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| title=package-appclient |
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| = package-appclient |
| |
| [[package-appclient-1m]][[GSRFM00264]][[package-appclient]] |
| |
| == package-appclient |
| |
| Packs the application client container libraries and jar files |
| |
| [[sthref2387]] |
| |
| === Synopsis |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| package-appclient |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref2388]] |
| |
| === Description |
| |
| Use the `package-appclient` command to pack the application client |
| container libraries and jar files into an `appclient.jar` file, which is |
| created in the as-install``/lib`` directory on the machine on which |
| {productName} is installed. The `appclient.jar` file provides an |
| application client container package targeted at remote hosts that do |
| not contain a server installation. |
| |
| After copying the `appclient.jar` file to a remote location, unjar or |
| unzip it to get a set of libraries and jar files in the `appclient` |
| directory under the current directory. |
| |
| After unjarring on the client machine, modify |
| `appclient/glassfish/config/asenv.conf` (`asenv.bat` for Windows) as follows: |
| |
| * set `AS_WEBSERVICES_LIB` to path-to-appclient`/appclient/lib` |
| * set `AS_IMQ_LIB` to path-to-appclient`/appclient/mq/lib` |
| * set `AS_INSTALL` to path-to-appclient``/appclient`` |
| * set `AS_JAVA` to your JDK 7 or JRE 7 home directory |
| * set `AS_ACC_CONFIG` to |
| path-to-appclient``/appclient/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml`` |
| |
| Modify `appclient/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml` as follows: |
| |
| * Ensure the `DOCTYPE` file references |
| path-to-appclient``/appclient/glassfish/lib/dtds`` |
| * Ensure that `target-server` address attribute references the server machine. |
| * Ensure that `target-server` port attribute references the ORB port on |
| the remote machine. |
| * Ensure that `log-service` references a log file; if the user wants to |
| put log messages to a log file. |
| |
| To use the newly installed application client container, you must do the |
| following: |
| |
| * Obtain the application client files for your target application, |
| including the generated yourAppClient.jar file. |
| * Execute the `appclient` utility: ``appclient -``client yourAppClient.jar |
| |
| [[sthref2389]] |
| |
| === Attributes |
| |
| See |
| http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E18752&id=REFMAN5attributes-5[`attributes`(5)] |
| for descriptions of the following attributes: |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="50%,50%",options="header",] |
| |=== |
| |Interface Stability |Unstable |
| |=== |
| |
| |
| [[sthref2390]] |
| |
| === See Also |
| |
| link:appclient.html#appclient-1m[`appclient`(1M)] |
| |
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