blob: 11942ce5337754d6e06f6fff7cbd1d061240144e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package command
import (
systemd ""
ctconfig ""
log ""
agentConfig ""
cache ""
var (
_ cli.Command = (*AgentCommand)(nil)
_ cli.CommandAutocomplete = (*AgentCommand)(nil)
const (
// flagNameAgentExitAfterAuth is used as an Agent specific flag to indicate
// that agent should exit after a single successful auth
flagNameAgentExitAfterAuth = "exit-after-auth"
type AgentCommand struct {
logFlags logFlags
config *agentConfig.Config
ShutdownCh chan struct{}
SighupCh chan struct{}
tlsReloadFuncsLock sync.RWMutex
tlsReloadFuncs []reloadutil.ReloadFunc
logWriter io.Writer
logGate *gatedwriter.Writer
logger log.Logger
// Telemetry object
metricsHelper *metricsutil.MetricsHelper
cleanupGuard sync.Once
startedCh chan struct{} // for tests
reloadedCh chan struct{} // for tests
flagConfigs []string
flagExitAfterAuth bool
flagTestVerifyOnly bool
func (c *AgentCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "Start a Vault agent"
func (c *AgentCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: vault agent [options]
This command starts a Vault Agent that can perform automatic authentication
in certain environments.
Start an agent with a configuration file:
$ vault agent -config=/etc/vault/config.hcl
For a full list of examples, please see the documentation.
` + c.Flags().Help()
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func (c *AgentCommand) Flags() *FlagSets {
set := c.flagSet(FlagSetHTTP)
f := set.NewFlagSet("Command Options")
// Augment with the log flags
Name: "config",
Target: &c.flagConfigs,
Completion: complete.PredictOr(
Usage: "Path to a configuration file. This configuration file should " +
"contain only agent directives.",
Name: flagNameAgentExitAfterAuth,
Target: &c.flagExitAfterAuth,
Default: false,
Usage: "If set to true, the agent will exit with code 0 after a single " +
"successful auth, where success means that a token was retrieved and " +
"all sinks successfully wrote it",
// Internal-only flags to follow.
// Why hello there little source code reader! Welcome to the Vault source
// code. The remaining options are intentionally undocumented and come with
// no warranty or backwards-compatibility promise. Do not use these flags
// in production. Do not build automation using these flags. Unless you are
// developing against Vault, you should not need any of these flags.
Name: "test-verify-only",
Target: &c.flagTestVerifyOnly,
Default: false,
Hidden: true,
// End internal-only flags.
return set
func (c *AgentCommand) AutocompleteArgs() complete.Predictor {
return complete.PredictNothing
func (c *AgentCommand) AutocompleteFlags() complete.Flags {
return c.Flags().Completions()
func (c *AgentCommand) Run(args []string) int {
f := c.Flags()
if err := f.Parse(args); err != nil {
return 1
// Create a logger. We wrap it in a gated writer so that it doesn't
// start logging too early.
c.logGate = gatedwriter.NewWriter(os.Stderr)
c.logWriter = c.logGate
if c.logFlags.flagCombineLogs {
c.logWriter = os.Stdout
// Validation
if len(c.flagConfigs) < 1 {
c.UI.Error("Must specify exactly at least one config path using -config")
return 1
config, err := c.loadConfig(c.flagConfigs)
if err != nil {
return 1
if config.AutoAuth == nil {
c.UI.Info("No auto_auth block found in config, the automatic authentication feature will not be started")
c.applyConfigOverrides(f, config) // This only needs to happen on start-up to aggregate config from flags and env vars
c.config = config
l, err := c.newLogger()
if err != nil {
return 1
c.logger = l
infoKeys := make([]string, 0, 10)
info := make(map[string]string)
info["log level"] = config.LogLevel
infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "log level")
infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version")
verInfo := version.GetVersion()
info["version"] = verInfo.FullVersionNumber(false)
if verInfo.Revision != "" {
info["version sha"] = strings.Trim(verInfo.Revision, "'")
infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version sha")
infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "cgo")
info["cgo"] = "disabled"
if version.CgoEnabled {
info["cgo"] = "enabled"
// Tests might not want to start a vault server and just want to verify
// the configuration.
