blob: 8e6e005c62db70e8ab026d9650a97378244988f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.enterprise.universal.xml;
import com.sun.common.util.logging.LoggingConfigImpl;
import com.sun.common.util.logging.LoggingPropertyNames;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.glassfish.GFLauncherUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.i18n.LocalStringsImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.HostAndPort;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static*;
* A fairly simple but very specific stax XML Parser. Give it the location of domain.xml and the name of the server
* instance and it will return JVM options. Currently it is all package private.
* @author bnevins
public class MiniXmlParser {
public MiniXmlParser(File domainXml) throws MiniXmlParserException {
this(domainXml, "server"); // default for a domain
public MiniXmlParser(File domainXml, String serverName) throws MiniXmlParserException {
this.serverName = serverName;
this.domainXml = domainXml;
try {
if (!sawConfig)
throw new EndDocumentException(); // handled just below...
valid = true;
catch (EndDocumentException e) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("enddocument", configRef, serverName));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("toplevel", e), e);
finally {
try {
if (parser != null) {
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
if (reader != null) {
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
public Map<String, String> getJavaConfig() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return javaConfig;
public List<String> getJvmOptions() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return jvmOptions;
public Map<String, String> getProfilerConfig() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return profilerConfig;
public List<String> getProfilerJvmOptions() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return profilerJvmOptions;
public Map<String, String> getProfilerSystemProperties() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return profilerSysProps;
public Map<String, String> getSystemProperties() throws MiniXmlParserException {
if (!valid) {
throw new MiniXmlParserException(strings.get("invalid"));
return sysProps.getCombinedSysProps();
public String getDomainName() {
return domainName;
public List<HostAndPort> getAdminAddresses() {
if (adminAddresses == null || adminAddresses.isEmpty()) {
String[] listenerNames = getListenerNamesForVS(DEFAULT_ADMIN_VS_ID, vsAttributes);
if (listenerNames == null || listenerNames.length == 0) {
listenerNames = getListenerNamesForVS(DEFAULT_VS_ID, vsAttributes); //plan B
return adminAddresses;
public void setupConfigDir(File configDir, File installDir) {
loggingConfig.setupConfigDir(configDir, installDir);
public boolean getSecureAdminEnabled() {
return secureAdminEnabled;
* loggingConfig will return an IOException if there is no
* logging properties file.
* @return the log filename if available, otherwise return null
public String getLogFilename() {
String logFilename = null;
try {
Map<String, String> map = loggingConfig.getLoggingProperties();
String logFileContains = "${com.sun.aas.instanceName}";
logFilename = map.get(LoggingPropertyNames.file);
if (logFilename != null && logFilename.contains(logFileContains)) {
logFilename = replaceOld(logFilename,logFileContains,this.serverName);
catch (Exception e) {
// just return null
return logFilename;
private static String replaceOld(
final String aInput,
final String aOldPattern,
final String aNewPattern
) {
final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
//startIdx and idxOld delimit various chunks of aInput; these
//chunks always end where aOldPattern begins
int startIdx = 0;
int idxOld = 0;
while ((idxOld = aInput.indexOf(aOldPattern, startIdx)) >= 0) {
//grab a part of aInput which does not include aOldPattern
result.append(aInput.substring(startIdx, idxOld));
//add aNewPattern to take place of aOldPattern
//reset the startIdx to just after the current match, to see
//if there are any further matches
startIdx = idxOld + aOldPattern.length();
//the final chunk will go to the end of aInput
return result.toString();
public boolean isMonitoringEnabled() {
return monitoringEnabled;
public boolean hasNetworkConfig() {
return sawNetworkConfig;
public boolean hasDefaultConfig() {
return sawDefaultConfig;
public String getAdminRealmName() {
return adminRealm;
public Map<String,String> getAdminRealmProperties() {
return adminRealmProperties;
///////////////////// all private below /////////////////////////
private void read() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException, FileNotFoundException {
try {
// this will fail if config is above servers in domain.xml!
getConfig(); // might throw
catch (EndDocumentException ex) {
Level.FINE, strings.get("secondpass"));
private void createParser() throws FileNotFoundException, XMLStreamException {
reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(domainXml));
XMLInputFactory xif = getXmlInputFactory();
// Set the resolver so that any external entity references, such
// as a reference to a DTD, return an empty file. The domain.xml
// file doesn't support entity references.
