blob: eb6fa959ead3f4012cbbe820dabe4cde20cfc667 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
* Created on Jan 14, 2003
package com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.generator.database;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.util.NameUtil;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.*;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.impl.*;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.*;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.impl.*;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.Model;
import com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.ModelException;
import com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.JavaTypeHelper;
import org.glassfish.persistence.common.I18NHelper;
import com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.logging.Logger;
* This class generates a database schema and a Map of mapping classes from a
* set of JDO classes.
public class DatabaseGenerator {
/** @see DatabaseGenerationConstants#DOT */
private static final char DOT = DatabaseGenerationConstants.DOT;
/** Holds Java type information */
private final Model model;
/** Provides information on how database info should be generated */
private final MappingPolicy mappingPolicy;
/** List of NameTuple objects which holds persistence class name,
* desired table name and hash class name for database generation. */
private final List pcClasses;
/** Map from persistence-capable class names to MappingClassElement's. */
// See also DatabaseGenerator.Results.mappingClasses.
private final Map mappingClasses = new HashMap();
/** Generated database schema. */
private final SchemaElement schema;
* Used to recognize and remove classname suffixes. See {@link
* #getShortClassName}.
private final String classSuffix;
/** The logger */
private static final Logger logger =
/** I18N message handler */
private static final ResourceBundle messages =
* Contains the results of invoking DatabaseGenerator.generate()
public class Results {
/** Generated database schema. */
private final SchemaElement schema;
/** Set of generated MappingClassElement's. */
// Notice that this is a Set, while the outer class has a Map. This
// is intentional: DatabaseGenerator.addRelationships needs to get a
// MappingClassElement for a pc class name, but the clients of the
// DatabaseGenerator should only need the mapping classes.
private final Set mappingClasses;
Results(SchemaElement schema, Map mappingClasses) {
this.schema = schema;
this.mappingClasses = new HashSet(mappingClasses.values());
/** @return Generated SchemaElement. */
public SchemaElement getSchema() {
return schema;
/** @return Generated mapping classes. */
public Set getMappingClasses() {
return mappingClasses;
* This class holds three strings which contain three type of information.
* For database generation, for each persistence class, we need to have
* persistence class name to look up persistence class, desired table name
* for table name and hash class name for unique table name. Depending on
* the caller's option, hash class name can be same as persistence class
* name or it can be different from persistence class name.
public static class NameTuple {
/** persistence class name */
private final String persistenceClassName;
/** desired table name */
private final String desiredTableName;
/** hash class name */
private final String hashClassName;
* An object holds three string objects.
* @param persistenceClassName persistence class name for
* persistence class look up
* @param desiredTableName it can be used for table name
* @param hashClassName it can be used for unique table name
public NameTuple(
String persistenceClassName, String desiredTableName,
String hashClassName) {
this.persistenceClassName = persistenceClassName;
this.desiredTableName = desiredTableName;
this.hashClassName = (hashClassName != null) ?
hashClassName : persistenceClassName;
* An object holds three string objects.
* @param persistenceClassName persistence class name
* @param desiredTableName name for creating table name
public NameTuple(String persistenceClassName, String desiredTableName) {
this(persistenceClassName, desiredTableName, null);
/** @return persistence class name. */
public String getPersistenceClassName() {
return persistenceClassName;
/** @return hash class name. */
public String getHashClassName() {
return hashClassName;
/** @return desired table name. */
public String getDesiredTableName() {
return desiredTableName;
* Generate database schema and mapping model from given map of
* persistence class name.
* @param model Holds java type information.
* @param pcClasses A list of NameTuple objects containing persistence
* class name and table names.
* @param mappingPolicy Determines how dbvendor and user influence
* generated schema.
* @param schemaName Identifies the generated schema.
* @param classSuffix Class name suffix that should be removed when
* creating table names from class names.
private DatabaseGenerator(
Model model, List pcClasses, MappingPolicy mappingPolicy,
String schemaName, String classSuffix)
throws DBException {
this.model = model;
this.pcClasses = pcClasses;
this.mappingPolicy = mappingPolicy;
this.schema = DBElementFactory.createSchema(schemaName);
this.classSuffix = classSuffix;
* Generate database schema and mapping model from given map of
* persistence class names. The schema is not put into the SchemaElement
* cache as a result of this generation. The next call to
* SchemaElement.forName will result in the schema being placed in the
* cache if it is not already there. If it is already there, it is the
* caller's responsibility to remove the old version if desired using
* SchemaElement's removeFromCache method before a SchemaElement.forName
* call. The generated schema is saved in <i>outputDir.schemaName</i>.
* @param model Holds java type information.
* @param pcClasses A List of NameTuple objects containing persistence
* class name and table names.
* @param mappingPolicy Determines how dbvendor and user influence
* generated schema.
* @param schemaName Identifies the generated schema.
* @param classSuffix Class name suffix that should be removed when
* creating table names from class names.
* @param generateMappingClasses if it is true, generate mapping classes
* also. <em>Currently MappingClassElement's are <b>always</b>
* generated, and the parameter's value is ignored.</em>
* @return A DatabaseGenerator.Results instance which holds the results
* of generation.
public static Results generate(
Model model, List pcClasses, MappingPolicy mappingPolicy,
String schemaName, String classSuffix,
boolean generateMappingClasses)
throws DBException, IOException, ModelException {
DatabaseGenerator generator = new DatabaseGenerator(
model, pcClasses, mappingPolicy,
schemaName, classSuffix);
Results rc = generator.generate();
return rc;
* Generate database schema and mapping classes. Iterate over all
* persistence-capable classes, generating a table for each. Within each
* persistence-capable class, iterate over all fields and make columns
* for each. Then handle relationships separately, see {@link
* #addRelationships}.
* @return A DatabaseGenerator.Results instance which holds the results
* of generation.
private Results generate() throws DBException, ModelException {
for (Iterator i = pcClasses.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
NameTuple nameTuple = (NameTuple);
String pcClassName = nameTuple.getPersistenceClassName();
String desiredTableName = nameTuple.getDesiredTableName();
PersistenceClassElement pcClass =
String tableName = mappingPolicy.getTableName(
desiredTableName, getShortClassName(nameTuple.getHashClassName()));
TableElement table = DBElementFactory.createAndAttachTable(
schema, tableName);
UniqueKeyElement pKey = DBElementFactory.createAndAttachPrimaryKey(
MappingClassElement mappingClass = createMappingClass(
pcClass, table);
PersistenceFieldElement[] fields = pcClass.getFields();
if (fields != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
PersistenceFieldElement field = fields[j];
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (!(field instanceof RelationshipElement)) {
String columnName = mappingPolicy.getColumnName(
desiredTableName, fieldName, tableName);
String fieldType = model.getFieldType(
pcClassName, fieldName);
String fullFieldName =
new StringBuffer(desiredTableName)
JDBCInfo columnType =
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
"DBGenerator.generate: " // NOI18N
+ tableName + "." + columnName + ": " // NOI18N
+ columnType.toString());
ColumnElement column =
columnName, table, columnType);
MappingFieldElement mappingField =
fieldName, mappingClass, column);
if (field.isKey()) {
mappingClasses.put(pcClassName, mappingClass);
return new Results(schema, mappingClasses);
* Get the primary table element for the mapping class.
* @param mappingClass That which is associated with the table.
* @return Table that is associated with mapping class.
* @throws DBException
private TableElement getPrimaryTable(MappingClassElement mappingClass)
throws DBException {
List tables = mappingClass.getTables();
MappingTableElement tbl = (MappingTableElement) tables.get(0);
if (tbl != null) {
DBIdentifier tblName = DBIdentifier.create(tbl.getTable());
return schema.getTable(tblName);
} else {
return null;
* Create mapping class and associated table and PC class
* @param pcClass PC class that mapping class associated
* @param table table element that mapping class associated
* @return MappingClassElement associated with table and PC class
* @throws ModelException
private MappingClassElement createMappingClass(
PersistenceClassElement pcClass, TableElement table)
throws ModelException {
MappingClassElement mappingClass =
new MappingClassElementImpl(pcClass);
return mappingClass;
* Create mapping field and add to mapping class
* @param fieldName a String for field name
* @param mappingClass mapping class object that field belong to
* @return mapping field object
* @throws ModelException
private MappingFieldElement createAndAttachMappingField(
String fieldName, MappingClassElement mappingClass,
ColumnElement column) throws ModelException {
MappingFieldElement mappingField =
new MappingFieldElementImpl(fieldName, mappingClass);
if (column.isBlobType()) {
} else {
return mappingField;
* Create and add mapping relationship with column pairs to mapping class.
* The column pair for mappingRelationship is same order as the column
* pair from foreign key. It is used for 1-1 or 1-M relationship
* It is column pair between local table and foreign table
* @param relationName relationship name for the declaring mapping class
* @param mappingClass mapping class that holds the relationship
* @param foreign key which hold column pair for the relationship
* @throws ModelException
private void addMappingRelationship(String relationName,
MappingClassElement declaringClass, ForeignKeyElement fkey)
throws ModelException {
MappingRelationshipElement impl = new MappingRelationshipElementImpl(
relationName, declaringClass);
ColumnPairElement [] pairs = fkey.getColumnPairs();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
ColumnPairElement pair = pairs[i];
* Create and add MappingRelationship with associated column pairs
* for join table. The column pair for mappingRelationship is same
* order as the column pair from foreign key.
* It is for column pairs between the join table and the foreign table
* @param relationName a String for relation name
* @param mappingClass mapping class that holds the relationship
* @param fkeyForeign holding column pair information for the relationship
* @throws ModelException
private void addAssocMappingRelationship(String relationName,
MappingClassElement declaringClass, ForeignKeyElement fkeyForeign)
throws ModelException {
MappingRelationshipElement impl =
(MappingRelationshipElement) declaringClass.getField(
if (null == impl) {
impl = new MappingRelationshipElementImpl(
relationName, declaringClass);
// Add column pair for join table and foreign table
ColumnPairElement [] pairs = fkeyForeign.getColumnPairs();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
ColumnPairElement pair = pairs[i];
* Create and add MappingRelationship with local inverse column pair
* (for join table) or inverse column pair
* (for non join table) for referenced table.
* It is for column pairs between local table and join table
* or for column pairs between local table and foreign table (contains
* foreign key)
* The column pair for mappingRelationship is inverse order
* as the column pair from foreign key. Foreign key is not in the passing
* mapping class but in the inverse mapping class
* @param relationName a String for relation name
* @param mappingClass mapping class that holds the relationship
* @param fkeyForeign holding column pair information for the relationship
* @throws ModelException
* @throws DBException
private void addInverseMappingRelationship(String relationName,
MappingClassElement declaringClass, ForeignKeyElement fkey,
boolean isJoin)
throws ModelException, DBException {
MappingRelationshipElement impl =
(MappingRelationshipElement) declaringClass.getField(
// for join table, need to add two MappingRelationshipElement
if (null == impl) {
impl = new MappingRelationshipElementImpl(relationName,
TableElement declaringTbl = getPrimaryTable(declaringClass);
ColumnPairElement [] pairs = fkey.getColumnPairs();
// Column pair get inverted since adding to referenced table
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
ColumnPairElement pair = pairs[i];
ColumnPairElement inversePair = DBElementFactory.createColumnPair(
pair.getReferencedColumn(), pair.getLocalColumn(),
if (isJoin) {
} else {
* Create and add a relationship.
* @param srcTable Source table of the relationship.
* @param relTable Related table.
* @param relName Name of the relationship.
* @param inverseRelName Name of the inverse relationship.
* @param mappingClass Mapping information for the source table.