if c.flagTestVerifyOnly {
return 0
// Ignore any setting of Agent's address. This client is used by the Agent
// to reach out to Vault. This should never loop back to agent.
c.flagAgentProxyAddress = ""
client, err := c.Client()
if err != nil {
"Error fetching client: %v",
return 1
serverHealth, err := client.Sys().Health()
if err == nil {
// We don't exit on error here, as this is not worth stopping Agent over
serverVersion := serverHealth.Version
agentVersion := version.GetVersion().VersionNumber()
if serverVersion != agentVersion {
c.UI.Info("==> Note: Vault Agent version does not match Vault server version. " +
fmt.Sprintf("Vault Agent version: %s, Vault server version: %s", agentVersion, serverVersion))
if config.IsDefaultListerDefined() {
// Notably, we cannot know for sure if they are using the API proxy functionality unless
// we log on each API proxy call, which would be too noisy.
// A customer could have a listener defined but only be using e.g. the cache-clear API,
// even though the API proxy is something they have available.
c.UI.Warn("==> Note: Vault Agent will be deprecating API proxy functionality in a future " +
"release, and this functionality has moved to a new subcommand, vault proxy. If you rely on this " +
"functionality, plan to move to Vault Proxy instead.")
// ctx and cancelFunc are passed to the AuthHandler, SinkServer, ExecServer and
// TemplateServer that periodically listen for ctx.Done() to fire and shut
// down accordingly.
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelFunc()
// telemetry configuration
inmemMetrics, _, prometheusEnabled, err := configutil.SetupTelemetry(&configutil.SetupTelemetryOpts{
Config: config.Telemetry,
Ui: c.UI,
ServiceName: "vault",
DisplayName: "Vault",
UserAgent: useragent.AgentString(),
ClusterName: config.ClusterName,
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing telemetry: %s", err))
return 1
c.metricsHelper = metricsutil.NewMetricsHelper(inmemMetrics, prometheusEnabled)
var method auth.AuthMethod
var sinks []*sink.SinkConfig
var templateNamespace string
if config.AutoAuth != nil {
if client.Headers().Get(consts.NamespaceHeaderName) == "" && config.AutoAuth.Method.Namespace != "" {
templateNamespace = client.Headers().Get(consts.NamespaceHeaderName)
sinkClient, err := client.CloneWithHeaders()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error cloning client for file sink: %v", err))
return 1
if config.DisableIdleConnsAutoAuth {
if config.DisableKeepAlivesAutoAuth {
for _, sc := range config.AutoAuth.Sinks {
switch sc.Type {
case "file":
config := &sink.SinkConfig{
Logger: c.logger.Named("sink.file"),
Config: sc.Config,
Client: sinkClient,
WrapTTL: sc.WrapTTL,
DHType: sc.DHType,
DeriveKey: sc.DeriveKey,
DHPath: sc.DHPath,
AAD: sc.AAD,
s, err := file.NewFileSink(config)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Errorf("error creating file sink: %w", err).Error())
return 1
config.Sink = s
sinks = append(sinks, config)
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown sink type %q", sc.Type))
return 1
authConfig := &auth.AuthConfig{
Logger: c.logger.Named(fmt.Sprintf("auth.%s", config.AutoAuth.Method.Type)),
MountPath: config.AutoAuth.Method.MountPath,
Config: config.AutoAuth.Method.Config,
method, err = agentproxyshared.GetAutoAuthMethodFromConfig(config.AutoAuth.Method.Type, authConfig, config.Vault.Address)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating %s auth method: %v", config.AutoAuth.Method.Type, err))
return 1
// We do this after auto-auth has been configured, because we don't want to
// confuse the issue of retries for auth failures which have their own
// config and are handled a bit differently.
