| <!-- |
| |
| Copyright (c) 2017, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
| |
| This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at |
| http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0. |
| |
| This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary |
| Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the |
| Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, |
| version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at |
| https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html. |
| |
| SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 |
| |
| --> |
| |
| <property environment="env" /> |
| <target name="init-common" depends="setToolProperty,setS1ASclassPath"> |
| <!-- Appserver setup properties --> |
| <echo message="Loading props from file ${env.APS_HOME}/config.properties" level="verbose" /> |
| <property name="pe" value="Platform Edition of S1AS" /> |
| <property file="${env.APS_HOME}/config.properties" /> |
| <echo message="admin.domain ${admin.domain}" level="verbose" /> |
| <echo message="admin.user ${admin.user}" level="verbose" /> |
| <echo message="admin.port ${admin.port}" level="verbose" /> |
| <echo message="http.port ${http.port}" level="verbose" /> |
| <echo message="http.host ${http.host}" level="verbose" /> |
| |
| <echo file="${admin.password.file}" append="false">AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${admin.password} |
| AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD=${admin.password} |
| AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD=${master.password}</echo> |
| |
| <property name="as.props" |
| value="--user ${admin.user} --passwordfile ${admin.password.file} --host ${admin.host} --port ${admin.port} --echo=true --terse=true" /> |
| |
| <property name="authrealmname" value="file" /> |
| <property name="apptype" value="application" /> |
| <!-- pointbase properties --> |
| <property name="db.root" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/../javadb" /> |
| <property name="db.dir" value="${env.APS_HOME}/build" /> |
| <property name="db.classpath" |
| value="${db.root}/lib/derby.jar:${db.root}/lib/derbyclient.jar:${db.root}/lib/derbynet.jar:${env.APS_HOME}/sqetests/connector/lib/cci-derby-proc.jar" /> |
| |
| <property file="${env.APS_HOME}/config/derby.properties" /> |
| |
| <!-- set home directory for the AVK --> |
| <property name="javke.home" value="${env.JAVKE_HOME}" /> |
| |
| <!-- resource properties --> |
| <property name="dest.type" value="queue" /> |
| <property name="dest.name" value="Queue" /> |
| <property name="jms.factory.name" value="jms/QCFactory" /> |
| <property name="jms.factory.type" value="jakarta.jms.QueueConnectionFactory" /> |
| <property name="jms.resource.name" value="jms/SampleQueue" /> |
| <property name="jms.resource.type" value="jakarta.jms.Queue" /> |
| |
| <property name="jdbc.conpool.name" value="ql-jdbc-pool" /> |
| <property name="jdbc.resource.name" value="jdbc/s1qeDB" /> |
| <property name="jdbc.resource.type" value="javax.sql.DataSource" /> |
| <property name="pm.resource.name" value="jdo/s1qePM" /> |
| <property name="pm.factory.class" |
| value="com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl" /> |
| |
| <!-- appclient properties --> |
| <property name="appclient.application.args" value="" /> |
| |
| <!-- Test Harnes properties --> |
| <property name="build.base.dir" value="${env.APS_HOME}/build/module" /> |
| <property name="build.webapps.dir" value="${env.APS_HOME}/build/wars" /> |
| <property name="build.classes.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/classes" /> |
| <property name="assemble.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/archive" /> |
| <property name="results.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/results" /> |
| <property name="s1astest.classpath" |
| value="${build.classes.dir}:${env.APS_HOME}/lib/reporter.jar:${s1as.classpath}:${db.classpath}:${Derby.classpath}" /> |
| <property name="ejbjar.classes" value="**/*Local*.class,**/*Remote*.class,**/*Home*.class,**/*Bean*.class" /> |
| <property name="appclientjar.classes" |
| value="**/*Local*.class,**/*Home*.class,**/*Remote*.class,**/*Client*.class" /> |
| <property name="webclient.war.files" value="${build.classes.dir}" /> |
| <property name="webclient.war.classes" value="**/*Servlet*.class" /> |
| |
| <property name="test.name" value="" /> |
| <property name="test.description" value="" /> |
| <property name="test.count" value="1" /> |
| |
| <!-- SE/EE specific properties --> |
| <property name="cluster.name" value="cluster1" /> |
| <property name="clustered.server.name" value="server1" /> |
| <property name="clustered.server.name.two" value="server2" /> |
| <property name="nodeagent.name" value="agent1" /> |
| <property name="das.host" value="localhost" /> |
| <property name="das.jmx.port" value="8686" /> |
| <property name="http.listener1.port" value="38080" /> |
| <property name="http.listener2.port" value="38181" /> |
| <property name="orb.listener1.port" value="33700" /> |
| <property name="ssl.port" value="33820" /> |
| <property name="ssl.mutualauth.port" value="33920" /> |
| <property name="jmx.system.connector.port" value="38686" /> |
| <property name="http.listener1.port.two" value="38081" /> |
| <property name="http.listener2.port.two" value="38182" /> |
| <property name="orb.listener1.port.two" value="33701" /> |
| <property name="ssl.port.two" value="33821" /> |
| <property name="ssl.mutualauth.port.two" value="33921" /> |
| <property name="jmx.system.connector.port.two" value="38687" /> |
| <property name="cert.nickname" value="s1as" /> |
| |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/cciblackbox-tx/${gf.version}/cciblackbox-tx-${gf.version}.jar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/cciblackbox-tx.jar" /> |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/connectors-ra-redeploy-jars/${gf.version}/connectors-ra-redeploy-jars-${gf.version}.jar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/connectors-ra-redeploy-jars.jar" /> |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars/${gf.version}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-${gf.version}.rar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars.rar" /> |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars/${gf.version}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-${gf.version}-v2.rar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-v2.rar" /> |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars/${gf.version}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-${gf.version}-nojar.rar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-nojar.rar" /> |
