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title=Administering User Security
= Administering User Security
== 2 Administering User Security
This chapter provides instructions for administering user security in
the {productName} environment by using the `asadmin`
command-line utility. {productName} enforces its authentication and
authorization policies upon realms, users, and groups. This chapter
assumes that you are familiar with security features such as
authentication, authorization, and certificates. If you are not, see
link:system-security.html#ablnk[Administering System Security].
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#ggkuk[Administering Authentication Realms]
* link:#ggnxq[Administering File Users]
Instructions for accomplishing these tasks by using the Administration
Console are contained in the Administration Console online help.
JSR-375 defines the concept of an Identity Store, and an SPI interface
for writing providers that can authenticate users against Identity
Stores. It also provides two built-in providers. This mechanism is
conceptually similar to Authentication Realms, but can be configured and
managed by applications. See[
Working with Identity Stores]
in The Jakarta EE Tutorial for more information about Identity Stores.
=== Administering Authentication Realms
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#gkbiy[Overview of Authentication Realms]
* link:#ggnca[To Create an Authentication Realm]
* link:#ggngh[To List Authentication Realms]
* link:#giwlt[To Update an Authentication Realm]
* link:#ggngf[To Delete an Authentication Realm]
* link:#ggmww[To Configure a JDBC or Digest Authentication Realm]
* link:#gkbeo[To Configure LDAP Authentication with OID]
* link:#gksgi[To Configure LDAP Authentication with OVD]
* link:#gkbjp[To Enable LDAP Authentication on the {productName} DAS]
==== Overview of Authentication Realms
An authentication realm, also called a security policy domain or
security domain, is a scope over which the {productName} defines and
enforces a common security policy. {productName} is preconfigured
with the file, certificate, and administration realms. In addition, you
can set up LDAP, JDBC, digest, Oracle Solaris, or custom realms. An
application can specify which realm to use in its deployment descriptor.
If the application does not specify a realm, {productName} uses its
default realm (`file`).
File realm::
{productName} stores user credentials locally in a file named
`keyfile`. The file realm is the initial default realm.
Administration realm::
The administration realm is also a file realm and stores administrator
user credentials locally in a file named `admin-keyfile`.
Certificate realm::
{productName} stores user credentials in a certificate database.
When using the certificate realm, the server uses certificates with
the HTTPS protocol to authenticate web clients.
LDAP realm::
{productName} can get user credentials from a Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) server such as Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD)
Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
(``), and
Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition
LDAP is a protocol for enabling anyone to locate organizations,
individuals, and other resources such as files and devices in a
network, whether on the public Internet or on a corporate intranet. +
See link:#gkbeo[To Configure LDAP Authentication with OID] for
instructions on configuring {productName} to work with an OVD/OID
LDAP provider.
By default, {productName} performs LDAP group search. If you have
not created any groups in LDAP, the search fails.
To disable LDAP group search in LDAP user name search, set the
Java system property to `true` in the required {productName}
instance or cluster configurations:
asadmin> create-jvm-options --target=target
where target is the {productName} instance or cluster for which you
are disabling LDAP group search. For more information about the
`create-jvm-options` subcommand, see the link:reference-manual.html#GSRFM[{productName} Reference Manual].
JDBC realm::
{productName} gets user credentials from a database. The server
uses the database information and the enabled JDBC realm option in the
configuration file.
Digest realm::
Digest Authentication authenticates a user based on a user name and a
password. However, the authentication is performed by transmitting the
password in an encrypted form.
Oracle Solaris realm::
{productName} gets user credentials from the Oracle Solaris
operating system. This realm is supported on the Oracle Solaris 9 and
Oracle Solaris 10 operating systems. Consult your Oracle Solaris
documentation for information about managing users and groups in the
Oracle Solaris realm.
PAM realm::
A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) realm allows applications
deployed on {productName} to authenticate users against a native
Unix (Solaris/Linux/Mac OS) users list. PAM realms use the class name
`` and the JAAS
Context `pamRealm`. +
This realm is supported on all Unix Operating Systems, including the
Oracle Solaris 9 and Oracle Solaris 10 operating systems
Custom realm::
You can create other repositories for user credentials, such as a
relational database or third-party components. For more information
about custom realms, see the Administration Console online help. For
instructions on creating a custom realm, see
Creating a Custom Realm]" in
{productName} Application Development Guide.
The {productName} authentication service can govern users in multiple realms.
==== To Create an Authentication Realm
Use the `create-auth-realm` subcommand in remote mode to create an
authentication realm.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Create a realm by using the
link:reference-manual/create-auth-realm.html#GSRFM00015[`create-auth-realm`] subcommand. +
Information about properties for this subcommand is included in this help page.
