blob: 134abadb5494dfc9912b362f5e73e37db038b9a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
customrsrc.create_ref_error=RAR5008:Error in creating a naming Reference for custom resource [{0}]
RAR5008.diag.cause.1=Naming provider and port are not set in the initial context
RAR5008.diag.cause.2=The Naming provider is not up
RAR5008.diag.check.1=Check the file has the naming provider host and port specified
RAR5008.diag.check.2=Check if the naming provider is up and listening on the port specified in the domain.xml
customrsrc.create_ref_error_excp=RAR5045:Error in creating a naming Reference for custom resource
RAR5045.diag.cause.1=Naming provider and port are not set in the jndi provider's property file
RAR5045.diag.cause.2=The Naming provider is not up
RAR5045.diag.check.1=Check the file has the naming provider host and port specified
RAR5045.diag.check.2=Check if the naming provider is up and listening on the port specified in the domain.xml
jndi.factory_load_error=RAR5009:Cannot load external-jndi-resource factory-class ''[{0}]''
RAR5009.diag.cause.1=Could not create an instance of factory-class.
RAR5009.diag.check.1=Make sure that factory-class name is configured correctly.
RAR5009.diag.check.2=Make sure that factory-class is available in the classpath of the application server
jndi.factory_class_unexpected=RAR5010:external-jndi-resource factory-class ''[{0}]'' must be of type javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
RAR5010.diag.cause.1=External JNDI resource has a wrong factory-class configuration
RAR5010.diag.check.1=Verify that factory class is an instance of javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
jndi.initial_context_error=RAR5011:Exception thrown creating initial context for external JNDI factory ''[{0}]''
RAR5011.diag.cause.1=Could not create Initial Context.
RAR5011.diag.check.1=Make sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context.
jndi.initial_context_error_excp=RAR5047:Exception thrown creating initial context for external JNDI factory [{0}]
RAR5047.diag.cause.1=Could not create Initial Context.
RAR5047.diag.check.1=Make sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context.
jndi.factory_create_error=RAR5012:Cannot create external-jndi-resource factory-class ''[{0}]''
RAR5012.diag.cause.1=Could not create Initial context factory.
RAR5012.diag.check.1=Make sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context factory
gf.resources.module.scope.deployment.failure=RAR8069: Failed to create resources (defined in glassfish-resources.xml) bundled in module [ {0} ], of application [ {1} ] : [ {2} ]
RAR8069.diag.cause.1=Invalid resource definition
RAR8069.diag.check.1=Check whether attributes and properties of resource-definitions conform to the constraints Failed to create resources (defined in glassfish-resources.xml) bundled in application [ {0} ] : [ {1} ]
RAR8070.diag.cause.1=Invalid resource definition
RAR8070.diag.check.1=Check whether attributes and properties of resource-definitions conform to the constraints