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| title=create-service |
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| = create-service |
| |
| [[create-service-1]][[GSRFM00057]][[create-service]] |
| |
| == create-service |
| |
| Configures the starting of a DAS or a {productName} instance on an |
| unattended boot |
| |
| [[sthref527]] |
| |
| === Synopsis |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| asadmin [asadmin-options] create-service [--help] |
| [--name service-name] |
| [--serviceproperties service-properties] |
| [--dry-run={false|true}] [--force={false|true}] |
| [--serviceuser service-user] |
| [--domaindir domain-dir] |
| [--nodedir node-dir] [--node node] |
| [domain-or-instance-name] |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref528]] |
| |
| === Description |
| |
| The `create-service` subcommand configures the starting of a domain |
| administration server (DAS) or a {productName} instance on an |
| unattended boot on Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris systems. |
| |
| If no operand is specified and the domains directory contains only one |
| domain, the subcommand configures the starting of the DAS for the |
| default domain. If no operand is specified and the domains directory |
| contains multiple domains, an error occurs. |
| |
| If the operand specifies an instance, the `create-service` subcommand |
| does not contact the domain administration server (DAS) to determine the |
| node on which the instance resides. To determine the node on which the |
| instance resides, the subcommand searches the directory that contains |
| the node directories. If multiple node directories exist, the node must |
| be specified as an option of the subcommand. |
| |
| The subcommand contains internal logic to determine whether the supplied |
| operand is a DAS or an instance. |
| |
| This subcommand is supported in local mode only. |
| |
| Behavior of `create-service` on Windows Systems |
| |
| On Windows systems, the `create-service` subcommand creates a Windows |
| service to represent the DAS or instance. The service is created in the |
| disabled state. After this subcommand creates the service, you must use |
| the Windows Services Manager or the Windows Services Wrapper to start, |
| stop, uninstall, or install the service. |
| |
| On Windows systems, this subcommand must be run as the OS-level |
| administrator user. |
| |
| The subcommand creates the following Windows Services Wrapper files for |
| the service in the domain-dir`\bin` directory or the instance-dir``\bin`` |
| directory: |
| |
| * Configuration file: service-name``Service.xml`` |
| * Executable file: service-name``Service.exe`` |
| |
| On Windows systems, this subcommand requires the |
| http://www.microsoft.com/net/[Microsoft .NET Framework] |
| (http://www.microsoft.com/net/). Otherwise, the subcommand fails. |
| |
| Behavior of `create-service` on Linux Systems |
| |
| On Linux systems, the `create-service` subcommand creates a |
| System-V-style initialization script |
| `/etc/init.d/GlassFish_`domain-or-instance-name and installs a link to |
| this script in the `/etc/rc?.d` directories. After this subcommand |
| creates the script, you must use this script to start, stop, or restart |
| the domain or instance. |
| |
| On Linux systems, this subcommand must be run as the OS-level root user. |
| |
| Behavior of `create-service` on Oracle Solaris Systems |
| |
| On Oracle Solaris systems, the `create-service` subcommand creates a |
| Service Management Facility (SMF) service to represent the DAS or |
| instance. The service is created in the disabled state. After this |
| subcommand creates the service, you must use SMF commands to start, |
| enable, disable, delete, or stop the service. For more information about |
| SMF, see the following documentation for the Oracle Solaris operating |
| system: |
| |
| * "http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=SYSADV1hbrunlevels-25516[ |
| Managing Services (Overview)]" in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration |
| * "http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=SYSADV1faauf[ |
| Managing Services (Tasks)]" in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration |
| |
| On Oracle Solaris systems, this subcommand must be run as the OS-level |
| user with superuser privileges. The configuration file for the DAS or |
| instance must be stored in a directory to which the superuser has access |
| and cannot be stored on a network file system. The service that is |
| created is controlled by the OS-level user who owns the directory where |
| the configuration of the DAS or instance resides. |
| |
