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title=Planning your Deployment
Planning your Deployment
2 Planning your Deployment
Before deploying GlassFish Server, first determine the performance and
availability goals, and then make decisions about the hardware, network,
and storage requirements accordingly.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfcc[Establishing Performance Goals]
* link:#abfcp[Planning the Network Configuration]
* link:#abfcy[Planning for Availability]
* link:#abfdg[Design Decisions]
* link:#abfdn[Planning Message Queue Broker Deployment]
Establishing Performance Goals
At its simplest, high performance means maximizing throughput and
reducing response time. Beyond these basic goals, you can establish
specific goals by determining the following:
* What types of applications and services are deployed, and how do
clients access them?
* Which applications and services need to be highly available?
* Do the applications have session state or are they stateless?
* What request capacity or throughput must the system support?
* How many concurrent users must the system support?
* What is an acceptable average response time for user requests?
* What is the average think time between requests?
You can calculate some of these metrics using a remote browser emulator
(RBE) tool, or web site performance and benchmarking software that
simulates expected application activity. Typically, RBE and benchmarking
products generate concurrent HTTP requests and then report the response
time for a given number of requests per minute. You can then use these
figures to calculate server activity.
The results of the calculations described in this chapter are not
absolute. Treat them as reference points to work against, as you
fine-tune the performance of GlassFish Server and your applications.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfcd[Estimating Throughput]
* link:#abfce[Estimating Load on GlassFish Server Instances]
* link:#abfcq[Estimating Bandwidth Requirements]
* link:#abfct[Estimating Peak Load]
Estimating Throughput
In broad terms, throughput measures the amount of work performed by
GlassFish Server. For GlassFish Server, throughput can be defined as the
number of requests processed per minute per server instance.
As described in the next section, GlassFish Server throughput is a
function of many factors, including the nature and size of user
requests, number of users, and performance of GlassFish Server instances
and back-end databases. You can estimate throughput on a single machine
by benchmarking with simulated workloads.
High availability applications incur additional overhead because they
periodically save session data. The amount of overhead depends on the
amount of data, how frequently it changes, and how often it is saved.
The first two factors depend on the application in question; the latter
is also affected by server settings.
Estimating Load on GlassFish Server Instances
Consider the following factors to estimate the load on GlassFish Server
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfcf[Maximum Number of Concurrent Users]
* link:#abfcg[Think Time]
* link:#abfch[Average Response Time]
* link:#abfcj[Requests Per Minute]
Maximum Number of Concurrent Users
Users interact with an application through a client, such as a web
browser or Java program. Based on the user's actions, the client
periodically sends requests to the GlassFish Server. A user is
considered active as long as the user's session has neither expired nor
been terminated. When estimating the number of concurrent users, include
all active users.
Initially, as the number of users increases, throughput increases
correspondingly. However, as the number of concurrent requests
increases, server performance begins to saturate, and throughput begins
to decline.
Identify the point at which adding concurrent users reduces the number
of requests that can be processed per minute. This point indicates when
optimal performance is reached and beyond which throughput start to
degrade. Generally, strive to operate the system at optimal throughput
as much as possible. You might need to add processing power to handle
additional load and increase throughput.
Think Time
A user does not submit requests continuously. A user submits a request,
the server receives and processes the request, and then returns a
result, at which point the user spends some time before submitting a new
request. The time between one request and the next is called think time.
Think times are dependent on the type of users. For example,
machine-to-machine interaction such as for a web service typically has a
lower think time than that of a human user. You may have to consider a
mix of machine and human interactions to estimate think time.
Determining the average think time is important. You can use this
duration to calculate the number of requests that need to be completed
per minute, as well as the number of concurrent users the system can
Average Response Time
Response time refers to the amount of time GlassFish Server takes to
return the results of a request to the user. The response time is
affected by factors such as network bandwidth, number of users, number
and type of requests submitted, and average think time.
In this section, response time refers to the mean, or average, response
time. Each type of request has its own minimal response time. However,
when evaluating system performance, base the analysis on the average
response time of all requests.
The faster the response time, the more requests per minute are being
processed. However, as the number of users on the system increases, the
response time starts to increase as well, even though the number of
requests per minute declines.
