blob: 1c14f3164afa555a4580a3ddba9b4ec2870c4ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
Lists deployed applications
=== Synopsis
asadmin [asadmin-options] list-applications [--help]
[--long={false|true}] [--resources] [--subcomponents]
[--type type] [target]
=== Description
The `list-applications` subcommand lists deployed Java EE applications
and the type of each application that is listed.
If the `--type` option is not specified, all applications are listed. If
the type option is specified, you must specify a type. The possible
types are listed in the Options section of this help page.
If multiple versions of a module or application are deployed, this
subcommand lists all versions. To list which version is enabled, set the
`--long` option to `true`. For more information about module and
application versions, see "link:../application-deployment-guide/overview.html#GSDPG00324[Module and Application
Versions]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.
=== Options
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
If `true`, displays whether each module or application listed is
enabled. The default is `false`.
Lists the application-scoped resources for each application. If the
`--subcomponents` option is also used, lists the application-scoped
resources for each component within the application.
Lists the subcomponents of each application. The subcomponents listed
depend on the application type. For example, for a Java EE application
(EAR file), modules are listed. For a web application, servlets and
JSP pages are listed. For an EJB module, EJB subcomponents are listed.
Specifies the type of the applications that are to be listed. The
options are as follows:
* `application`
* `appclient`
* `connector`
* `ejb`
* `web`
* `webservice`
If no type is specified, all applications are listed.
=== Operands
This is the name of the target upon which the subcommand operates. The
valid values are as follows:
Lists the applications for the default server instance `server` and
is the default value.
Lists the applications for the domain.
Lists the applications for the cluster.
Lists the applications for a particular stand-alone server instance.
=== Examples
==== Example 1   Listing the Web Applications
asadmin> list-applications --type web
hellojsp <web>
Command list-applications executed successfully
=== Exit Status
subcommand executed successfully
error in executing the subcommand
=== See Also
link:../application-deployment-guide/toc.html#GSDPG[GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment