blob: f278f1cf798b26212c048ed2fc2e5c622074c8dc [file] [log] [blame]
This file explains how to run QL tests for admin-gui:
1.Check out QuickLook workspace by "cvs co quicklook"
2. setenv S1AS_HOME to you install directory i.e. /export/home/s1asinstall
3. setenv APS_HOME appserv-tests workspace, i.e.
4. You can make the required changes in file under
appserv-tests directory, i.e. two levels above admin-gui directory.
- The changes are like hostname, password, username, port etc.
5. Go to directory <workspace>/appserv-tests/sqetests/admin-gui.
Type "ant" or "ant all" on the prompt. This will execute the tests, and results are
printed in standard out.