A system performance graph indicates that after a certain point,
requests per minute are inversely proportional to response time. The
sharper the decline in requests per minute, the steeper the increase in
response time.
The point of the peak load is the point at which requests per minute
start to decline. Prior to this point, response time calculations are
not necessarily accurate because they do not use peak numbers in the
formula. After this point, (because of the inversely proportional
relationship between requests per minute and response time), the
administrator can more accurately calculate response time using maximum
number of users and requests per minute.
Use the following formula to determine T~response~, the response time
(in seconds) at peak load:
T~response~ = n/r - T~think~
* n is the number of concurrent users
* r is the number requests per second the server receives
* T~think~ is the average think time (in seconds)
To obtain an accurate response time result, always include think time in
the equation.
Example 2-1 Calculation of Response Time
If the following conditions exist:
* Maximum number of concurrent users, n, that the system can support at
peak load is 5,000.
* Maximum number of requests, r, the system can process at peak load is
1,000 per second.
Average think time, T~think~, is three seconds per request.
Thus, the calculation of response time is:
T~response~ = n/r - T~think~ = (5000/ 1000) - 3 sec. = 5 - 3 sec.
Therefore, the response time is two seconds.
After the system's response time has been calculated, particularly at
peak load, compare it to the acceptable response time for the
application. Response time, along with throughput, is one of the main
factors critical to GlassFish Server performance.
Requests Per Minute
If you know the number of concurrent users at any given time, the
response time of their requests, and the average user think time, then
you can calculate the number of requests per minute. Typically, start by
estimating the number of concurrent users that are on the system.
For example, after running web site performance software, the
administrator concludes that the average number of concurrent users
submitting requests on an online banking web site is 3,000. This number
depends on the number of users who have signed up to be members of the
online bank, their banking transaction behavior, the time of the day or
week they choose to submit requests, and so on.
Therefore, knowing this information enables you to use the requests per
minute formula described in this section to calculate how many requests
per minute your system can handle for this user base. Since requests per
minute and response time become inversely proportional at peak load,
decide if fewer requests per minute is acceptable as a trade-off for
better response time, or alternatively, if a slower response time is
acceptable as a trade-off for more requests per minute.
Experiment with the requests per minute and response time thresholds
that are acceptable as a starting point for fine-tuning system
performance. Thereafter, decide which areas of the system require
Solving for r in the equation in the previous section gives:
r = n/(T~response~ + T~think~)
Example 2-2 Calculation of Requests Per Second
For the values:
* n = 2,800 concurrent users
* T~response~ = 1 (one second per request average response time)
* T~think~ = 3, (three seconds average think time)
The calculation for the number of requests per second is:
r = 2800 / (1+3) = 700
Therefore, the number of requests per second is 700 and the number of
requests per minute is 42000.
Planning the Network Configuration
When planning how to integrate the GlassFish Server into the network,
estimate the bandwidth requirements and plan the network in such a way
that it can meet users' performance requirements.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#gkvdm[Setting Up Traffic Separation]
* link:#abfcq[Estimating Bandwidth Requirements]
* link:#abfcr[Calculating Bandwidth Required]
* link:#abfct[Estimating Peak Load]
* link:#abfcw[Choosing Network Cards]
* link:#abfdc[Identifying Failure Classes]
Setting Up Traffic Separation
You can separate external traffic, such as client requests, from the
internal traffic, such as session state failover, database transactions,
and messaging. Traffic separation enables you to plan a network better
and augment certain parts of the network, as required.
To separate the traffic, run each server instance on a multi-homed
machine. A multi-homed machine has two IP addresses belonging to
different networks, an external IP and an internal IP. The objective is
to expose only the external IP to user requests. The internal IP is used
only by the cluster instances for internal communication. For details,
see "link:../ha-administration-guide/clusters.html#GSHAG00266[Using the Multi-Homing Feature With GMS]" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition High Availability Administration
To plan for traffic on both networks, see link:#abfcq[Estimating
Bandwidth Requirements]. For external networks, follow the guidelines in
link:#abfcr[Calculating Bandwidth Required] and link:#abfct[Estimating
Peak Load]. To size the interfaces for internal networks, see
link:#abfcw[Choosing Network Cards].