| On Oracle Solaris systems, the manifest file is created in the following |
| directory by default: |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/domain-or-instance-name_domain-or-instance-root-dir |
| ---- |
| |
| To run this subcommand, you must have `solaris.smf.*` authorization. For |
| information about how to grant authorizations to users, see the |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Museradd-1m[`useradd`(1M)] |
| and |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Musermod-1m[`usermod`(1M)] |
| man pages. |
| |
| To run these commands as non-root user, the system administrator must be |
| contacted so that the relevant authorizations are granted. You must also |
| ensure that the following conditions are met: |
| |
| * Oracle Solaris 10 administration commands such as |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Msvccfg-1m[`svccfg`(1M)], |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1svcs-1[`svcs`(1)], |
| and |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1auths-1[`auths`(1)] |
| are available through the `PATH` statement, so that these commands can |
| be executed. A simple test to do so is to run the command `which svccfg` |
| in the shell. |
| * You must have write permission for the path |
| `/var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish`. Usually, the superuser has |
| write permission to this path. |
| |
| If you delete a service that you created by using the `create-service` |
| subcommand, you must delete the directory that contains the manifest |
| file and the entire contents of the directory. Otherwise, an attempt to |
| re-create the service by using the `create-service` subcommand fails. |
| The Oracle Solaris command `svccfg` does not delete this directory. |
| |
| [[sthref529]] |
| |
| === Options |
| |
| asadmin-options:: |
| Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these |
| options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page. |
| `--help`:: |
| `-?`:: |
| Displays the help text for the subcommand. |
| `--name`:: |
| (Windows and Oracle Solaris systems only) The name of the service that |
| you will use when administering the service through Oracle Solaris SMF |
| commands or the service management features of the Windows operating |
| system. The default is the name of the domain or instance that is |
| specified as the operand of this subcommand. |
| `--serviceproperties`:: |
| Specifies a colon(:)-separated list of various properties that are |
| specific to the service. + |
| To customize the display name of the service in the Windows Service |
| list, set the `DISPLAY_NAME` property to the required name. + |
| For Oracle Solaris 10 systems, if you specify `net_privaddr`, the |
| service's processes will be able to bind to the privileged ports |
| (<1024) on the platform. You can bind to ports< 1024 only if the owner |
| of the service is superuser, otherwise, this is not allowed. |
| `--dry-run`:: |
| `-n`:: |
| Previews your attempt to create a service. Indicates issues and the |
| outcome that will occur if you run the command without using the |
| `--dry-run` option. Nothing is actually configured. Default is false. |
| `--force`:: |
| Specifies whether the service is created even if validation of the |
| service fails. + |
| Possible values are as follows: |
| |
| `true`;; |
| The service is created even if validation of the service fails. |
| `false`;; |
| The service is not created (default). |
| |
| `--serviceuser`:: |
| (Linux systems only) The user that is to run the {productName} |
| software when the service is started. The default is the user that is |
| running the subcommand. Specify this option if the {productName} |
| software is to be run by a user other than the root user. |
| `--domaindir`:: |
| The absolute path of the directory on the disk that contains the |
| configuration of the domain. If this option is specified, the operand |
| must specify a domain. |
| `--nodedir`:: |
| Specifies the directory that contains the instance's node directory. |
| The instance's files are stored in the instance's node directory. The |
| default is as-install``/nodes``. If this option is specified, the |
| operand must specify an instance. |
| `--node`:: |
| Specifies the node on which the instance resides. This option may be |
| omitted only if the directory that the `--nodedir` option specifies |
| contains only one node directory. Otherwise, this option is required. |
| If this option is specified, the operand must specify an instance. |
| |
| [[sthref530]] |
| |
| === Operands |
| |
| domain-or-instance-name:: |
| The name of the domain or instance to configure. If no operand is |
| specified, the default domain is used. |
| |
| [[sthref531]] |
| |
