blob: a5c351f2b2d1d63de0bb98cb46bddbf8fbe56155 [file] [log] [blame]
This test uses a stateless session bean (SLSB) to start a (User)Transaction.
The SLSB then calls an entity bean to create a row in a table
It (SLSB) then verifies if the row was inderted or not by doing a findByPrimaryKey() method on the entitybean (This should not throw exception)
It then rollsback the Tx.
It (SLSB) then performs another findByPrimaryKey() method on the entitybean (This MUST throw exception)
Note:- S1AS_HOME is the S1AS installation dir.
To run the txtests do the following
mkdir <my_dir>
cd <my_dir>
cvs co -P appserv-tests
Open one window (shell) and do the following:
setenv APS_HOME <my_dir>/appserv-tests
setenv JAVA_HOME to $S1AS_HOME/jdk
ant startPB
Open another window (shell) and do the following:
setenv APS_HOME <my_dir>/appserv-tests
setenv JAVA_HOME to $S1AS_HOME/jdk
cd $APS_HOME/devtests/ejb
ant deploy-jdbc-common
stop and restart the app server
cd $APS_HOME/devtests/ejb/bmp/txtests
cd simple
ant all
ant deploy
Note:- It is enoughtto do all the above steps only once.
cd $APS_HOME/devtests/ejb/bmp/txtests
cd stateless
ant all