Estimating Bandwidth Requirements
To decide on the desired size and bandwidth of the network, first
determine the network traffic and identify its peak. Check if there is a
particular hour, day of the week, or day of the month when overall
volume peaks, and then determine the duration of that peak.
During peak load times, the number of packets in the network is at its
highest level. In general, if you design for peak load, scale your
system with the goal of handling 100 percent of peak volume. Bear in
mind, however, that any network behaves unpredictably and that despite
your scaling efforts, it might not always be able handle 100 percent of
peak volume.
For example, assume that at peak load, five percent of users
occasionally do not have immediate network access when accessing
applications deployed on GlassFish Server. Of that five percent,
estimate how many users retry access after the first attempt. Again, not
all of those users might get through, and of that unsuccessful portion,
another percentage will retry. As a result, the peak appears longer
because peak use is spread out over time as users continue to attempt
Calculating Bandwidth Required
Based on the calculations made in link:#abfcc[Establishing Performance
Goals], determine the additional bandwidth required for deploying
GlassFish Server at your site.
Depending on the method of access (T-1 lines, ADSL, cable modem, and so
on), calculate the amount of increased bandwidth required to handle your
estimated load. For example, suppose your site uses T-1 or higher-speed
T-3 lines. Given their bandwidth, estimate how many lines are needed on
the network, based on the average number of requests generated per
second at your site and the maximum peak load. Calculate these figures
using a web site analysis and monitoring tool.
Example 2-3 Calculation of Bandwidth Required
A single T-1 line can handle 1.544 Mbps. Therefore, a network of four
T-1 lines can handle approximately 6 Mbps of data. Assuming that the
average HTML page sent back to a client is 30 kilobytes (KB), this
network of four T-1 lines can handle the following traffic per second:
6,176,000 bits/10 bits = 772,000 bytes per second
772,000 bytes per second/30 KB = approximately 25 concurrent response
pages per second.
With traffic of 25 pages per second, this system can handle 90,000 pages
per hour (25 x 60 seconds x 60 minutes), and therefore 2,160,000 pages
per day maximum, assuming an even load throughout the day. If the
maximum peak load is greater than this, increase the bandwidth
Estimating Peak Load
Having an even load throughout the day is probably not realistic. You
need to determine when the peak load occurs, how long it lasts, and what
percentage of the total load is the peak load.
Example 2-4 Calculation of Peak Load
If the peak load lasts for two hours and takes up 30 percent of the
total load of 2,160,000 pages, this implies that 648,000 pages must be
carried over the T-1 lines during two hours of the day.
Therefore, to accommodate peak load during those two hours, increase the
number of T-1 lines according to the following calculations:
648,000 pages/120 minutes = 5,400 pages per minute
5,400 pages per minute/60 seconds = 90 pages per second
If four lines can handle 25 pages per second, then approximately four
times that many pages requires four times that many lines, in this case
16 lines. The 16 lines are meant for handling the realistic maximum of a
30 percent peak load. Obviously, the other 70 percent of the load can be
handled throughout the rest of the day by these many lines.
Choosing Network Cards
For greater bandwidth and optimal network performance, use at least 100
Mbps Ethernet cards or, preferably, 1 Gbps Ethernet cards between
servers hosting GlassFish Server.
Planning for Availability
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfcz[Rightsizing Availability]
* link:#abfda[Using Clusters to Improve Availability]
* link:#abfdb[Adding Redundancy to the System]
Rightsizing Availability
To plan availability of systems and applications, assess the
availability needs of the user groups that access different
applications. For example, external fee-paying users and business
partners often have higher quality of service (QoS) expectations than
internal users. Thus, it may be more acceptable to internal users for an
application feature, application, or server to be unavailable than it
would be for paying external customers.
There is an increasing cost and complexity to mitigating against
decreasingly probable events. At one end of the continuum, a simple
load-balanced cluster can tolerate localized application, middleware,
and hardware failures. At the other end of the scale, geographically
distinct clusters can mitigate against major catastrophes affecting the
entire data center.