xif.setXMLResolver(new XMLResolver() {
public Object resolveEntity(String publicID,
String systemID,
String baseURI,
String namespace)
throws XMLStreamException {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
parser = xif.createXMLStreamReader(
domainXml.toURI().toString(), reader);
// In JDK 1.6, StAX is part of JRE, so we use no argument variant of
// newInstance(), where as on JDK 1.5, we use two argument version of
// newInstance() so that we can pass the classloader that loads
// XMLInputFactory to load the factory, otherwise by default StAX uses
// Thread's context class loader to locate the factory. See:
private XMLInputFactory getXmlInputFactory() {
Class clazz = XMLInputFactory.class;
ClassLoader cl = clazz.getClassLoader();
// jdk6+
if (cl == null)
return XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
// jdk5
return XMLInputFactory.newInstance(clazz.getName(), cl);
private void getConfigRefName() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
if (configRef != null) {
} // second pass!
// complications -- look for this element as a child of Domain...
// <property name="" value="domain1"/>
// also have to handle system-property at the domain level
while (true) {
skipTo("servers", "property", "clusters", "system-property");
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("servers".equals(name)) {
else if ("clusters".equals(name))
else if ("system-property".equals(name))
parseDomainProperty(); // maybe it is the domain name?
// the cursor is at the start-element of <servers>
while (true) {
// get to first <server> element
String localName = parser.getLocalName();
if (!"server".equals(localName)) {
throw new XMLStreamException(strings.get("noserver", serverName));
// get the attributes for this <server>
Map<String, String> map = parseAttributes();
String thisName = map.get("name");
if (serverName.equals(thisName)) {
configRef = map.get("config-ref");
} else
private void getConfig() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// complications -- look for this element as a child of Domain...
// <property name="" value="domain1"/>
// also have to handle system-property at the domain level
while (true) {
skipTo("configs", "property", "clusters", "system-property");
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("configs".equals(name)) {
if ("clusters".equals(name))
else if ("system-property".equals(name))
parseDomainProperty(); // maybe it is the domain name?
while (skipToButNotPast("configs", "config")) {
// get the attributes for this <config>
Map<String, String> map = parseAttributes();
String thisName = map.get("name");
if ("default-config".equals(thisName))
sawDefaultConfig = true;
if (configRef.equals(thisName)) {
sawConfig = true;
} else {
private void parseConfig() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> <config>
// as we cruise through the section pull off any found <system-property>
// I.e. <system-property> AND <java-config> are both children of <config>
// Note that if the system-property already exists -- we do NOT override it.
// the <server> system-property takes precedence
// bnevins - 3/20/08 added support for log-service
while (true) {
int event = next();
// return when we get to the </config>
if (event == END_ELEMENT) {
if ("config".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("system-property".equals(name)) {
} else if ("java-config".equals(name)) {
} else if ("http-service".equals(name)) {
} else if ("network-config".equals(name)) {
sawNetworkConfig = true;
} else if ("monitoring-service".equals(name)) {
else if("admin-service".equals(name)) {
else if("security-service".equals(name)) {
else {
private void parseSecureAdmin() {
Map<String,String> secureAdminProperties = parseAttributes();
if (secureAdminProperties.containsKey("enabled")) {
String value = secureAdminProperties.get("enabled");
if("true".equals(value)) {
secureAdminEnabled = true;
private void parseNetworkConfig()
throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> <network-config>
while (true) {
int event = next();
// return when we get to the </network-config>
if (event == END_ELEMENT) {
if ("network-config".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("protocols".equals(name)) {
} else if ("network-listeners".equals(name)) {
} else
private void parseSysPropsFromServer() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> <server>
// these are the system-properties that OVERRIDE the ones in the <config>
while (true) {
int event = next();
// return when we get to the </config>
if (event == END_ELEMENT) {
if ("server".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("system-property".equals(name)) {
} else {
private void parseSystemProperty(SysPropsHandler.Type type) {
// cursor --> <system-property>
Map<String, String> map = parseAttributes();
String name = map.get("name");
String value = map.get("value");
if (name != null) {
sysProps.add(type, name, value);
private void parseJavaConfig() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> <java-config>
// get the attributes for <java-config>
javaConfig = parseAttributes();
