| This reporter is an adapter around reporter.jar written by Ramesh. |
| Adapter is written by Jean Francois Arcand. |
| |
| Main purpose is to: |
| 1. Give same ease of use as statusU of earlier J2EE workspace |
| 2. Doesn't write to a file so there is no J2EE security breach |
| 3. Uses reporterAPI only for generating test results |
| |
| |
| build.xml is the ant build file for building whole of reporter.jar along with adapter.This build file jars it also and places jar file in EJTE_HOME/lib/reporter.jar |
| |
| Usage: |
| |
| in client class: |
| |
| import com.sun.ejte.ccl.reporter.*; |
| |
| |
| private static SimpleReporterAdapter stat=new SimpleReporterAdapter() |
| |
| //for adding testsuites and test cases: |
| stat.addStatus(String testsuite,String testcase,stat.PASS or stat.FAIL) |
| e.g |
| |
| stat.addStatus(adminControllerSession setupJNDIContext,stat.PASS); |
| |
| stat.addStatus(adminControllerSession setupJNDIContext,stat.FAIL); |
| |
| |
| // in the end when test is finished |
| |
| stat.printSummary(String testsuite); |
| |
| e.g: |
| stat.printSummary(adminControllerSession"); |
| |
| |
| This adapter is currently being used in admincontroller and AddressBook App. |