blob: 92de8224ad7569c03d73b785043caf02fc412886 [file] [log] [blame]
Validates that multicast transport is available for clusters
=== Synopsis
asadmin [asadmin-options] validate-multicast [--help]
[--multicastport multicastport]
[--multicastaddress multicastaddress]
[--bindaddress bindaddress]
[--sendperiod sendperiod]
[--timeout timeout]
[--timetolive timetolive]
=== Description
The `validate-multicast` subcommand validates that multicast transport
is available for clusters. You should run this subcommand at the same
time on each of the hosts to be validated. This subcommand is available
in local mode.
Do not run the `validate-multicast` subcommand using the DAS and
cluster's multicast address and port values while the DAS and cluster
are running. Doing so results in an error.
The `validate-multicast` subcommand must be run at the same time on two
or more machines to validate whether multicast messages are being
received between the machines.
As long as all machines see each other, multicast is validated to be
working properly across the machines. If the machines are not seeing
each other, set the `--bindaddress` option explicitly to ensure that all
machines are using interface on same subnet, or increase the
`--timetolive` option from the default of `4`. If these changes fail to
resolve the multicast issues, ask the network administrator to verify
that the network is configured so the multicast messages can be seen
between all the machines used to run the cluster.
=== Options
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
The port for the multicast socket on which the Group Management
Service (GMS) listens for group events. Specify a standard UDP port
number in the range 2048-49151. The default is `2048`.
The address for the multicast socket on which the GMS listens for
group events. Specify a class D IP address. Class D IP addresses are
in the range `` to ``, inclusive. The address
`` is reserved and should not be used. The default is
The local interface to receive multicast datagram packets for the GMS.
The default is to use all available binding interfaces. +
On a multi-home machine (possessing two or more network interfaces),
this attribute enables you to indicate which network interface is used
for the GMS. This value must be a local network interface IP address.
The number of milliseconds between test messages sent between nodes.
The default is `2000`.
The number of seconds before the subcommand times out and exits. The
default is `20`. You can also exit this subcommand using Ctrl-C.
The default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on the
multicast socket in order to control the scope of the multicasts. The
time-to-live value must be between zero and 255 inclusive. The default
is the JDK default or a minimum defined by a constant in the GMS
subsystem, whichever is lower. To see the time-to-live value being
used, use the `--verbose` option.
If used without a value or set to `true`, provides additional
debugging information. The default is `false`.
=== Examples
==== Example 1   Validating multicast transport
Run from host `machine1`:
asadmin> validate-multicast
Will use port 2,048
Will use address
Will use bind address null
Will use wait period 2,000 (in milliseconds)
Listening for data...
Sending message with content "machine1" every 2,000 milliseconds
Received data from machine1 (loopback)
Received data from machine2
Exiting after 20 seconds. To change this timeout, use the --timeout command line option.
Command validate-multicast executed successfully
Run from host `machine2`:
asadmin> validate-multicast
Will use port 2,048
Will use address
Will use bind address null
Will use wait period 2,000 (in milliseconds)
Listening for data...
Sending message with content "machine2" every 2,000 milliseconds
Received data from machine2 (loopback)
Received data from machine1
Exiting after 20 seconds. To change this timeout, use the --timeout command line option.
Command validate-multicast executed successfully
=== Exit Status
command executed successfully
error in executing the command
=== See Also