blob: b97d34624ff0cdbb232fb81e317649c5af920e83 [file] [log] [blame]
Steps to run these automated tests:
1. Unzip latest version of and set S1AS_HOME enviroment variable to point to the extracted GlassFish location.
For example: export S1AS_HOME=/tmp/glassfish6/glassfish
2. Also set PAAS_TESTS_HOME environment variable to point to the location where paas tests are checked out.
For example: export PAAS_TESTS_HOME=/tmp/main/appserver/tests/paas
3. If you are using Oracle database, Copy the Oracle database plugin jars into $S1AS_HOME/modules.
If you are using MySQL database, copy the MySQL database plugin jars into $S1AS_HOME/modules directory.
Remove $S1AS_HOME/modules/paas.javadbplugin.jar if a Database other than JavaDB is used. Else do the following :
When multiple database plugins are present in the modules directory, to register a particular database plugin as the default service provisioning engine, use the register-service-provisioning-engine command. For example,
asadmin register-service-provisioning-engine --type Database --defaultservice=true org.glassfish.paas.mysqldbplugin.MySQLDBPlugin
asadmin register-service-provisioning-engine --type Database --defaultservice=true org.glassfish.paas.javadbplugin.DerbyPlugin
4. [Only for Oracle DB] Copy Oracle jdbc driver (ojdbc14.jar) into $S1AS_HOME/domains/domain1/lib. Ref:
5. [Only for MySQL DB] Copy Mysql jdbc driver (mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar) into $S1AS_HOME/domains/domain1/lib.
6. [Only for Native mode] Copy downloaded under $S1AS_HOME/config directory.
[Only for OVM mode] Download and Copy the necessary OVM related jars into $S1AS_HOME/modules directory.
7. Setup virtualization enviroment for your GlassFish installation.
For example, run to configure native IMS config. Modify to suite your system details and run it.
This step is optional in which case the service(s) required for this PaaS app will be provisioned in non-virtualized environment.
8. When the load balancer is used, specify the load balancer's port 50080', -DargLine="-Dhttp.port=50080"
GF_EMBEDDED_ENABLE_CLI=true mvn -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 clean verify surefire-report:report -DargLine="-Dhttp.port=50080"
Without lb-plugin just skip the argument part.Deafult port of 28080 will be used.
GF_EMBEDDED_ENABLE_CLI=true mvn -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 clean verify surefire-report:report
The arguments -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 are included for the test 'mq-shared-service-test' to work properly.