| <copy |
| file="${env.MVN_REPOSITORY}/org/glassfish/main/tests/connectors/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-xa/${gf.version}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-xa-${gf.version}.rar" |
| tofile="${bundles.dir}/connectors-ra-redeploy-rars-xa.rar" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setS1ASclassPath" unless="s1as.classpath"> |
| <path id="s1as_classpath_jars"> |
| <fileset dir="${env.S1AS_HOME}/modules" includes="**/*.jar" /> |
| </path> |
| <pathconvert pathsep=":" property="s1as.classpath" refid="s1as_classpath_jars" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setToolProperty" depends="setOSConditions,setToolWin,setToolUnix"> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- This was needed to make sure that we can differentiate between .exe/.bat for windows and .sh for solaris. --> |
| <target name="setOSConditions"> |
| <condition property="isUnix"> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="isWindows"> |
| <os family="windows" /> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setToolWin" if="isWindows"> |
| <!-- |
| Some tests launch app clients by directly running the appclient script, using the APPCLIENT property. |
| Others do so by invoking the runclient-common target. |
| |
| We use the test script (not appclient) if the user wants to launch app clients |
| using Java Web Start. |
| --> |
| <condition property="APPCLIENT" value="${env.APS_HOME}/config/jws-appclient.bat" |
| else="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/appclient.bat"> |
| <isset property="use.javaws" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <property name="ASADMIN" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/asadmin.bat" /> |
| <property name="ASANT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/asant.bat" /> |
| <property name="CAPTURESCHEMA" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/capture-schema.bat" /> |
| <property name="CHECKPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/checkpatch.bat" /> |
| <property name="INSTALLPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/installpatch.bat" /> |
| <property name="JSPC" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/jspc.bat" /> |
| <property name="LISTPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/listpatch.bat" /> |
| <property name="PACKAGE-APPCLIENT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/package-appclient.bat" /> |
| <property name="VERIFIER" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/verifier.bat" /> |
| <property name="RMIC" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/jdk/bin/rmic.exe" /> |
| <property name="TNAMESERV" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/jdk/bin/tnameserv.exe" /> |
| |
| <property name="WSCOMPILE" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsgen.bat" /> |
| <property name="WSGEN" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsgen.bat" /> |
| <property name="WSIMPORT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsimport.bat" /> |
| <property name="pb.start.server" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/pointbase/server/StartServer.bat" /> |
| <property name="pb.start.server1" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/pointbase/server/StartServer1.bat" /> |
| <property name="IMQDBMGR" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/imq/bin/imqdbmgr.bat" /> |
| <property name="ld.library.path" location="${env.S1AS_HOME}/lib;${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setToolUnix" if="isUnix"> |
| <condition property="APPCLIENT" value="${env.APS_HOME}/config/jws-appclient" |
| else="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/appclient"> |
| <isset property="use.javaws" /> |
| </condition> |
| <property name="ASADMIN" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/asadmin" /> |
| <property name="ASANT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/asant" /> |
| <property name="CAPTURESCHEMA" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/capture-schema" /> |
| <property name="CHECKPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/checkpatch" /> |
| <property name="INSTALLPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/installpatch" /> |
| <property name="JSPC" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/jspc" /> |
| <property name="LISTPATCH" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/listpatch" /> |
| <property name="PACKAGE-APPCLIENT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/package-appclient" /> |
| <property name="VERIFIER" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/verifier" /> |
| <property name="RMIC" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/jdk/bin/rmic" /> |
| <property name="TNAMESERV" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/jdk/bin/tnameserv" /> |
| <property name="WSCOMPILE" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsgen" /> |
| <property name="WSGEN" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsgen" /> |
| <property name="WSIMPORT" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin/wsimport" /> |
| <property name="pb.start.server" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/pointbase/server/StartServer" /> |
| <property name="pb.start.server1" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/pointbase/server/StartServer1" /> |
| <property name="IMQDBMGR" value="${env.S1AS_HOME}/imq/bin/imqdbmgr" /> |
| <property name="ld.library.path" location="${env.S1AS_HOME}/lib:${env.S1AS_HOME}/bin" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- The fixFiles target removes all ^M charectars from the end of lines of MANIFEST.MF files |
| since they are very sensitive to it. |
| --> |
| <target name="fixFiles" depends="setOSConditions"> |
| <antcall target="convUnix" /> |
| <antcall target="convWin" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="convUnix" if="isUnix"> |
| <fixcrlf srcdir="." eol="lf" eof="remove" includes="**/*.MF" /> |
| <echo message="fixed files for Unix" level="verbose" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="convWin" if="isWindows"> |
| <fixcrlf srcdir="." eol="crlf" eof="asis" includes="**/*.MF" /> |
| <echo message="fixed files for Windows" level="verbose" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ee-common" depends="setToolProperty"> |
| </target> |