---------------------------------------- | |
Steps for running JMS Development Tests | |
---------------------------------------- | |
1. Set the following variables: | |
APS_HOME to the location of where v2/appserv-tests are checked out | |
S1AS_HOME to <GlassFish install location>/glassfish6/glassfish | |
2. Make sure ant is in your path. | |
Also, in some cases the ant test clients run out of memory during the test run. | |
If you see this problem, add -Xmx999m to the command that starts the ant java vm, e.g : | |
% cat `which ant` | |
(... towards bottom of ant script) | |
"$JAVACMD" -Xmx999m -classpath "$LOCALCLASSPATH" -Dant.home="${ANT_HOME}" $ANT_OPTS org.apache.tools.ant.Main $ANT_ARGS "$@" | |
3. Install GlassFish by unzipping glassfish.zip for running the tests against Java EE Full Profile, or web.zip for running the tests against the Web Profile. | |
4. Run the tests. | |
4.1 The "all" target starts the server, runs the tests, and then stops the server. | |
% ant all | |
5. The results should look something like this : | |
[exec] input file=/Volumes/Fantom1/work/v2/appserv-tests/test_resultsValid.xml | |
[exec] | |
[exec] ************************ | |
[exec] PASSED= <total> | |
[exec] ------------ ========= | |
[exec] FAILED= 0 | |
[exec] ------------ ========= | |
[exec] DID NOT RUN= 0 | |
[exec] ------------ ========= | |
[exec] Total Expected=<total> | |
[exec] ************************ | |
[exec] | |
( <total> is equal to the TOTAL value in the result_count.sh file. We keep this total count up to date based on the total number of test framework PASS assertions in the set of tests run by the ant all target ) |