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<p><a id="task-nodenewssh" name="task-nodenewssh"></a></p>
<!-- infolevel="all" infotype="General" -->
<h4>To Finish the Creation of an SSH Node</h4>
<a name="BEGIN" id="BEGIN"></a>
<p>This task is the continuation for an SSH node of <a href="task-createnode.html">To Create a Node</a>.</p>
<p>To copy GlassFish Server software from the DAS host to the node host, enable the Install GlassFish Server option.</p>
<p>To force the node to be created in the configuration of the domain administration server (DAS) even if validation of the node's parameters fails, enable the Force option.</p>
<p>In the SSH Port field, type the port to use for SSH connections to this node's host.</p>
<p>In the SSH User Name field, type the name of the user on this node's host that is to run the process for connecting to the host through SSH.</p>
<p>Specify how the SSH user will be authenticated when logging in to this node's host.</p>
<p>To specify authentication through an SSH private key file, perform these steps:</p>
<ol type="a">
<p>From the SSH User Authentication drop-down list, select Key File.</p>
<p>If you require GlassFish Server to set up an SSH key on the node host, enable the Setup SSH Option.</p>
<p>GlassFish Server sets up the SSH key by copying existing key files from the DAS host or, if required, by generating the files before copying the files.</p>
<p>The Generate Key field and the Public Key File field are added to the window.</p>
<p>If you require GlassFish Server to generate the SSH key files before copying the files to the node host, enable the Generate Key Option.</p>
<p>If the SSH key files exist, GlassFish Server does not generate the files, even if you select the Enabled option.</p>
<p>If the SSH key files do not exist, you must select the Enabled option. Otherwise, an error occurs when you attempt to save your changes.</p>
<p>In the SSH User Password field, type the password that the SSH user will use when logging in to this node's host.</p>
<p>In the Public Key File field, type the absolute path to the SSH public key file for user that the SSH User Name option specifies.</p>
<p>In the Key File field, type the absolute path to the SSH private key file for user that the SSH User Name option specifies.</p>
<p>GlassFish Server also supports password authentication through the <code>AS_ADMIN_SSHPASSWORD</code> entry in the password file. The password file is specified in the <code>--paswordfile</code> option of the <a href=""><code>asadmin</code>(1)</a> utility.</p>
<p>To specify authentication through a password that is stored in the DAS configuration, perform these steps:</p>
<p>This password is stored in clear text in the DAS configuration. For enhanced security, use a key file or a password alias</p>
<ol type="a">
<p>From the SSH User Authentication drop-down list, select Password.</p>
<p>In the SSH User Password field, type the password that the SSH user will use when logging in to this node's host.</p>
<p>To specify authentication through a password alias, perform these steps:</p>
<ol type="a">
<p>From the SSH User Authentication drop-down list, select Password Alias.</p>
<p>From the Password Alias drop-down list, select an existing alias.</p>
<p>Click Save.</p>
<a id="sthref227" name="sthref227"></a>
<h5>See Also</h5>
<p><a href="task-createnode.html">To Create a Node</a></p>
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