| === Examples |
| |
| [[GSRFM522]][[sthref532]] |
| |
| ==== Example 1 Creating a Service on a Windows System |
| |
| This example creates a service for the default domain on a system that |
| is running Windows. |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-service |
| Found the Windows Service and successfully uninstalled it. |
| The Windows Service was created successfully. It is ready to be started. Here are |
| the details: |
| ID of the service: domain1 |
| Display Name of the service:domain1 Eclipse GlassFish |
| Domain Directory: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\domain1 |
| Configuration file for Windows Services Wrapper: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\ |
| domain1\bin\domain1Service.xml |
| The service can be controlled using the Windows Services Manager or you can use the |
| Windows Services Wrapper instead: |
| Start Command: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\domain1\bin\domain1Service.exe start |
| Stop Command: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\domain1\bin\domain1Service.exe stop |
| Uninstall Command: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\domain1\bin\domain1Service.exe |
| uninstall |
| Install Command: C:\glassfish7\glassfish\domains\domain1\bin\domain1Service.exe |
| install |
| |
| This message is also available in a file named PlatformServices.log in the domain's |
| root directory |
| Command create-service executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSRFM523]][[sthref533]] |
| |
| ==== Example 2 Creating a Service on a Linux System |
| |
| This example creates a service for the default domain on a system that |
| is running Linux. |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-service |
| Found the Linux Service and successfully uninstalled it. |
| The Service was created successfully. Here are the details: |
| Name of the service:domain1 |
| Type of the service:Domain |
| Configuration location of the service:/etc/init.d/GlassFish_domain1 |
| User account that will run the service: root |
| You have created the service but you need to start it yourself. |
| Here are the most typical Linux commands of interest: |
| |
| * /etc/init.d/GlassFish_domain1 start |
| * /etc/init.d/GlassFish_domain1 stop |
| * /etc/init.d/GlassFish_domain1 restart |
| |
| For your convenience this message has also been saved to this file: |
| /export/glassfish7/glassfish/domains/domain1/PlatformServices.log |
| Command create-service executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSRFM524]][[sthref534]] |
| |
| ==== Example 3 Creating a Service on an Oracle Solaris System |
| |
| This example creates a service for the default domain on a system that |
| is running Oracle Solaris. |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-service |
| The Service was created successfully. Here are the details: |
| Name of the service:application/GlassFish/domain1 |
| Type of the service:Domain |
| Configuration location of the service:/home/gfuser/glassfish-installations |
| /glassfish7/glassfish/domains |
| Manifest file location on the system:/var/svc/manifest/application |
| /GlassFish/domain1_home_gfuser_glassfish-installations_glassfish7 |
| _glassfish_domains/Domain-service-smf.xml. |
| You have created the service but you need to start it yourself. |
| Here are the most typical Solaris commands of interest: |
| * /usr/bin/svcs -a | grep domain1 // status |
| * /usr/sbin/svcadm enable domain1 // start |
| * /usr/sbin/svcadm disable domain1 // stop |
| * /usr/sbin/svccfg delete domain1 // uninstall |
| Command create-service executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref535]] |
| |
| === Exit Status |
| |
| 0:: |
| subcommand executed successfully |
| 1:: |
| error in executing the subcommand |
| |
| [[sthref536]] |
| |
| === See Also |
| |
| link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] |
| |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1auths-1[`auths`(1)], |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1svcs-1[`svcs`(1)] |
| |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Msvccfg-1m[`svccfg`(1M)], |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Museradd-1m[`useradd`(1M)], |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN1Musermod-1m[`usermod`(1M)] |
| |
| "http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=SYSADV1hbrunlevels-25516[Managing |
| Services (Overview)]" in System Administration Guide: Basic |
| Administration, |
| "http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=SYSADV1faauf[Managing |
| Services (Tasks)]" in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration |
| |
| Microsoft .NET Framework (`http://www.microsoft.com/net/`) |
| |
| |