blob: 9b14ce4f0a14b040ecad158f1e5d6db6bf4d2f64 [file] [log] [blame]
lists \{product---name} instances in a domain
asadmin [asadmin-options] list-instances [--help]
[--timeoutmsec timeout]
[--long={false|true} | --nostatus={false|true}]
[--standaloneonly={false|true} | target]
The `list-instances` subcommand lists \{product---name} instances in a
domain. The list can be filtered by cluster, instance, node, or
The subcommand displays every \{product---name} instance in the
specified target, regardless of how each instance was created. For
example, this subcommand lists instances that were created by using the
subcommand and by using the
By default, the subcommand indicates whether each instance that is
listed is running. Options of this subcommand control the information
that is displayed for each instance.
This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
The time limit in milliseconds for determining the status of
instances. The default is 2,000, which is equivalent to 2 seconds.
Specifies whether detailed information is displayed for each instance
that is listed. +
The `--long` option and `--nostatus` option are mutually exclusive. If
both options are specified in the same command, an error occurs. +
Valid values are as follows: +
The following details are displayed for each instance that is
listed: +
* The name of the instance
* The name of the host where the instance's node resides
* The HTTP port on which the instance listens for administration
* The process identifier (PID) of the instance process or -1 if the
instance is not running
* The name of the cluster of which the instance is a member, if any
* The state of the instance, which is `running` or `not running` +
When an instance is listed, some configuration changes in the domain
administration server (DAS) for the instance might not have been
applied to the instance itself. In this situation, the commands that
are required to apply the changes are listed adjacent to the state
of the instance. The maximum number of commands that are listed for
an instance is 10.
Only the name of the instance and an indication of whether the
instance is running are displayed (default). The length of time that
the instance has been running is not displayed.
Specifies whether information about whether instances are running is
suppressed. +
The `--long` option and `--nostatus` option are mutually exclusive. If
both options are specified in the same command, an error occurs. +
Valid values are as follows: +
Information about whether instances are running is suppressed. Only
the name of each instance is displayed.
Information about whether instances are running is displayed
Specifies whether only standalone instances are listed. +
The `--standaloneonly` option and the target operand and are mutually
exclusive. If both the `--standaloneonly` option and the target
operand are specified in the same command, an error occurs. +
Valid values are as follows: +
Only standalone instances are listed.
All instances in the specified target are listed (default).
Filters the list of \{product---name} instances by specifying the
target for which instances are listed. +
The target operand and the `--standaloneonly` option are mutually
exclusive. If both the target operand and the `--standaloneonly`
option are specified in the same command, an error occurs. +
Valid values are as follows: +
Lists all instances in the domain (default).
Lists the instances that are members of the specified cluster.
Lists only the specified instance.
Lists the instances that reside on the specified node.
Lists all instances whose configuration is defined by the specified
named configuration.
Example 1   Listing Basic Information About All \{product---name}
Instances in a Domain
This example lists the name and status of all \{product---name}
instances in the current domain.
asadmin> list-instances
pmd-i-sj02 running
yml-i-sj02 running
pmd-i-sj01 running
yml-i-sj01 running
pmdsa1 not running
Command list-instances executed successfully.
Example 2   Listing Detailed Information About All \{product---name}
Instances in a Domain
This example lists detailed information about all \{product---name}
instances in the current domain.
asadmin> list-instances --long=true
pmd-i-sj01 sj01 24848 31310 pmdcluster running
yml-i-sj01 sj01 24849 25355 ymlcluster running
pmdsa1 localhost 24848 -1 --- not running
pmd-i-sj02 sj02 24848 22498 pmdcluster running
yml-i-sj02 sj02 24849 20476 ymlcluster running
ymlsa1 localhost 24849 -1 --- not running
Command list-instances executed successfully.
Example 3   Displaying the Status of an Instance
This example displays status of the instance `pmd-i-sj01`, which is
asadmin> list-instances pmd-i-sj01
pmd-i-sj01 running
Command list-instances executed successfully.
Example 4   Listing Only Standalone Instances in a Domain
This example lists only the standalone instances in the current domain.
asadmin> list-instances --standaloneonly=true
pmdsa1 not running
Command list-instances executed successfully.
Exit Status
command executed successfully
error in executing the command
See Also