if os.Getenv(api.EnvVaultMaxRetries) == "" {
if config.Vault != nil {
if config.Vault.Retry != nil {
enforceConsistency := cache.EnforceConsistencyNever
whenInconsistent := cache.WhenInconsistentFail
if config.APIProxy != nil {
switch config.APIProxy.EnforceConsistency {
case "always":
enforceConsistency = cache.EnforceConsistencyAlways
case "never", "":
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown api_proxy setting for enforce_consistency: %q", config.APIProxy.EnforceConsistency))
return 1
switch config.APIProxy.WhenInconsistent {
case "retry":
whenInconsistent = cache.WhenInconsistentRetry
case "forward":
whenInconsistent = cache.WhenInconsistentForward
case "fail", "":
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown api_proxy setting for when_inconsistent: %q", config.APIProxy.WhenInconsistent))
return 1
// Keep Cache configuration for legacy reasons, but error if defined alongside API Proxy
if config.Cache != nil {
switch config.Cache.EnforceConsistency {
case "always":
if enforceConsistency != cache.EnforceConsistencyNever {
c.UI.Error("enforce_consistency configured in both api_proxy and cache blocks. Please remove this configuration from the cache block.")
return 1
} else {
enforceConsistency = cache.EnforceConsistencyAlways
case "never", "":
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown cache setting for enforce_consistency: %q", config.Cache.EnforceConsistency))
return 1
switch config.Cache.WhenInconsistent {
case "retry":
if whenInconsistent != cache.WhenInconsistentFail {
c.UI.Error("when_inconsistent configured in both api_proxy and cache blocks. Please remove this configuration from the cache block.")
return 1
} else {
whenInconsistent = cache.WhenInconsistentRetry
case "forward":
if whenInconsistent != cache.WhenInconsistentFail {
c.UI.Error("when_inconsistent configured in both api_proxy and cache blocks. Please remove this configuration from the cache block.")
return 1
} else {
whenInconsistent = cache.WhenInconsistentForward
case "fail", "":
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown cache setting for when_inconsistent: %q", config.Cache.WhenInconsistent))
return 1
// Warn if cache _and_ cert auto-auth is enabled but certificates were not
// provided in the auto_auth.method["cert"].config stanza.
if config.Cache != nil && (config.AutoAuth != nil && config.AutoAuth.Method != nil && config.AutoAuth.Method.Type == "cert") {
_, okCertFile := config.AutoAuth.Method.Config["client_cert"]
_, okCertKey := config.AutoAuth.Method.Config["client_key"]
// If neither of these exists in the cert stanza, agent will use the
// certs from the vault stanza.
if !okCertFile && !okCertKey {
c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength("WARNING! Cache is enabled and using the same certificates " +
"from the 'cert' auto-auth method specified in the 'vault' stanza. Consider " +
"specifying certificate information in the 'cert' auto-auth's config stanza."))
// Output the header that the agent has started
if !c.logFlags.flagCombineLogs {
c.UI.Output("==> Vault Agent started! Log data will stream in below:\n")
var leaseCache *cache.LeaseCache
var previousToken string
proxyClient, err := client.CloneWithHeaders()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error cloning client for proxying: %v", err))
return 1
if config.DisableIdleConnsAPIProxy {
if config.DisableKeepAlivesAPIProxy {
apiProxyLogger := c.logger.Named("apiproxy")
// The API proxy to be used, if listeners are configured
apiProxy, err := cache.NewAPIProxy(&cache.APIProxyConfig{
Client: proxyClient,
Logger: apiProxyLogger,
EnforceConsistency: enforceConsistency,
WhenInconsistentAction: whenInconsistent,
UserAgentStringFunction: useragent.AgentProxyStringWithProxiedUserAgent,
UserAgentString: useragent.AgentProxyString(),
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating API proxy: %v", err))
return 1
// Parse agent cache configurations
if config.Cache != nil {
cacheLogger := c.logger.Named("cache")
// Create the lease cache proxier and set its underlying proxier to
// the API proxier.
