blob: 41b3e9499b2f916eee71c17aab4860fbe0c932b9 [file] [log] [blame]
Romain Grecourt3230dc42019-02-26 15:26:54 -08001#!/usr/bin/env groovy
3// the label is unique and identifies the pod descriptor and its resulting pods
4// without this, the agent could be using a pod created from a different descriptor
5def label = "glassfish-ci-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"
6podTemplate(label: label, yaml: """
7apiVersion: v1
8kind: Pod
10 securityContext:
11 runAsUser: 1000100000
12 containers:
13 - name: glassfish-ci
14 image: ee4jglassfish/ci:jdk-8.181
15 args:
16 - cat
17 tty: true
18 imagePullPolicy: Always
19 resources:
20 limits:
21 memory: "7Gi"
22 cpu: "3"
24) {
25 node (label) {
26 def CREDENTIALS_ID='902aa4fe-7457-47e3-b3c4-de5a4c33b9c5'
27 container('glassfish-ci') {
28 sshagent([CREDENTIALS_ID]) {
29 sh '''
30 set -e
32 SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
33 SSH_HOST=""
34 STAGING_PATH="/home/data/httpd/"
36 # Print the number of colons in a string
37 # arg1 - string
38 numColons(){
39 local str="${1}"
40 local colons="${str//[^:]}"
41 echo "${#colons}"
42 }
44 # Download a bundle from Maven Central
45 # arg1 - gav (groupID:artifactID:version[:classifier]:type)
46 downloadBundle(){
47 local gav=${1}
48 local numC=`numColons "${gav}"`
49 if [ "${numC}" != "3" ] && [ "${numC}" != "4" ] ; then
50 echo "Bad GAV format: ${gav}"
51 return 1
52 fi
53 local groupId=`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f1`
54 local artifactId=`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f2`
55 local version=`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f3`
56 local fname="${artifactId}-${version}"
57 if [ "${numC}" = "3" ] ; then
58 fname="${fname}.`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f4`"
59 else
60 fname="${fname}-`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f4`.`echo ${gav} | cut -d ':' -f5`"
61 fi
62 curl "${groupId//.//}/${artifactId}/${version}/${fname}" > bundles/${fname}
63 }
65 # download all given bundles from Maven Central
66 rm -rf bundles && mkdir -p bundles
67 IFS=,
68 for gav in ${BUNDLES_GAV} ; do
69 downloadBundle "${gav}"
70 done
72 # upload them to
73 eval "ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_HOST} mkdir -p ${STAGING_PATH}"
74 eval "scp ${SSH_OPTS} -r bundles/* ${SSH_HOST}:${STAGING_PATH}"
75 '''
76 }
77 }
78 }