blob: d18f9596155f641bd354131ba3d019b9e26cc00a [file] [log] [blame]
# This file configures imports managed by //third_party/golang/import.go.
# See go/thirdpartygo for more information.
# ImportFiles specifies which files to import from the upstream source.
exclude: /[.] # exclude hidden files and folders (e.g., ".gitignore")
exclude: /METADATA$ # see go/metadata
exclude: /OWNERS$ # see go/owners
exclude: /BUILD$ # see go/build
include: .*
# ImportRenames specifies whether to rename any source files or directories.
sed: s:^/LICENSE([.](gpl|md|txt))?$:/LICENSE:I # see go/thirdpartylicenses
# GoogleFiles specifies files added to the import to support use within google3.
include: /bluze\.textproto$ # see go/bluze
include: /[^/]+\.blueprint$ # see go/blueprint
include: ^/GOIMPORT/ # configuration and metadata for import.go tool
include: /METADATA$ # see go/metadata
include: /OWNERS$ # see go/owners
include: /BUILD$ # see go/build
include: /g3doc/ # see go/g3doc
include: /google_[^/]+ # treat files with google_ prefix as internal
exclude: .*