blob: 637fe2b6a0b891e4dc0e150519203c358116ce21 [file] [log] [blame]
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* TestEnv -- static methods for figuring out directories, files, etc.
* @author Byron Nevins
package admin;
public final class TestEnv {
public static boolean isHadas() {
return isHadas;
public static boolean isV3Layout() {
return !isHadas();
public static boolean isV4Layout() {
return isHadas();
public static File getGlassFishHome() {
return gf_home;
public static File getDomainsHome() {
return domains_home;
public static File getDomainHome(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainsHome(), domainName);
public static File getDomainServerHome(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainHome(domainName), "server");
return getDomainHome(domainName);
public static File getDomainDocRoot(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainServerHome(domainName), DOCROOT);
public static File getDomainConfigDir(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainServerHome(domainName), CONFIG);
public static File getInfoDir(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainServerHome(domainName), INFO_DIRECTORY);
public static File getDomainXml(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainConfigDir(domainName), DOMAIN_XML);
public static File getConfigSpecificConfigDir(String domainName, String instanceName) {
return new File(getDomainConfigDir(domainName), instanceName + "-config");
public static File getConfigSpecificDocRoot(String domainName, String instanceName) {
return new File(getConfigSpecificConfigDir(domainName, instanceName), DOCROOT);
public static File getNodesHome() {
return getDomainsHome();
return new File(getGlassFishHome(), "nodes");
public static File getDasPropertiesFile(String nodeName) {
// it goes in one of these (both are the DEFAULT locations for illustration)
if (isHadas())
return new File(TestEnv.getDomainHome(), DAS_PROPS_PATH);
return new File(TestEnv.getInstancesHome(nodeName), DAS_PROPS_PATH);
public static File getInstancesHome(String domainName, String nodeName) {
return getDomainHome(domainName);
return new File(getNodesHome(), nodeName);
public static File getInstanceDir(String domainName, String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return new File(getInstancesHome(domainName, nodeName), instanceName);
public static File getInstanceConfigDir(String domainName, String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return new File(getInstanceDir(domainName, nodeName, instanceName), CONFIG);
public static File getInstanceDomainXml(String domainName, String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return new File(getInstanceConfigDir(domainName, nodeName, instanceName), DOMAIN_XML);
public static File getDomainLog(String domainName) {
return new File(getDomainServerHome(domainName), SERVER_LOG);
public static File getDomainInfoXml(String domainName) {
return new File(getInfoDir(domainName), DOMAIN_INFO_XML);
// ***************************
// convenience methods that plug-in "domain1"
// ****************************/
public static File getDomainHome() {
return getDomainHome(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME);
public static File getDomainServerHome() {
return getDomainServerHome(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME);
public static File getDomainDocRoot() {
return getDomainDocRoot(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME);
public static File getDomainConfigDir() {
return getDomainConfigDir(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME);
public static File getDomainXml() {
return getDomainXml(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME);
public static File getConfigSpecificConfigDir(String instanceName) {
return getConfigSpecificConfigDir(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, instanceName);
public static File getConfigSpecificDocRoot(String instanceName) {
return getConfigSpecificDocRoot(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, instanceName);
public static File getInstancesHome(String nodeName) {
return getInstancesHome(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, nodeName);
public static File getInstanceDir(String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return getInstanceDir(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, nodeName, instanceName);
public static File getInstanceConfigDir(String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return getInstanceConfigDir(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, nodeName, instanceName);
public static File getInstanceDomainXml(String nodeName, String instanceName) {
return getInstanceDomainXml(DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME, nodeName, instanceName);
public static File getDomainLog() {
return new File(getDomainServerHome(), SERVER_LOG);
public static File getDefaultTemplateDir() {
return new File(gf_home, DEFUALT_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE_PATH);
// internal stuff below
private TestEnv() {
// no instances allowed!
private static final boolean isHadas;
private static final File gf_home;
private static final File domains_home;
private static final String DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME = "domain1";
private static final String DOCROOT = "docroot";
private static final String CONFIG = "config";
private static String DOMAIN_XML = "domain.xml";
private static final String DAS_PROPS_PATH = "agent/config/";
private final static String SERVER_LOG = "logs/server.log";
/** Name of directory stores the domain information. */
private static final String INFO_DIRECTORY = "init-info";
/** The file name stores the basic domain information. */
private static final String DOMAIN_INFO_XML = "domain-info.xml";
private final static String DEFUALT_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE_PATH = "common" + File.separator + "templates" + File.separator + "gf";
static {
isHadas = Boolean.getBoolean("HADAS")
|| Boolean.getBoolean("hadas")
|| Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv("hadas"))
|| Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv("HADAS"));
File gf_homeNotFinal = null;
try {
String home = System.getenv("S1AS_HOME");
if (home == null) {
gf_homeNotFinal = null;
throw new IllegalStateException("No S1AS_HOME set!");
gf_homeNotFinal = new File(home);
try {
gf_homeNotFinal = gf_homeNotFinal.getCanonicalFile();
catch (Exception e) {
gf_homeNotFinal = gf_homeNotFinal.getAbsoluteFile();
if (!gf_homeNotFinal.isDirectory()) {
gf_homeNotFinal = null;
throw new IllegalStateException("S1AS_HOME is not pointing at a real directory!");
catch(IllegalStateException e) {
// what's the point of struggling on?
System.out.println("##### CATASTROPHIC ERROR -- You must set S1AS_HOME to point to the GlassFish installation directory");
finally {
gf_home = gf_homeNotFinal;
domains_home = new File(gf_home, "domains");