To realize a good return on investment, it often makes sense to identify
availability requirements of features within an application. For
example, it may not be acceptable for an insurance quotation system to
be unavailable (potentially turning away new business), but brief
unavailability of the account management function (where existing
customers can view their current coverage) is unlikely to turn away
existing customers.
Using Clusters to Improve Availability
At the most basic level, a cluster is a group of GlassFish Server
instances—often hosted on multiple physical servers—that appear to
clients as a single instance. This provides horizontal scalability as
well as higher availability than a single instance on a single machine.
This basic level of clustering works in conjunction with the HTTP load
balancer plug-in, which accepts HTTP and HTTPS requests and forwards
them to one of the instances in the cluster. The ORB and integrated JMS
brokers also perform load balancing to GlassFish Server clusters. If an
instance fails, becomes unavailable (due to network faults), or becomes
unresponsive, requests are redirected only to existing, available
machines. The load balancer can also recognize when a failed instance
has recovered and redistribute load accordingly.
Adding Redundancy to the System
One way to achieve high availability is to add hardware and software
redundancy to the system. When one unit fails, the redundant unit takes
over. This is also referred to as fault tolerance. In general, to
maximize high availability, determine and remove every possible point of
failure in the system.
Identifying Failure Classes
The level of redundancy is determined by the failure classes (types of
failure) that the system needs to tolerate. Some examples of failure
classes are:
* System process
* Machine
* Power supply
* Disk
* Network failures
* Building fires or other preventable disasters
* Unpredictable natural catastrophes
Duplicated system processes tolerate single system process failures, as
well as single machine failures. Attaching the duplicated mirrored
(paired) machines to different power supplies tolerates single power
failures. By keeping the mirrored machines in separate buildings, a
single-building fire can be tolerated. By keeping them in separate
geographical locations, natural catastrophes like earthquakes can be
Planning Failover Capacity
Failover capacity planning implies deciding how many additional servers
and processes you need to add to the GlassFish Server deployment so that
in the event of a server or process failure, the system can seamlessly
recover data and continue processing. If your system gets overloaded, a
process or server failure might result, causing response time
degradation or even total loss of service. Preparing for such an
occurrence is critical to successful deployment.
To maintain capacity, especially at peak loads, add spare machines
running GlassFish Server instances to the existing deployment.
For example, consider a system with two machines running one GlassFish
Server instance each. Together, these machines handle a peak load of 300
requests per second. If one of these machines becomes unavailable, the
system will be able to handle only 150 requests, assuming an even load
distribution between the machines. Therefore, half the requests during
peak load will not be served.
Design Decisions
Design decisions include whether you are designing the system for peak
or steady-state load, the number of machines in various roles and their
sizes, and the size of the administration thread pool.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfdh[Designing for Peak or Steady State Load]
* link:#abfdi[System Sizing]
* link:#gkvcu[Sizing the Administration Thread Pool]
Designing for Peak or Steady State Load
In a typical deployment, there is a difference between steady state and
peak workloads:
* If the system is designed to handle peak load, it can sustain the
expected maximum load of users and requests without degrading response
time. This implies that the system can handle extreme cases of expected
system load. If the difference between peak load and steady state load
is substantial, designing for peak loads can mean spending money on
resources that are often idle.
* If the system is designed to handle steady state load, it does not
have all the resources required to handle the expected peak load. Thus,
the system has a slower response time when peak load occurs.
How often the system is expected to handle peak load will determine
whether you want to design for peak load or for steady state.
If peak load occurs often—say, several times per day—it may be
worthwhile to expand capacity to handle it. If the system operates at
steady state 90 percent of the time, and at peak only 10 percent of the
time, then it may be preferable to deploy a system designed around
steady state load. This implies that the system's response time will be
slower only 10 percent of the time. Decide if the frequency or duration
of time that the system operates at peak justifies the need to add
resources to the system.