leaseCache, err = cache.NewLeaseCache(&cache.LeaseCacheConfig{
Client: proxyClient,
BaseContext: ctx,
Proxier: apiProxy,
Logger: cacheLogger.Named("leasecache"),
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating lease cache: %v", err))
return 1
// Configure persistent storage and add to LeaseCache
if config.Cache.Persist != nil {
deferFunc, oldToken, err := agentproxyshared.AddPersistentStorageToLeaseCache(ctx, leaseCache, config.Cache.Persist, cacheLogger)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating persistent cache: %v", err))
return 1
previousToken = oldToken
if deferFunc != nil {
defer deferFunc()
var listeners []net.Listener
// If there are templates, add an in-process listener
if len(config.Templates) > 0 || len(config.EnvTemplates) > 0 {
config.Listeners = append(config.Listeners, &configutil.Listener{Type: listenerutil.BufConnType})
// Ensure we've added all the reload funcs for TLS before anyone triggers a reload.
for i, lnConfig := range config.Listeners {
var ln net.Listener
var tlsCfg *tls.Config
if lnConfig.Type == listenerutil.BufConnType {
inProcListener := bufconn.Listen(1024 * 1024)
if config.Cache != nil {
config.Cache.InProcDialer = listenerutil.NewBufConnWrapper(inProcListener)
ln = inProcListener
} else {
lnBundle, err := cache.StartListener(lnConfig)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting listener: %v", err))
return 1
tlsCfg = lnBundle.TLSConfig
ln = lnBundle.Listener
// Track the reload func, so we can reload later if needed.
c.tlsReloadFuncs = append(c.tlsReloadFuncs, lnBundle.TLSReloadFunc)
listeners = append(listeners, ln)
proxyVaultToken := true
var inmemSink sink.Sink
if config.APIProxy != nil {
if config.APIProxy.UseAutoAuthToken {
apiProxyLogger.Debug("auto-auth token is allowed to be used; configuring inmem sink")
inmemSink, err = inmem.New(&sink.SinkConfig{
Logger: apiProxyLogger,
}, leaseCache)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating inmem sink for cache: %v", err))
return 1
sinks = append(sinks, &sink.SinkConfig{
Logger: apiProxyLogger,
Sink: inmemSink,
proxyVaultToken = !config.APIProxy.ForceAutoAuthToken
var muxHandler http.Handler
if leaseCache != nil {
muxHandler = cache.ProxyHandler(ctx, apiProxyLogger, leaseCache, inmemSink, proxyVaultToken)
} else {
muxHandler = cache.ProxyHandler(ctx, apiProxyLogger, apiProxy, inmemSink, proxyVaultToken)
// Parse 'require_request_header' listener config option, and wrap
// the request handler if necessary
if lnConfig.RequireRequestHeader && ("metrics_only" != lnConfig.Role) {
muxHandler = verifyRequestHeader(muxHandler)
// Create a muxer and add paths relevant for the lease cache layer
mux := http.NewServeMux()
quitEnabled := lnConfig.AgentAPI != nil && lnConfig.AgentAPI.EnableQuit
mux.Handle(consts.AgentPathMetrics, c.handleMetrics())
if "metrics_only" != lnConfig.Role {
mux.Handle(consts.AgentPathCacheClear, leaseCache.HandleCacheClear(ctx))
mux.Handle(consts.AgentPathQuit, c.handleQuit(quitEnabled))
mux.Handle("/", muxHandler)
scheme := "https://"
if tlsCfg == nil {
scheme = "http://"
if ln.Addr().Network() == "unix" {
scheme = "unix://"
infoKey := fmt.Sprintf("api address %d", i+1)
info[infoKey] = scheme + ln.Addr().String()
infoKeys = append(infoKeys, infoKey)
server := &http.Server{
Addr: ln.Addr().String(),
TLSConfig: tlsCfg,
Handler: mux,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
ErrorLog: apiProxyLogger.StandardLogger(nil),
go server.Serve(ln)