* @param relMappingClass Mapping information for the related table.
* @param uniqueId Id that can be appened to relName to distinguish it
* from other relNames in the database.
* @param srcIsJoin True if srcTable is a join table
* @return ForeignKeyElement representing the relationship.
private ForeignKeyElement createRelationship(TableElement srcTable,
TableElement relTable, String relName, String inverseRelName,
MappingClassElement mappingClass,
MappingClassElement relMappingClass,
String uniqueId, boolean srcIsJoin)
throws DBException, ModelException {
ForeignKeyElement fKey = DBElementFactory.createAndAttachForeignKey(
srcTable, relTable, relName, mappingPolicy, uniqueId);
if (srcIsJoin) {
addInverseMappingRelationship(relName, mappingClass,
fKey, true);
addAssocMappingRelationship(inverseRelName, relMappingClass, fKey);
} else {
addMappingRelationship(relName, mappingClass, fKey);
addInverseMappingRelationship(inverseRelName, relMappingClass,
fKey, false);
return fKey;
* Generate relationships for schema and mapping model from
* mappingClasses which already have all mapping fields populated.
* @throws DBException
* @throws ModelExpception
private void addRelationships()
throws DBException, ModelException {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("add relationship"); // NOI18N
Map relationFKey = new HashMap();
// This is a list of 1-1 relationships that are deferred for
// processing until all other relationships are processed. Deferral
// allows us to concentrate foreign keys on one side of the
// relationship.
List deferredRelationships = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator i = mappingClasses.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MappingClassElement mappingClass = (MappingClassElement);
String pcClassName = mappingClass.getName();
PersistenceClassElement pcClass =
validateModel(pcClass, "pcClass", pcClassName); // NOI18N
TableElement sourceTable = getPrimaryTable(mappingClass);
validateModel(sourceTable, "sourceTable", pcClassName); // NOI18N
// Create a string that can keep names unique
String uniqueId = getShortClassName(pcClassName);
int want = 8; // Ideally, take this many chars from end
int end = uniqueId.length();
int start = want > end ? 0 : end - want;
uniqueId = uniqueId.substring(start, end);
RelationshipElement [] rels = pcClass.getRelationships();
if (rels != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < rels.length; j++) {
// relationship
RelationshipElement relation = rels[j];
String relationName = relation.getName();
int upperBound = relation.getUpperBound();
// inverseRelationship
String inverseRelName =
"inverseRelName", relationName); // NOI18N
String relClassName = model.getRelatedClass(relation);
"relClassName", relationName); // NOI18N
// get related MappingClass and PersistenceClass
MappingClassElement relMappingClass =
(MappingClassElement) mappingClasses.get(relClassName);
"relMappingClass", relClassName); // NOI18N
PersistenceClassElement relClass =
"relClass", relClassName); // NOI18N
RelationshipElement inverseRelation =
"inverseRelation", inverseRelName); // NOI18N
TableElement relTable = getPrimaryTable(relMappingClass);
"relTable", relClassName); // NOI18N
int relUpperBound = inverseRelation.getUpperBound();
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
"Before adding relationship:" // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("sourceTable", sourceTable, relationName) // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("relTable", relTable, inverseRelName)); // NOI18N
// XXX Suggest making each block below a separate method.
if ((upperBound > 1) && (relUpperBound > 1)) {
// M-N relationship, create new table
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("M-N relationship"); // NOI18N
ForeignKeyElement fKey = getMappedForeignKey(
relation, inverseRelation, relationFKey);
if (fKey == null) {
TableElement joinTable =
fKey = createRelationship(
joinTable, sourceTable, relationName,
inverseRelName, mappingClass,
relMappingClass, uniqueId, true);
relationFKey.put(relation, fKey);
ForeignKeyElement fKey2 = createRelationship(
joinTable, relTable, inverseRelName,
relationName, relMappingClass,
mappingClass, uniqueId, true);
relationFKey.put(inverseRelation, fKey2);
} else if ((upperBound > 1) && (relUpperBound == 1)) {
// M-1 relationship, add foreign key at upper bound
// equal 1 side. So here, we do nothing: We add
// relationships at the 1 side for 1-M relationships,
// and the current mapping class is the many side.