System Sizing
Based on the load on the GlassFish Server instances and failover
requirements, you can determine the number of applications server
instances (hosts) needed. Evaluate your environment on the basis of the
factors explained in link:#abfce[Estimating Load on GlassFish Server
Instances] to each GlassFish Server instance, although each instance can
use more than one Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Sizing the Administration Thread Pool
The default `admin-thread-pool` size of 50 should be adequate for most
cluster deployments. If you have unusually large clusters, you may need
to increase this thread pool size. In this case, set the
`max-thread-pool-size` attribute to the number of instances in your
largest cluster, but not larger than the number of incoming
synchronization requests that the DAS can handle.
Planning Message Queue Broker Deployment
The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a messaging standard that allows
Java EE applications and components to create, send, receive, and read
messages. It enables distributed communication that is loosely coupled,
reliable, and asynchronous. Message Queue, which implements JMS, is
integrated with GlassFish Server, enabling you to create components that
send and receive JMS messages, including message-driven beans (MDBs).
Message Queue is integrated with GlassFish Server using a resource
adapter also known as a connector module. A resource adapter is a Java
EE component defined according to the Java EE Connector Architecture
(JCA) Specification. This specification defines a standardized way in
which application servers such as GlassFish Server can integrate with
enterprise information systems such as JMS providers. GlassFish Server
includes a resource adapter that integrates with its own JMS provider,
Message Queue. To use a different JMS provider, you must obtain and
deploy a suitable resource adapter that is designed to integrate with
Creating a JMS resource in GlassFish Server using the Administration
Console creates a preconfigured connector resource that uses the Message
Queue resource adapter. To create JMS Resources that use any other
resource adapter (including `GenericJMSRA`), you must create them under
the Connectors node in the Administration Console.
In addition to using resource adapter APIs, GlassFish Server uses
additional Message Queue APIs to provide better integration with Message
Queue. This tight integration enables features such as connector
failover, load balancing of outbound connections, and load balancing of
inbound messages to MDBs. These features enable you to make messaging
traffic fault-tolerant and highly available.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#abfdo[Multi-Broker Clusters]
* link:#abfdq[Configuring GlassFish Server to Use Message Queue Brokers]
* link:#abfdx[Example Deployment Scenarios]
Multi-Broker Clusters
Message Queue supports using multiple interconnected broker instances
known as a broker cluster. With broker clusters, client connections are
distributed across all the brokers in the cluster. Clustering provides
horizontal scalability and improves availability.
A single message broker scales to about eight CPUs and provides
sufficient throughput for typical applications. If a broker process
fails, it is automatically restarted. However, as the number of clients
connected to a broker increases, and as the number of messages being
delivered increases, a broker will eventually exceed limitations such as
number of file descriptors and memory.
Having multiple brokers in a cluster rather than a single broker enables
you to:
* Provide messaging services despite hardware failures on a single machine.
* Minimize downtime while performing system maintenance.
* Accommodate workgroups having different user repositories.
* Deal with firewall restrictions.
Message Queue allows you to create conventional or enhanced broker
clusters. Conventional broker clusters offer service availability.
Enhanced broker clusters offer both service and data availability. For
more information, see "link:../../openmq/mq-admin-guide/broker-clusters.html#GMADG00041[Configuring and Managing Broker
Clusters]" in Open Message Queue Administration Guide.
In a conventional cluster, having multiple brokers does not ensure that
transactions in progress at the time of a broker failure will continue
on the alternate broker. Although Message Queue reestablishes a failed
connection with a different broker in a cluster, transactions owned by
the failed broker are not available until it restarts. Except for failed
in-progress transactions, user applications can continue on the
failed-over connection. Service failover is thus ensured.
In an enhanced cluster, transactions and persistent messages owned by
the failed broker are taken over by another running broker in the
cluster and non-prepared transactions are rolled back. Data failover is
ensured for prepared transactions and persisted messages.
Master Broker and Client Synchronization for Conventional Clusters
In a configuration for a conventional broker cluster, each destination
is replicated on all of the brokers in a cluster. Each broker knows
about message consumers that are registered for destinations on all
other brokers. Each broker can therefore route messages from its own
directly-connected message producers to remote message consumers, and
deliver messages from remote producers to its own directly-connected consumers.
