blob: 30929f732a24135cab06e5c934adbe967e4fd083 [file] [log] [blame]
package cose
import (
// ed25519Signer is a Pure EdDsA based signer with a generic crypto.Signer.
type ed25519Signer struct {
key crypto.Signer
// Algorithm returns the signing algorithm associated with the private key.
func (es *ed25519Signer) Algorithm() Algorithm {
return AlgorithmEd25519
// Sign signs digest with the private key, possibly using entropy from rand.
// The resulting signature should follow RFC 8152 section 8.2.
// Reference:
func (es *ed25519Signer) Sign(rand io.Reader, digest []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// crypto.Hash(0) must be passed as an option.
// Reference:
return es.key.Sign(rand, digest, crypto.Hash(0))
// ed25519Verifier is a Pure EdDsA based verifier with golang built-in keys.
type ed25519Verifier struct {
key ed25519.PublicKey
// Algorithm returns the signing algorithm associated with the public key.
func (ev *ed25519Verifier) Algorithm() Algorithm {
return AlgorithmEd25519
// Verify verifies digest with the public key, returning nil for success.
// Otherwise, it returns ErrVerification.
// Reference:
func (ev *ed25519Verifier) Verify(digest []byte, signature []byte) error {
if verified := ed25519.Verify(ev.key, digest, signature); !verified {
return ErrVerification
return nil