Example 2-1 Creating a Realm
This example creates a realm named `db`.
asadmin> create-auth-realm --classname
auth.realm.DB.Database --property defaultuser=admin:Password=admin db
Command create-auth-realm executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help create-auth-realm` at the command line.
For information on creating a custom realm, see
"link:application-development-guide/securing-apps.html#GSDVG00367[Creating a Custom Realm]" in {productName} Application Development Guide.
==== To List Authentication Realms
Use the `list-auth-realms` subcommand in remote mode to list the
existing authentication realms.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List realms by using the link:reference-manual/list-auth-realms.html#GSRFM00150[`list-auth-realms`]
Example 2-2 Listing Realms
This example lists the authentication realms on `localhost`.
asadmin> list-auth-realms
Command list-auth-realms executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help list-auth-realms` at the command line.
==== To Update an Authentication Realm
Use the `set` subcommand to modify an existing authentication realm.
A custom realm does not require server restart.
1. List realms by using the link:reference-manual/list-auth-realms.html#GSRFM00150[`list-auth-realms`]
2. Modify the values for the specified thread pool by using the
link:reference-manual/set.html#GSRFM00226[`set`] subcommand.
The thread pool is identified by its dotted name.
3. To apply your changes, restart {productName}.
See "link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]" in {productName} Administration Guide.
==== To Delete an Authentication Realm
Use the `delete-auth-realm` subcommand in remote mode to delete an
existing authentication realm.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List realms by using the
link:reference-manual/list-auth-realms.html#GSRFM00150[`list-auth-realms`] subcommand.
3. If necessary, notify users that the realm is being deleted.
4. Delete the realm by using the
link:reference-manual/delete-auth-realm.html#GSRFM00066[`delete-auth-realm`] subcommand.
5. To apply your changes, restart {productName}. See
"link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]" in {productName} Administration Guide.
Example 2-3 Deleting a Realm
This example deletes an authentication realm named `db`.
asadmin> delete-auth-realm db
Command delete-auth-realm executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help delete-auth-realm` at the command line.
==== To Configure a JDBC or Digest Authentication Realm
{productName} enables you to specify a user's credentials (user name
and password) in the JDBC realm instead of in the connection pool. Using
the `jdbc` type realm instead of the connection pool prevents other
applications from browsing the database tables for user credentials.
By default, storage of passwords as clear text is not supported in the
JDBC realm. Under normal circumstances, passwords should not be stored
as clear text.
1. [[ggmxh]]
Create the database tables in which to store user credentials for the realm. +
How you create the database tables depends on the database that you are using.
2. Add user credentials to the database tables that you created. +
How you add user credentials to the database tables depends on the
database that you are using.
3. Create a JDBC connection pool for the database. +
See "link:administration-guide/jdbc.html#GSADG00420[
To Create a JDBC Connection Pool]" in {productName} Administration Guide.
4. Create a JDBC resource for the database. +
To Create a JDBC Resource]" in {productName} Administration Guide.
5. [[ggmvo]]
Create a realm. +
For instructions, see link:#ggnca[To Create an Authentication Realm].
The JAAS context should be `jdbcDigestRealm` for digest authentication
or `jdbcRealm` for other authentication types.
6. [[ggmtc]]
Modify the deployment descriptor to specify the `jdbc` realm. +
Modify the deployment descriptor that is associated with your application.
* For an enterprise application in an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file,
modify the `sun-application.xml` file.
* For a web application in a Web Application Archive (WAR) file, modify the `web.xml` file.
* For an enterprise bean in an EJB JAR file, modify the `sun-ejb-jar.xml` file.
For more information about how to specify a realm, see
How to Configure a Realm]" in {productName} Application Development Guide.
7. Assign security roles to users in the realm. +
To assign a security role to a user, add a `security-role-mapping`
element to the deployment descriptor that you modified.
8. Verify that the database is running. +
If needed, see "link:administration-guide/jdbc.html#GSADG00417[To Start the Database]"
in {productName} Administration Guide.
9. To apply the authentication, restart the server. +
See "link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]"
in {productName} Administration Guide.
Example 2-4 Assigning a Security Role
This example shows a `security-role-mapping` element that assigns the
security role `Employee` to user `Calvin`
==== To Configure LDAP Authentication with OID
This procedure explains how to configure {productName} to use LDAP
authentication with Oracle Internet Directory.
1. Install Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g and the latest Enterprise
Manager patches, if they are not installed already. +
Instructions for installing Oracle Enterprise Manager are provided in
the Oracle Enterprise Manager
(``) documentation set.
