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<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="d" %>
<title>Demonstration Components - Menu</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h:form >
<d:stylesheet path="/tree-control-test.css"/>
Render graph as a menu bar (graph retrieved from model):<br>
<d:graph_menubar id="menu2" value="#{GraphBean.menuGraph}"
unselectedClass="tree-control-unselected" immediate="true"/>
Render graph as a menu bar (graph specified via JSP):<br>
<d:graph_menubar id="menu3" selectedClass="tree-control-selected"
unselectedClass="tree-control-unselected" immediate="true">
<d:graph_menunode name="Menu" label="Menu 3" >
<d:graph_menunode name="File" label="File 3" expanded="true">
<d:graph_menunode name="File-New" label="New 3" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_menunode name="File-Open" label="Open 3" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_menunode name="File-Close" label="Close 3" enabled="false" />
<d:graph_menunode name="File-Exit" label="Exit 3" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_menunode name="Edit" label="Edit 3" >
<d:graph_menunode name="Edit-Cut" label="Cut 3" action="demo-test.faces"/>
<d:graph_menunode name="Edit-Copy" label="Copy 3" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_menunode name="Edit-Paste" label="Paste 3" enabled="false" />
Render graph as a tree control (graph retrieved from model):<br>
<d:graph_menutree id="menu4" value="#{GraphBean.treeGraph}" styleClass="tree-control"
unselectedClass="tree-control-unselected" immediate="true"/>
Render graph as a tree control (graph specified via JSP):<br>
<d:graph_menutree id="menu5" selectedClass="tree-control-selected"
unselectedClass="tree-control-unselected" styleClass="tree-control"
<d:graph_treenode name="Menu" label="Menu 5" enabled="false"
<d:graph_treenode name="File" label="File 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" enabled="false">
<d:graph_treenode name="File-New" label="New 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" action="demo-test.faces"/>
<d:graph_treenode name="File-Open" label="Open 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" action="/demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_treenode name="File-Close" label="Close 5" enabled="false"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" />
<d:graph_treenode name="File-Exit" label="Exit 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_treenode name="Edit" label="Edit 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" expanded="true" enabled="false">
<d:graph_treenode name="Edit-Cut" label="Cut 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" action="demo-test.faces"/>
<d:graph_treenode name="Edit-Copy" label="Copy 5"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" action="demo-test.faces" />
<d:graph_treenode name="Edit-Paste" label="Paste 5" enabled="false"
icon="folder_16_pad.gif" />
<a href='<%= request.getContextPath() + "/index.jsp" %>'>Back</a> to home page.
<h1>How to Use this Component</h1>
<p>This component renders a <code>Graph</code> as either a menu bar or a tree control.
The <code>Graph</code> can be specified as model data, or it can be specified in
<h2>JSP Attributes</h2>
<p>Attributes described below apply to graph_menubar tag as well as graph_tree tag
since they are just two different visual representations of the Graph Component.
Attributes can represent values directly or point to them via value binding
expressions except for actionListener attribute that points to a
method reference. This component allows the user to define CSS classes via JSP
attributes that are output in the rendered markup. This makes it possible to
produce highly customizable output. You can compare the rendered source of this
page, using the "View Source" feature of your browser, with
<a href="ShowSource.jsp?filename=/menu.jsp">the JSP source</A> for this page.</p>
<table border="1">
<th>JSP Attribute Name</th>
<th>What it Does</th>
<td>A style sheet class which controls the display attributes of the selected
menu bar or tree element. This is used to distinguish the selected portion from
the other unselected portions.</td>
<td>A style sheet class which controls the display attributes of an unselected menu bar or tree element. This is used to distinguish an unselected portion from a selected portion.</
<td>A flag indicating that the default ActionListener should execute
immediately (that is, during the Apply Request Values phase of the
request processing lifecycle, instead of waiting for Invoke
Application phase). The default value of this property must be false.
<td>The CSS style <code>class</code> to be applied to the entire menu/tree.
<td>Value Binding reference expression that points to a Graph in scoped namespace.
<td>Method binding reference to handle tree expansion and contraction events.
<h2>Menu Bar</h2>
<p>The menu bar can be described from a <code>Graph</code> specified in the model or it can be described from <code>JSP</code> tags.</p>
<h3>Described From JSP</h3>
<p>The <code>graph_menubar</code> tag consists of multiple <code>graph_menunode</code> tags. Each <code>graph_menunode</code> tag corresponds to an item on the menu bar, and you can nest <code>graph_menunode</code> tags within each other. The <code>graph_menunode</code> tag has attributes that control the visual aspects of the node, and it has an <code>action</code> attribute that can be used to specify a context-relative URL for when the node is selected. Refer to the tag library descriptor <code>tld</code> file for a complete list of attributes.</p>
<h3>Described From Model</h3>
<p>The <code>graph_menubar</code> tag refers to a <code>Graph</code> model component through the <code>valueRef</code> attribute. The <code>Graph</code> model component consists of multiple <code>Node</code> components. Each <code>Node</code> component describes an item on the menu bar.</p>
<h2>Tree Control</h2>
<p>The tree control can be described from a <code>Graph</code> specified in the model or it can be described from <code>JSP</code> tags.</p>
<h3>Described From JSP</h3>
<p>The <code>graph_menutree</code> tag consists of multiple <code>graph_treenode</code> tags. Each <code>graph_treenode</code> tag corresponds to a node in the tree, and you can nest <code>graph_treenode</code> tags within each other. The <code>graph_treenode</code> tag has attributes that control the visual aspects of the node, and it has an <code>action</code> attribute that can be used to specify a context-relative URL for when the node is selected. Refer to the tag library descriptor <code>tld</code> file for a complete list of attributes.</p>
<h3>Described From Model</h3>
<p>The <code>graph_menutree</code> tag refers to a <code>Graph</code> model component through the <code>valueRef</code> attribute. The <code>Graph</code> model component consists of multiple <code>Node</code> components. Each <code>Node</code> component describes an item in the tree.</p>
<a href='<%= request.getContextPath() + "/index.jsp" %>'>Back</a> to home page.