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("M-1 relationship: skip"); // NOI18N
} else if ((upperBound == 1) && (relUpperBound >1)) {
// 1-M relationship, add foreign key at upperBound =
// 1 side
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("1-M relationship"); // NOI18N
ForeignKeyElement fKey = getMappedForeignKey(relation,
inverseRelation, relationFKey);
if (fKey == null) {
fKey = createRelationship(sourceTable, relTable,
relationName, inverseRelName, mappingClass,
relMappingClass, uniqueId, false);
relationFKey.put(relation, fKey);
} else if ((upperBound == 1) && (relUpperBound == 1)) {
// 1-1 relationship, add foreign key at either side.
// Check existence of foreign key at the other side
// before adding one to here. If there is cascade
// delete in this side, add FK. Otherwise, defer
// adding it until all other relationships are added.
ForeignKeyElement fKey = getMappedForeignKey(relation,
inverseRelation, relationFKey);
if (fKey == null) {
if (relation.getDeleteAction() ==
RelationshipElement.CASCADE_ACTION) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("1-1 relationship: cascade(this)"); // NOI18N
fKey = createRelationship(
sourceTable, relTable, relationName,
inverseRelName, mappingClass,
relMappingClass, uniqueId, false);
relationFKey.put(relation, fKey);
} else if (inverseRelation.getDeleteAction() ==
RelationshipElement.CASCADE_ACTION) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("1-1 relationship: cascade(inverse)"); // NOI18N
fKey = createRelationship(
relTable, sourceTable,
inverseRelName, relationName,
relMappingClass, mappingClass,
uniqueId, false);
relationFKey.put(inverseRelation, fKey);
} else {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("1-1 relationship: defer"); // NOI18N
new DeferredRelationship(
relation, inverseRelation,
sourceTable, relTable,
relationName, inverseRelName,
mappingClass, relMappingClass,
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
"After adding relationship:" // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("sourceTable", sourceTable, relationName) // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("relTable", relTable, inverseRelName)); // NOI18N
if (deferredRelationships.size() > 0) {
addDeferredRelationships(deferredRelationships, relationFKey);
* Generate foreign keys for relationships that were deferred; see {@link
* addRelationships}.
* @param deferredRelationships List of 1-1 relationships which are not
* yet mapped by foreign keys
* @param relationFKey Map from RelationshipElement to ForeignKeyElement,
* indicating which relationships have already been mapped.
private void addDeferredRelationships(
List deferredRelationships, Map relationFKey)
throws DBException, ModelException {
for (Iterator i = deferredRelationships.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
DeferredRelationship dr = (DeferredRelationship);
RelationshipElement relation = dr.getRelation();
RelationshipElement inverseRelation = dr.getInverseRelation();
ForeignKeyElement fKey =
getMappedForeignKey(relation, inverseRelation, relationFKey);
// Only map if not already mapped
if (fKey == null) {
TableElement sourceTable = dr.getSourceTable();
TableElement relTable = dr.getRelTable();
String relationName = dr.getRelationName();
String inverseRelName = dr.getInverseRelName();
MappingClassElement mappingClass = dr.getMappingClass();
MappingClassElement relMappingClass = dr.getRelMappingClass();
String uniqueId = dr.getUniqueId();
// If this side already has any foreign keys, map it on this
// side, else on the other side.