In a cluster configuration, the broker to which each message producer is
directly connected performs the routing for messages sent to it by that
producer. Hence, a persistent message is both stored and routed by the
message's home broker.
Whenever an administrator creates or destroys a destination on a broker,
this information is automatically propagated to all other brokers in a
cluster. Similarly, whenever a message consumer is registered with its
home broker, or whenever a consumer is disconnected from its home
broker—either explicitly or because of a client or network failure, or
because its home broker goes down—the relevant information about the
consumer is propagated throughout the cluster. In a similar fashion,
information about durable subscriptions is also propagated to all
brokers in a cluster.
A shared database of cluster change records can be configured as an
alternative to using a master broker. For more information, see
"link:../../openmq/mq-admin-guide/broker-clusters.html#GMADG00041[Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters]" in Open
Message Queue Administration Guide and "link:../ha-administration-guide/jms.html#GSHAG00212[Using Message
Queue Broker Clusters With GlassFish Server]" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition High Availability Administration Guide.
Configuring GlassFish Server to Use Message Queue Brokers
By default, Message Queue brokers (JMS hosts) run in the same JVM as the
GlassFish Server process. However, Message Queue brokers (JMS hosts) can
be configured to run in a separate JVM from the GlassFish Server
process. This allows multiple GlassFish Server instances or clusters to
share the same set of Message Queue brokers.
The GlassFish Server's Java Message Service represents the connector
module (resource adapter) for Message Queue. You can manage the Java
Message Service through the Administration Console or the `asadmin`
command-line utility.
In GlassFish Server, a JMS host refers to a Message Queue broker. The
GlassFish Server's Java Message Service configuration contains a JMS
Host List (also called AddressList) that contains all the JMS hosts that
will be used.
Java Message Service Type
There are three types of integration between GlassFish Server and
Message Queue brokers: embedded, local, and remote. You can set this
type attribute on the Administration Console's Java Message Service page.
Embedded Java Message Service
If the Type attribute is EMBEDDED, GlassFish Server and the JMS broker
are colocated in the same virtual machine. The JMS Service is started
in-process and managed by GlassFish Server. In EMBEDDED mode, JMS
operations on stand-alone server instances bypass the networking stack,
which leads to performance optimization. The EMBEDDED type is most
suitable for stand-alone GlassFish Server instances. EMBEDDED mode is
not supported for enhanced broker clusters.
With the EMBEDDED type, use the Start Arguments attribute to specify
Message Queue broker startup parameters.
With the EMBEDDED type, make sure the Java heap size is large enough to
allow GlassFish Server and Message Queue to run in the same virtual machine.
Local Java Message Service
If the Type attribute is LOCAL, GlassFish Server starts and stops the
Message Queue broker. When GlassFish Server starts up, it starts the
Message Queue broker specified as the Default JMS host. Likewise, when
the GlassFish Server instance shuts down, it shuts down the Message
Queue broker. The LOCAL type is most suitable for use with enhanced
broker clusters, and for other cases where the administrator prefers the
use of separate JVMs.
With the LOCAL type, use the Start Arguments attribute to specify
Message Queue broker startup parameters.
Remote Java Message Service
If the Type attribute is REMOTE, GlassFish Server uses an externally
configured broker or broker cluster. In this case, you must start and
stop Message Queue brokers separately from GlassFish Server, and use
Message Queue tools to configure and tune the broker or broker cluster.
The REMOTE type is most suitable for brokers running on different
machines from the server instances (to share the load among more
machines or for higher availability), or for using a different number of
brokers and server instances.
With the REMOTE type, you must specify Message Queue broker startup
parameters using Message Queue tools. The Start Arguments attribute is ignored.
Managing JMS with the Administration Console
In the Administration Console, you can set JMS properties using the Java
Message Service node for a particular configuration. You can set
properties such as Reconnect Interval and Reconnect Attempts. For more
information, see "link:../administration-guide/jms.html#GSADG00020[Administering the Java Message
Service (JMS)]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration
The JMS Hosts node under the Java Message Service node contains a list
of JMS hosts. You can add and remove hosts from the list. For each host,
you can set the host name, port number, and the administration user name
and password. By default, the JMS Hosts list contains one Message Queue
broker, called "default_JMS_host," that represents the local Message
Queue broker integrated with GlassFish Server.