2. Install the Oracle Identity Management Suite (IDM) 11g and Patch Set 2 or later,
if they are not installed already. +
Instructions for installing the Oracle Identity Management suite are
provided in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle
Identity Management
3. Configure SSL for Oracle Internet Directory (OID), if it is not
configured already. Configure the OID instance in the server
authentication mode and with the protocol version set to SSLv3 +
Instructions for configuring SSL for OID are provided in the SSL chapter
of Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
4. Using Oracle Wallet Manager, export an SSL self-signed certificate
you want to use with {productName}. +
Instructions for using Oracle Wallet Manager to create and export SSL
certificates are provided in the "Configure Oracle Internet Directory
for SSL" (``)
section of the SSL chapter in Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's
Guide (``).
5. On the {productName} side, use the `keytool` command import the
certificate you exported with Oracle Wallet Manager. +
The `keytool` command is available in the `$JAVA_HOME/bin` directory.
Use the following syntax:
keytool -importcert -alias "alias-name" -keystore domain-dir/config/cacerts.jks
-file cert-name
where the variables are defined as follows:
Name of an alias to use for the certificate
Name of the domain for which the certificate is used
Path to the certificate that you exported with Oracle Wallet Manager.
For example, to import a certificate named `oi.cer` for a {productName} domain in `/glassfish7/glassfish/domains/domain1`, using an
alias called "OID self-signed certificate," you would use the following command:
keytool -importcert -alias "OID self signed certificate" -keystore \
/glassfish7/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks -file oid.cer
6. Restart the {productName} domain. +
See "link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]"
in {productName} Administration Guide.
7. Use the Oracle Enterprise Manager `ldapmodify` command to enable
Anonymous Bind for OID. +
For example:
ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -q -p portNum -h hostname -f ldifFile
In this example, the LDIF file might contain the following:
dn: cn=oid1,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclAnonymousBindsFlag
orclAnonymousBindsFlag: 1
To disable all anonymous binds, you would use a similar LDIF file with
the last line changed to:
orclAnonymousBindsFlag: 0
See "Managing Anonymous Binds"
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory
(``) for
complete instructions on the `ldapmodify` command.
==== To Configure LDAP Authentication with OVD
This procedure explains how to configure {productName} to use LDAP
authentication with Oracle Virtual Directory.
1. Create the OVD adapter, as described in the "Creating and
Configuring Oracle Virtual Directory Adapters"
chapter of Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory
2. Configure SSL for Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD), if it is not
configured already. For instructions on configuring SSL for OVD, see the
section "Enable SSL for Oracle Virtual Directory Using Fusion Middleware
Control" in SSL Configuration in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Also, configure the SSL for the OVD listener in server authentication mode.
3. Export the certificate from JKS keystore you want to use with
{productName}. See "Exporting a Keystore Using Fusion Middleware Control"
for information.
4. On the {productName} side, use the `keytool` command to import
the certificate you exported from the JKS keystore. +
The `keytool` command is available in the `$JAVA_HOME/bin` directory.
Use the following syntax:
keytool -importcert -alias "alias-name" -keystore domain-dir/config/cacerts.jks
-file cert-name
where the variables are defined as follows:
Name of an alias to use for the certificate
Name of the domain for which the certificate is used
Path to the certificate that you exported from the keystore.
For example, to import a certificate named `ovd.cer` for a {productName} domain in `/glassfish7/glassfish/domains/domain1`, using an
alias called "OVD self-signed certificate," you would use the following command:
keytool -importcert -alias "OVD self signed certificate" -keystore \
/glassfish7/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks -file ovd.cer
5. Restart the {productName} domain. +
See "link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]"
in {productName} Administration Guide.
==== To Enable LDAP Authentication on the {productName} DAS
This procedure explains how to enable LDAP authentication for logins to
the {productName} Domain Administration Server (DAS). Logging in to
the DAS is typically only performed by {productName} administrators
who want to use the {productName} Administration Console or `asadmin`
command. See link:#gkbeo[To Configure LDAP Authentication with OID] for
instructions on enabling general LDAP authentication for {productName}.
Before you begin, ensure that you have followed the configuration instructions in
link:#gkbeo[To Configure LDAP Authentication with OID]
Use the `asadmin configure-ldap-for-admin` subcommand to enable user
authentication to the {productName} DAS.
Use the following syntax:
asadmin configure-ldap-for-admin --basedn "dn-list" --url [ldap|ldaps]://ldap-url
--ldap-group group-name
where the variables are defined as follows:
basedn parameters
URL and port number for the LDAP server; can use standard (`ldap`) or
secure (`ldaps`) protocol
LDAP group name for allowed users, as defined on the LDAP server.
For example:
asadmin configure-ldap-for-admin --basedn "dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" \
--url ldap://interopoel54-1:3060 --ldap-group sqestaticgroup
asadmin configure-ldap-for-admin --basedn "dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" \
--url ldaps://interopoel54-1:7501 --ldap-group sqestaticgroup
See Also
See link:reference-manual/configure-ldap-for-admin.html#GSRFM00010[`configure-ldap-for-admin`] for more information
about the `configure-ldap-for-admin subcommand`.
