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restart-domain(1) asadmin Utility Subcommands restart-domain(1)
restart-domain - restarts the DAS of the specified domain
restart-domain [--help] [--debug ={true|false}]
[--domaindir domaindir]
[--force={true|false}] [--kill={false|true}]
The restart-domain subcommand stops and then restarts the domain
administration server (DAS) of the specified domain. If a domain is not
specified, the default domain is assumed. If the domains directory
contains two or more domains, the domain-name operand must be
specified. If the DAS is not already running, the subcommand attempts
to start it.
The restart-domain subcommand does not exit until the subcommand has
verified that the domain has been stopped and restarted.
This subcommand is supported in local or remote mode. If you specify a
host name, the subcommand assumes you are operating in remote mode,
which means you must correctly authenticate to the remote server. In
local mode, you normally do not need to authenticate to the server as
long as you are running the subcommand as the same user who started the
--help, -?
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
Specifies whether the domain is restarted with Java Platform
Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
debugging enabled.
Possible values are as follows:
The domain is restarted with JPDA debugging enabled and the
port number for JPDA debugging is displayed.
The domain is restarted with JPDA debugging disabled (default).
The default is the current setting of this option for the domain
that is being restarted.
The domain root directory, which contains the directory of the
domain that is to be restarted. If specified, the path must be
accessible in the file system. The default location of the domain
root directory is as-install/domains.
Specifies whether the domain is forcibly stopped immediately before
it is restarted.
Possible values are as follows:
The domain is forcibly stopped immediately (default).
The subcommand waits until all threads that are associated with
the domain are exited before stopping the domain.
Specifies whether the domain is killed before it is restarted by
using functionality of the operating system to terminate the domain
Possible values are as follows:
The domain is not killed. The subcommand uses functionality of
the Java platform to terminate the domain process (default).
The domain is killed. The subcommand uses functionality of the
operating system to terminate the domain process.
The name of the domain you want to restart. Default is the name
specified during installation, usually domain1.
Example 1, Restarting a Domain
This example restarts mydomain4 in the default domains directory.
asadmin> restart-domain mydomain4
Successfully restarted the domain
Command restart-domain executed successfully.
subcommand executed successfully
error in executing the subcommand
delete-domain(1), list-domains(1), start-domain(1), stop-domain(1)
Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
Java EE 8 21 Aug 2017 restart-domain(1)