blob: ce364967e625575877b6a3d553c62f5bf8cff3fd [file] [log] [blame]
CONFIGURATION: The EE/CLUSTER configuration is required:
1. In addition to setting APS_HOME, S1AS_HOME (see README for more details),
set environment variable SECURE to true (e.g. export SECURE=true on ksh)
2. Set DEPL_TARGET to CLUSTER (e.g. export DEPL_TARGET=CLUSTER on ksh)
There are three ways to run the rolling-upgrade devtest:
1)"ant rolling-upgrade"
2)"ant -f rolling-upgrade.xml" (equivalent)
If you want to run the rolling-upgrade devtest from top by default :
- uncomment the rolling-upgrade scenario from "simple-versioned-servlet/build.xml", it looks like "<antcall target="rolling-upgrade.scenario"/>"
- "ant all-ee" (from versioning devtest's directory or from deployment devtest's directory)==========================================================================