=== Administering File Users
A user is an individual (or application program) identity that is
defined in {productName}. A user who has been authenticated is
sometimes called a principal.
As the administrator, you are responsible for integrating users into the
{productName} environment so that their credentials are securely
established and they are provided with access to the applications and
services that they are entitled to use.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#ggocf[To Create a File User]
* link:#ggoab[To List File Users]
* link:#ghlgs[To List File Groups]
* link:#ggoaw[To Update a File User]
* link:#ggoah[To Delete a File User]
==== To Create a File User
Use the `create-file-user` subcommand in remote mode to create a new
user by adding a new entry to the `keyfile`. The entry includes the user
name, password, and any groups for the user. Multiple groups can be
specified by separating the groups with colons (:).
If secure administration is enabled as described in
link:administrative-security.html#gkomz[Running Secure Admin], you cannot
create an administrative user with a blank password.
Creating a new `file` realm user is a dynamic event and does not require
server restart.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. If the user will belong to a particular group, see the current
groups by using the
link:reference-manual/list-file-groups.html#GSRFM00164[`list-file-groups`] subcommand.
3. Create a file user by using the
link:reference-manual/create-file-user.html#GSRFM00024[`create-file-user`] subcommand.
Example 2-5 Creating a User
This example create user `Jennifer` on the default realm `file` (no groups are specified).
The `asadmin` `--passwordfile` option specifies the name of a file that
contains the password entries in a specific format. The entry for a
password must have the `AS_ADMIN_` prefix followed by the password name
in uppercase letters, an equals sign, and the password. See
link:reference-manual/asadmin.html#GSRFM00263[`asadmin`(1M)] for more information.
asadmin> create-file-user --user admin
--passwordfile=c:\tmp\asadminpassword.txt Jennifer
Command create-file-user executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help create-file-user` at the command line.
==== To List File Users
Use the `list-file-users` subcommand in remote mode to list the users
that are in the `keyfile`.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List users by using the link:reference-manual/list-file-users.html#GSRFM00165[`list-file-users`]
Example 2-6 Listing File Users
This example lists file users on the default `file` realm file.
asadmin> list-file-users
Command list-file-users executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help list-file-users` at the command line.
==== To List File Groups
A group is a category of users classified by common traits, such as job
title or customer profile. For example, users of an e-commerce
application might belong to the `customer` group, and the big spenders
might also belong to the `preferred` group. Categorizing users into
groups makes it easier to control the access of large numbers of users.
A group is defined for an entire server and realm. A user can be
associated with multiple groups of users.
A group is different from a role in that a role defines a function in an
application, while a group is a set of users who are related in some
way. For example, in the personnel application there might be groups
such as `full-time`, `part-time`, and `on-leave`. Users in these groups
are all employees (the `employee` role). In addition, each user has its
own designation that defines an additional level of employment.
Use the `list-file-groups` subcommand in remote mode to list groups for
a file user, or all file groups if the `--name` option is not specified.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List file groups by using the
link:reference-manual/list-file-groups.html#GSRFM00164[`list-file-groups`] subcommand.
Example 2-7 Listing Groups for a User
This example lists the groups for user `joesmith`.
asadmin> list-file-groups --name joesmith
Command list-file-groups executed successfully
==== To Update a File User
Use the `update-file-user` subcommand in remote mode to modify the
information in the `keyfile` for a specified user.
If secure administration is enabled as described in
link:administrative-security.html#gkomz[Running Secure Admin], you cannot
update an administrative user to have a blank password.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Update the user information by using the
link:reference-manual/update-file-user.html#GSRFM00254[`update-file-user`] subcommand.
3. To apply your changes, restart {productName}. +
See "link:administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00337[To Restart a Domain]"
in {productName} Administration Guide.
Example 2-8 Updating a User
The following subcommand updates the groups for user `Jennifer`.
asadmin> update-file-user --passwordfile c:\tmp\asadminpassword.txt --groups
staff:manager:engineer Jennifer
Command update-file-user executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help update-file-user` at the command line.
==== To Delete a File User
Use the `delete-file-user` subcommand in remote mode to remove a user
entry from the `keyfile` by specifying the user name. You cannot delete
yourself, that is, the user you are logged in as cannot be deleted
during your session.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List users by using the
link:reference-manual/list-file-users.html#GSRFM00165[`list-file-users`] subcommand.
3. Delete the user by using the
link:reference-manual/delete-file-user.html#GSRFM00076[`delete-file-user`] subcommand.
Example 2-9 Deleting a User
This example deletes user `Jennifer` from the default `file` realm.
asadmin> delete-file-user Jennifer
Command delete-file-user executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help delete-file-user` at the command line.