private void parseJvmAndProfilerOptions() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
while (skipToButNotPast("java-config", "jvm-options", "profiler")) {
if ("jvm-options".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else {// profiler
private void parseProfiler() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> START_ELEMENT of profiler
// it has attributes and <jvm-options>'s and <property>'s
profilerConfig = parseAttributes();
// the default is true
if (!profilerConfig.containsKey("enabled"))
profilerConfig.put("enabled", "true");
while (skipToButNotPast("profiler", "jvm-options", "property")) {
if ("jvm-options".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else {
private void parseProperty(Map<String, String> map) {
// cursor --> START_ELEMENT of property
// it has 2 attributes: name and value
Map<String, String> prop = parseAttributes();
String name = prop.get("name");
String value = prop.get("value");
if (name != null) {
map.put(name, value);
private void skipNonStartElements() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
while (true) {
int event = next();
if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
private void skipRoot(String name) throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// The cursor is pointing at the start of the document
// Move to the first 'top-level' element under name
// Return with cursor pointing to first sub-element
while (true) {
int event = next();
if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
if (!name.equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unknown Domain XML Layout");
* The cursor will be pointing at the START_ELEMENT of name1 or name2 when it returns note that skipTree must be
* called. Otherwise we could be fooled by a sub-element with the same name as an outer element
* @param nameArgs An array of eligible element names to skip to
* @throws XMLStreamException
private void skipTo(final String... namesArgs) throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
final List<String> names = Arrays.asList(namesArgs);
while (true) {
// cursor is at a START_ELEMENT
String localName = parser.getLocalName();
if (names.contains(localName))
* The cursor will be pointing at the START_ELEMENT of name when it returns note that skipTree must be called.
* Otherwise we could be fooled by a sub-element with the same name as an outer element Multiple startNames are
* accepted.
* @param endName the Element to skip to
* @throws XMLStreamException
private boolean skipToButNotPast(String endName, String... startNames)
throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
while (true) {
int event = next();
if (event == START_ELEMENT) {
for (String s : startNames) {
if (parser.getLocalName().equals(s)) {
return true;
if (event == END_ELEMENT) {
if (parser.getLocalName().equals(endName)) {
return false;
private void skipTree(String name) throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// The cursor is pointing at the start-element of name.
// throw everything in this element away and return with the cursor
// pointing at its end-element.
while (true) {
int event = next();
if (event == END_ELEMENT && name.equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
//System.out.println("END: " + parser.getLocalName());
private void skipToEnd(String name) throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// The cursor is pointing who-knows-where
// throw everything away and return with the cursor
// pointing at the end-element.
while (true) {
int event = next();
if (event == END_ELEMENT && name.equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
private int next() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
int event =;
if (event == END_DOCUMENT) {
throw new EndDocumentException();
return event;
private void findOtherStuff() {
try {
// find the domain name and/or clusters, if it is there
// If we bump into the domain end tag first -- no sweat
// notice how everything is MUCH more difficult to understand because
// we are going through domain.xml in one long relentless sweep and
// we can't back up!
while (skipToButNotPast("domain", "property", "clusters", "system-property","secure-admin")) {
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("clusters".equals(name))
else if ("system-property".equals(name))
else if ("property".equals(name))
parseDomainProperty(); // property found -- maybe it is the domain name?
else if("secure-admin".equals(name))
if (domainName == null) {
Level.INFO, strings.get("noDomainName"));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(strings.get("noDomainEnd"));
private void parseDomainProperty() {
// cursor --> pointing at "property" element that is a child of "domain" element
// <property name="" value="domain1"/>
if (domainName != null) {
return; // found it already
Map<String, String> map = parseAttributes();
String name = map.get("name");
String value = map.get("value");
if (name == null || value == null) {
if ("".equals(name)) {
domainName = value;
private void parseMonitoringService() {
// The default is, by definition, true.
