blob: 58ee901c5d344f0b860a5f734e938d24a76b9f62 [file] [log] [blame]
This test suite is supposed to assert the dis-allowed and allowed methods
would work properly when invoked in an unsynchronized persistence context if the PC
haven't join to a transaction.
From SPEC JSR338, chepter 7.6.1 Persistence Context Synchronization Type:
The application's use of queries with pessimistic locks, bulk update or delete queries,
etc. result in the provider throwing the TransactionRequiredException.
Disallowed methods - queries with pessimistic locks,bulk update or delete queries.
Assert invokation of these method results in the provider throwing the TransactionRequiredException.
Allowed methods - persist, merge, remove and referesh.
Assert invokation of these method result in no exceptions thrown out.