ForeignKeyElement keys[] = sourceTable.getForeignKeys();
if (null != keys && keys.length > 0) {
fKey = createRelationship(
sourceTable, relTable,
relationName, inverseRelName,
mappingClass, relMappingClass,
uniqueId, false);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
"1-1 deferred relationship (this)" // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("sourceTable", sourceTable, relationName) // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("relTable", relTable, inverseRelName)); // NOI18N
} else {
fKey = createRelationship(
relTable, sourceTable,
inverseRelName, relationName,
relMappingClass, mappingClass,
uniqueId, false);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
"1-1 deferred relationship (inverse)" // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("sourceTable", sourceTable, relationName) // NOI18N
+ getTblInfo("relTable", relTable, inverseRelName)); // NOI18N
relationFKey.put(relation, fKey);
* A DeferredRelationship instance represents all the information required
* to create a foreign key from the relationship.
static class DeferredRelationship {
private final RelationshipElement relation;
private final RelationshipElement inverseRelation;
private final TableElement sourceTable;
private final TableElement relTable;
private final String relationName;
private final String inverseRelName;
private final MappingClassElement mappingClass;
private final MappingClassElement relMappingClass;
private final String uniqueId;
DeferredRelationship(RelationshipElement relation,
RelationshipElement inverseRelation,
TableElement sourceTable,
TableElement relTable,
String relationName,
String inverseRelName,
MappingClassElement mappingClass,
MappingClassElement relMappingClass,
String uniqueId) {
this.relation = relation;
this.inverseRelation = inverseRelation;
this.sourceTable = sourceTable;
this.relTable = relTable;
this.relationName = relationName;
this.inverseRelName = inverseRelName;
this.mappingClass = mappingClass;
this.relMappingClass = relMappingClass;
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
RelationshipElement getRelation() { return relation; }
RelationshipElement getInverseRelation() { return inverseRelation; }
TableElement getSourceTable() { return sourceTable; }
TableElement getRelTable() { return relTable; }
String getRelationName() { return relationName; }
String getInverseRelName() { return inverseRelName; }
MappingClassElement getMappingClass() { return mappingClass; }
MappingClassElement getRelMappingClass() { return relMappingClass; }
String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; }
* Check if the relationship has been visited
* @param relation current visiting relationship
* @param inverseRelation inverse relationship
* @param relationFKey a map to hold relation and foreign key
* @return the foreign key element or null
private ForeignKeyElement getMappedForeignKey(
RelationshipElement relation, RelationshipElement inverseRelation,
Map relationFKey) {
ForeignKeyElement fkey =
(ForeignKeyElement) relationFKey.get(relation);
if (fkey == null) {
return (ForeignKeyElement) relationFKey.get(inverseRelation);
} else {
return fkey;
* Computes the class name (without package) for the supplied
* class name and trims off the class suffix.
* @param className the fully qualified name of the class
* @return the class name (without package and class suffix)
* for the supplied class name
private String getShortClassName(String className) {
String shortName = JavaTypeHelper.getShortClassName(className);
if ((classSuffix != null) && (!shortName.equals(classSuffix))) {
int index = shortName.lastIndexOf(classSuffix);
if (index != -1) {
shortName = shortName.substring(0, index);
return shortName;
* Assert that the given object reference is <em>not</em> null.
* @param o Object reference that is checked for null.
* @param failedItem String that names the item that is being checked.
* @param accessor String which names an object that was use to try and
* get object <code>o</code>.
* @throws ModelException If o is null.
private void validateModel(Object o,
String failedItem,
String accessor) throws ModelException {
if (null == o) {
String msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(
"EXC_InvalidRelationshipMapping", // NOI18N
logger.log(Logger.SEVERE, msg);
throw new ModelException(msg);
* Debug support. Returns a string describing the table and it's keys
* (only the first key is listed).
* @param tblName name of the table described
* @param tbl table being described
* @param relName name of a relationship
private static String getTblInfo(String tblName, TableElement tbl, String relName) {
int numFK = tbl.getForeignKeys().length;
ForeignKeyElement fk = null;
if (numFK > 0) {
fk = tbl.getForeignKeys()[0];
return " " + tblName + "=" + tbl.toString()
+ ", # keys=" + numFK // NOI18N
+ ", 1st key=" + fk // NOI18N
+ "; relationship Name=" + relName; // NOI18N