// Here are all the possibilities and their resolution:
// 1. Attribute is not present --> true
// 2. Attribute is present and set to the exact string "false" --> false
// 3. Attribute is present and set to anything except "false" --> true
String s = parseAttributes().get("monitoring-enabled");
if (s == null) {
monitoringEnabled = true; // case 1
} else if ("false".equals(s)) {
monitoringEnabled = false; // case 2
} else {
monitoringEnabled = true; // case 3
private void parseAdminService() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
Map<String, String> attributes = null;
skipToButNotPast("admin-service", "jmx-connector");
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("jmx-connector".equals(name)) {
attributes = parseAttributes();
adminRealm = attributes.get("auth-realm-name");
private void populateAdminRealmProperties() throws
XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
//If the adminrealm name has not been parsed,
//or if the adminRealmProperties is already populated, return
if ((adminRealm == null) || (adminRealmProperties != null)) {
Map<String, String> attributes = null;
while (true) {
skipToButNotPast("security-service", "auth-realm");
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("auth-realm".equals(name)) {
attributes = parseAttributes();
if (attributes.get("name").equals(adminRealm)) {
adminRealmProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
adminRealmProperties.put("classname", attributes.get("classname"));
while (true) {
skipToButNotPast("auth-realm", "property");
if ("property".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
attributes = parseAttributes();
adminRealmProperties.put(attributes.get("name"), attributes.get("value"));
} else if ("auth-realm".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
} else if ("security-service".equals(name)) {
private void parseHttpService() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> <http-service> in <config>
// we are looking for the virtual server: "DEFAULT_ADMIN_VS_ID".
// inside it will be a ref. to a listener. We get the port from the listener.
// So -- squirrel away a copy of all the listeners and all the virt. servers --
//then post-process.
// Load the collections with both kinds of elements' attributes
while (true) {
skipToButNotPast("http-service", "http-listener", "virtual-server");
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("http-listener".equals(name)) {
} else if ("virtual-server".equals(name)) {
} else if ("http-service".equals(name)) {
String[] listenerNames = getListenerNamesForVS(DEFAULT_ADMIN_VS_ID, vsAttributes);
if (listenerNames == null || listenerNames.length == 0) {
listenerNames = getListenerNamesForVS(DEFAULT_VS_ID, vsAttributes); //plan B
if (listenerNames == null || listenerNames.length <= 0) {
return; // can not find ports
private void parseListeners() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> START_ELEMENT of network-listeners
while (true) {
skipToButNotPast("network-listeners", "network-listener");
final String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("network-listener".equals(name)) {
} else if ("network-listeners".equals(name)) {
private void parseProtocols() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> START_ELEMENT of protocols
while (true) {
skipToButNotPast("protocols", "protocol");
final String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("protocol".equals(name)) {
} else if ("protocols".equals(name)) {
* Get http listener names for virtual server.
* Returns null or empty array if not found.
private String[] getListenerNamesForVS(String vsid, List<Map<String, String>> vsAttributes) {
String listeners = null;
String[] listenerArray = null;
// find the virtual server
for (Map<String, String> atts : vsAttributes) {
String id = atts.get("id");
if (id != null && id.equals(vsid)) {
listeners = atts.get("network-listeners");
if (listeners == null) {
listeners = atts.get("http-listeners");
// make sure the "http-listeners" is kosher
if (GFLauncherUtils.ok(listeners)) {
listenerArray = listeners.split(",");
if (listenerArray.length == 0) {
listenerArray = null;
return listenerArray;
private void addPortsForListeners(String[] listenerNames) {
// get the addresses and port numbers for all the listeners
// normally there is one listener
if (listenerNames != null && listenerNames.length > 0) {
for (Map<String, String> atts : listenerAttributes) {
String id = atts.get("name");
if (id == null) {
id = atts.get("id");
if (id != null) {
for (String listenerName : listenerNames) {
if (id.equals(listenerName)) {
int port = getPort(atts.get("port"));
if (port >= 0) {
String addr = atts.get("address");
if (!GFLauncherUtils.ok(addr))
addr = "localhost";
if (StringUtils.isToken(addr))
addr = sysProps.get(
boolean secure = false;
String protocol = atts.get("protocol");
atts = getProtocolByName(protocol);
if (atts != null) {
String sec = atts.get("security-enabled");
secure = sec != null
&& "true".equalsIgnoreCase(sec);
if (GFLauncherUtils.ok(addr))
new HostAndPort(addr, port, secure));
// ed: seven end-braces is six too many for my code!
private int getPort(String portString) {
int port = -1;
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(portString);
catch (Exception e) {
// HEY! Why are you not checking BEFORE the Exception?
