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// Security role references.
private static final String emp_secrole_ref = "Employee";
private static final String admin_secrole_ref = "ADMIN";
private static final String mgr_secrole_ref = "Manager";
private static final String user ="munta";
<head><title>Web Auth Test</title></head>
<br>Basic Authentication tests from JSP: Test1,Test2,Test3
<br>Authorization test from JSP: Test4,Test5-> HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() authorization from JSP.
Principal p = request.getUserPrincipal();
String username = p.getName();
if (p==null){
out.println("<br>Test1.Basic Auth from JSP test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Test2.HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>INFO:Principal from basic auth JSP is null!");
//Check the auth type - request.getAuthType()
out.println("<br><br>Test1. Postive check for the correct authentication type");
String authtype=request.getAuthType();
if ("BASIC".equalsIgnoreCase(authtype) ){
out.println("<br>request.getAuthType() test Passed.");
out.println("<br>request.getAuthType() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Info:request.getAuthType() is= "+authtype);
String username = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
out.println("<br><br>Test2. Positive check for the correct principal name");
if (user.equals(username)){
out.println("<br>request.getUserPrincipal() test Passed.");
out.println("<br>request.getUserPrincipal() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Info:request.getUserPrincipal() is= "+username);
//Check the remote user request.getRemoteUser()- get null if not authenticated
out.println("<br><br>Test3. Positive check whether given user authenticated");
if (user.equals(username)){
out.println("<br>request.getRemoteUser() test Passed.");
out.println("<br>request.getRemoteUser() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Info:request.getRemoteUser() is= "+username);
// ----Authorization tests ---
out.println("<br><br>Test4.Positive check whether the user is in proper role");
boolean isInProperRole=request.isUserInRole(emp_secrole_ref);
if (isInProperRole){
out.println("<br>HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() test Passed.");
out.println("<br>HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Info:request.isUserInRole(\""+emp_secrole_ref+"\") is= "+isInProperRole);
out.println("<br><br>Test5.Negative check whether the current user is any other other role");
boolean isNotInOtherRole=request.isUserInRole(mgr_secrole_ref);
if (!isNotInOtherRole){
out.println("<br>HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() test Passed.");
out.println("<br>HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() test Failed!");
out.println("<br>Info:request.isUserInRole(\""+mgr_secrole_ref+"\") is= "+isNotInOtherRole);
// Invalidate the session to make the test as independent and always ask for login
}catch(Exception ex){