In REMOTE mode, configure the JMS Hosts list to contain all the Message
Queue brokers in the cluster. For example, to set up a cluster
containing three Message Queue brokers, add a JMS host within the Java
Message Service for each one. Message Queue clients use the
configuration information in the Java Message Service to communicate
with Message Queue broker.
Managing JMS with asadmin
In addition to the Administration Console, you can use the `asadmin`
command-line utility to manage the Java Message Service and JMS hosts.
Use the following `asadmin` commands:
* Configuring Java Message Service attributes: `asadmin set`
* Managing JMS hosts:
** `asadmin create-jms-host`
** `asadmin delete-jms-host`
** `asadmin list-jms-hosts`
* Managing JMS resources:
** `asadmin create-jms-resource`
** `asadmin delete-jms-resource`
** `asadmin list-jms-resources`
For more information on these commands, see the link:../reference-manual/toc.html#GSRFM[GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual] or the corresponding man pages.
Default JMS Host
You can specify the default JMS Host in the Administration Console Java
Message Service page. If the Java Message Service type is LOCAL,
GlassFish Server starts the default JMS host when the GlassFish Server
instance starts. If the Java Message Service type is EMBEDDED, the
default JMS host is started lazily when needed.
In REMOTE mode, to use a Message Queue broker cluster, delete the
default JMS host, then add all the Message Queue brokers in the cluster
as JMS hosts. In this case, the default JMS host becomes the first JMS
host in the JMS host list.
You can also explicitly set the default JMS host to one of the JMS
hosts. When the GlassFish Server uses a Message Queue cluster, the
default JMS host executes Message Queue-specific commands. For example,
when a physical destination is created for a Message Queue broker
cluster, the default JMS host executes the command to create the
physical destinations, but all brokers in the cluster use the physical destination.
Example Deployment Scenarios
To accommodate your messaging needs, modify the Java Message Service and
JMS host list to suit your deployment, performance, and availability needs.
The following sections describe some typical scenarios.
For best availability, deploy Message Queue brokers and GlassFish
Servers on different machines, if messaging needs are not just with
GlassFish Server. Another option is to run a GlassFish Server instance
and a Message Queue broker instance on each machine until there is
sufficient messaging capacity.
Default Deployment
Installing the GlassFish Server automatically creates a domain
administration server (DAS). By default, the Java Message Service type
for the DAS is EMBEDDED. So, starting the DAS also starts its default
Message Queue broker.
Creating a new domain also creates a new broker. By default, when you
add a stand-alone server instance or a cluster to the domain, its Java
Message Service is configured as EMBEDDED and its default JMS host is
the broker started by the DAS.
Using a Message Queue Broker Cluster with a GlassFish Server Cluster
In EMBEDDED or LOCAL mode, when a GlassFish Server is configured, a
Message Queue broker cluster is auto-configured with each GlassFish
Server instance associated with a Message Queue broker instance.
In REMOTE mode, to configure a GlassFish Server cluster to use a Message
Queue broker cluster, add all the Message Queue brokers as JMS hosts in
the GlassFish Server's Java Message Service. Any JMS connection
factories created and MDBs deployed then uses the JMS configuration specified.
Specifying an Application-Specific Message Queue Broker Cluster
In some cases, an application may need to use a different Message Queue
broker cluster than the one used by the GlassFish Server cluster. To do
so, use the `AddressList` property of a JMS connection factory or the
`activation-config` element in an MDB deployment descriptor to specify
the Message Queue broker cluster.
For more information about configuring connection factories, see
"link:../administration-guide/jms.html#GSADG00598[Administering JMS Connection Factories and
Destinations]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration
Guide. For more information about MDBs, see "link:../application-development-guide/ejb.html#GSDVG00149[Using
Message-Driven Beans]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Development Guide.
Application Clients
When an application client or standalone application accesses a JMS
administered object for the first time, the client JVM retrieves the
Java Message Service configuration from the server. Further changes to
the JMS service will not be available to the client JVM until it is restarted.