blob: 46b89b6eb9ce53cc12300afc433dd9cb2b40768f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LoggerInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessagesResourceBundle;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: naman
* Date: 18/3/13
* Time: 12:42 PM
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public class ResourceLoggingConstansts {
message = "Unexpected exception in loading class [{0}] by classloader.",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
cause = "Classpath is not properly set in the domain.xml or application server process does not have " +
"read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar.",
action = "Check that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes a reference to the jar/package " +
"directory for the class or you do not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String LOAD_CLASS_FAIL = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00001";
message = "Unexpected exception in loading class by classloader [{0}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
cause = "Classpath is not properly set in the domain.xml or you do not have read permissions on the directory " +
"that holds the classes/jar.",
action = "Check that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes a reference to the jar/package " +
"directory for the class or check that the directory where the classes/jars reside have read " +
"permission for the application server process",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String LOAD_CLASS_FAIL_EXCEP = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00002";
message = "Cannot bind resource [{0}] to naming manager. Following exception occurred [{1}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
cause = "Please check the exception to get more details.",
action = "Please check the exception to resolve the same.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String BIND_RESOURCE_FAILED = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00003";
message = "Unable to deploy resource [{0}] due to following exception: [{1}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String UNABLE_TO_DEPLOY = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00004";
message = "Unable to undeploy resource, no Resource Deployer for [{0}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String UNABLE_TO_UNDEPLOY = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00005";
message = "Unable to undeploy resource [{0}] due to following exception: [{1}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String UNABLE_TO_UNDEPLOY_EXCEPTION = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00006";
message = "Error while handling Change event due to following exception: [{0}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String ERROR_HANDLE_CHANGE_EVENT = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00007";
message = "Error while handling Remove event due to following exception: [{0}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String ERROR_HANDLE_REMOVE_EVENT = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00008";
message = "Unable to find ResourceDeployer for [{0}].",
comment = "This is a comment about this log message.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String UNABLE_TO_FIND_RESOURCEDEPLOYER = "NCLS-RESOURCE-00009";