// Well, it might be slower to call isToken() on strings that consist
// of just numbers. We just do this stuff if necessary...
try {
portString = sysProps.get(StringUtils.stripToken(portString));
if (portString != null && portString.length() > 0) {
port = Integer.parseInt(portString);
catch (Exception e2) {
// GI but not GO !
return port;
Map<String, String> getProtocolByName(String name) {
for (Map<String, String> atts : protocolAttributes) {
String id = atts.get("name");
if (id == null) {
id = atts.get("id");
if (id != null && id.equals(name))
return atts;
return null;
private Map<String, String> parseAttributes() {
int num = parser.getAttributeCount();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
map.put(parser.getAttributeName(i).getLocalPart(), parser.getAttributeValue(i));
return map;
// clusters is short and sweet. Just parse the whole thing first -- and then do
// the logic of finding our server in it and picking out sysprops...
private void parseClusters() throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor ==> clusters
// if there is more than one clusters element (!weird!) only use the last one
clusters = new ArrayList<ParsedCluster>();
while (skipToButNotPast("clusters", "cluster")) {
// cursor ==> "cluster"
ParsedCluster pc = new ParsedCluster(parseAttributes().get("name"));
* the cluster element has one server-ref for each server in the cluster.
* cluster has an attribute for the config-ref which is the same as in the server element
* that would make this MUCH simpler - compare server's config-ref with this
* cluster's config-ref. If they match -- then the server belongs to this cluster
* But we can't depend on it because of the nature of this serial parser. I.e.
* we may not yet have seen the server element. BUT we are given the server name
* in the constructor -- so we ALWAYS have that. So we check the more complex
* server-ref's
private void parseCluster(ParsedCluster pc) throws XMLStreamException, EndDocumentException {
// cursor --> cluster element
while (skipToButNotPast("cluster", "system-property", "server-ref")) {
String name = parser.getLocalName();
if ("system-property".equals(name)) {
// NOT parseSystemProperty() because this might not be "our" cluster
// finalTouches() will add the correct system-property's
else if ("server-ref".equals(name)) {
Map<String, String> atts = parseAttributes();
// atts is guaranteed to be non-null
String sname = atts.get("ref");
if (GFLauncherUtils.ok(sname))
// add any cluster system props to the data structure...
private void finalTouches() {
if (clusters == null)
for (ParsedCluster pc : clusters) {
Map<String, String> props = pc.getMySysProps(serverName);
if (props != null) {
sysProps.add(SysPropsHandler.Type.CLUSTER, props);
break; // done!!
// this is so we can return from arbitrarily nested calls
private static class EndDocumentException extends Exception {
EndDocumentException() {
private static final String DEFAULT_ADMIN_VS_ID = "__asadmin";
private static final String DEFAULT_VS_ID = "server";
private LoggingConfigImpl loggingConfig = new LoggingConfigImpl();
private File domainXml;
private XMLStreamReader parser;
private InputStreamReader reader;
private String serverName;
private String configRef;
private List<String> jvmOptions = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> profilerJvmOptions = new ArrayList<String>();
private Map<String, String> javaConfig;
private Map<String, String> profilerConfig = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, String> profilerSysProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
private boolean valid = false;
private List<HostAndPort> adminAddresses = new ArrayList<HostAndPort>();
private String domainName;
private static final LocalStringsImpl strings = new LocalStringsImpl(MiniXmlParser.class);
private boolean monitoringEnabled = true; // Issue 12762 Absent <monitoring-service /> element means monitoring-enabled=true by default
private String adminRealm = null;
private Map<String,String> adminRealmProperties = null;
private List<Map<String, String>> vsAttributes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
private List<Map<String, String>> listenerAttributes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
private List<Map<String, String>> protocolAttributes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
private boolean sawNetworkConfig;
private boolean sawDefaultConfig;
private boolean sawConfig;
private SysPropsHandler sysProps = new SysPropsHandler();
private List<ParsedCluster> clusters = null;
private boolean secureAdminEnabled = false;