blob: 0134a8c6db0ef842906d02df2f8d584c520bed95 [file] [log] [blame]
This readme should be used as a guideline for creating a test module.
- The first thing to do would be to copy the contents of template directory
recursively under a module/sub-module directory name.
- Move, build.xml.template, testng.xml.template
to, build.xml, testng.xml respectively
- All- descriptor, ejb, servlet, sql - directories might not be needed
- Populate these directories with the appropriate content where needed.
For example the deployement descriptors go in descriptor and the servlet
source java files should be in the servlet directory.
- All the TestNG based tests should be configed to tests.
- test-output, test-report, test-tmp directories are use by TestNG and the
devtests framework and should not used by the devtest authors directly.
- Populate with the needed property name/value pairs.
- The template build.xml's default target 'all' ends up executing the targets
build, deploy, run, report, undepoy in order. You might not need some
of these targets of you might need more. Its a good idea to take a look
at some of the common targets in appserv-tests/config/common.xml and
For questions/comments email: