fileset file="@{file}"/>