| The tests under jdbc/v3 are run only on web profile (v3/distributions/web/target/web.zip). |
| |
| Set environment : |
| export APS_HOME=<appserv-tests> directory |
| export S1AS_HOME=<GlassFish Installation> directory |
| |
| $S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1 |
| cd $APS_HOME/devtests/jdbc/v3 |
| |
| Execute the script : setup-jdbc-dev-tests.sh |
| |
| Description of Components: |
| |
| SetDerbyAuthentication.java |
| ---------------------------- |
| This is a Java class that executes a Callable Statement for enabling authentication for the database used in |
| JDBC devtests pools for Embedded Derby mode. Since the Devtests run using the Embedded Derby, executing this |
| file is necessary. Some of the tests require only some users to be authenticated and some others not. Another |
| Callable Statement is also executed in this file for this purpose. |
| |
| Some properties might need a change in this file, in the initializeDataSource() method, like databaseName, |
| userName and password. They should correspond to the pool properties. "sun-appserv-samples" is the databaseName |
| used in this file and in the pool configuration. Th requireAuthentication property would be specified inside this |
| database. |
| |
| Make sure that the database (path/directory) specified in this .java file is the one that will be used by appserver |
| |
| |
| setup-jdbc-dev-tests.sh |
| ----------------------- |
| Script used to run the devtests manually. The script does jobs like starting domain, creating |
| required pools for various tests, creating JDBC resources for the various tests, deploying the |
| war that contains the tests and generating the output html file. |
| |
| Embedded Derby is used for all the tests. This script assumes that "firefox", "javac", "java", "GET" and |
| "wget" are on the system path. |
| |
| Before running this script, a "build" is required to be done on the project "v3_jdbc_dev_tests" to generate a war. |
| |
| unsetup-jdbc-dev-tests.sh |
| ------------------------- |
| Script used to unset the configurations created for the JDBC devtests. Jobs like undeploying the war file, deleting |
| the connection pools and jdbc resources and stopping the domain are done in this script. |
| |
| Before running this script, make sure the domain is up and running. |
| |
| Overall description |
| ------------------- |
| The JDBC devtests included in the project named "v3_jdbc_dev_tests" include the following tests: |
| - Application Authentication Test |
| - Connection Leak Tracing Test |
| - Connection Sharing Test |
| - Container Authentication Test |
| - Leak Test |
| - Mark Connection as bad Test |
| - Max Connection Usage Test |
| - Multiple Connection Close Test |
| - Multiple User Credentials Test |
| - NoTx Connection Test |
| - Statement Timeout Test |
| - UserTx Test |
| - Associate with thread connection pool test |
| - Reconfig tests for JDBC Connection Pool/ JDBC Resource |
| |
| TestResultServlet.java is responsible for listing the test results on a html page. |
| HtmlUtil.java prints the exceptions (if any) on the result page. |
| TablesUtil.java creates/deletes tables necessary for the devtests. |
| |
| This module does not need the startup of Derby manually since it is used in Embedded mode. |