// Ensure that listeners are closed at all the exits
listenerCloseFunc := func() {
for _, ln := range listeners {
defer c.cleanupGuard.Do(listenerCloseFunc)
// Inform any tests that the server is ready
if c.startedCh != nil {
var g run.Group
g.Add(func() error {
for {
select {
case <-c.SighupCh:
c.UI.Output("==> Vault Agent config reload triggered")
err := c.reloadConfig(c.flagConfigs)
if err != nil {
// Send the 'reloaded' message on the relevant channel
select {
case c.reloadedCh <- struct{}{}:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
}, func(error) {
// This run group watches for signal termination
g.Add(func() error {
for {
select {
case <-c.ShutdownCh:
c.UI.Output("==> Vault Agent shutdown triggered")
// Notify systemd that the server is shutting down
// Let the lease cache know this is a shutdown; no need to evict everything
if leaseCache != nil {
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-winsvc.ShutdownChannel():
return nil
}, func(error) {})
// Start auto-auth and sink servers
if method != nil {
enableTemplateTokenCh := len(config.Templates) > 0
enableEnvTemplateTokenCh := len(config.EnvTemplates) > 0
// Auth Handler is going to set its own retry values, so we want to
// work on a copy of the client to not affect other subsystems.
ahClient, err := c.client.CloneWithHeaders()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error cloning client for auth handler: %v", err))
return 1
if config.DisableIdleConnsAutoAuth {
if config.DisableKeepAlivesAutoAuth {
ah := auth.NewAuthHandler(&auth.AuthHandlerConfig{
Logger: c.logger.Named("auth.handler"),
Client: ahClient,
WrapTTL: config.AutoAuth.Method.WrapTTL,
MinBackoff: config.AutoAuth.Method.MinBackoff,
MaxBackoff: config.AutoAuth.Method.MaxBackoff,
EnableReauthOnNewCredentials: config.AutoAuth.EnableReauthOnNewCredentials,
EnableTemplateTokenCh: enableTemplateTokenCh,
EnableExecTokenCh: enableEnvTemplateTokenCh,
Token: previousToken,
ExitOnError: config.AutoAuth.Method.ExitOnError,
UserAgent: useragent.AgentAutoAuthString(),
MetricsSignifier: "agent",
ss := sink.NewSinkServer(&sink.SinkServerConfig{
Logger: c.logger.Named("sink.server"),
Client: ahClient,
ExitAfterAuth: config.ExitAfterAuth,
ts := template.NewServer(&template.ServerConfig{
Logger: c.logger.Named("template.server"),
LogLevel: c.logger.GetLevel(),
LogWriter: c.logWriter,
AgentConfig: c.config,
Namespace: templateNamespace,
ExitAfterAuth: config.ExitAfterAuth,
es := exec.NewServer(&exec.ServerConfig{
AgentConfig: c.config,
Namespace: templateNamespace,
Logger: c.logger.Named("exec.server"),
LogLevel: c.logger.GetLevel(),
LogWriter: c.logWriter,
g.Add(func() error {
return ah.Run(ctx, method)
}, func(error) {
// Let the lease cache know this is a shutdown; no need to evict
// everything
if leaseCache != nil {
g.Add(func() error {
err := ss.Run(ctx, ah.OutputCh, sinks)
c.logger.Info("sinks finished, exiting")
// Start goroutine to drain from ah.OutputCh from this point onward
// to prevent ah.Run from being blocked.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ah.OutputCh:
// Wait until templates are rendered
if len(config.Templates) > 0 {
return err
}, func(error) {
// Let the lease cache know this is a shutdown; no need to evict
// everything
if leaseCache != nil {
g.Add(func() error {
return ts.Run(ctx, ah.TemplateTokenCh, config.Templates)
}, func(error) {
// Let the lease cache know this is a shutdown; no need to evict
// everything
if leaseCache != nil {
g.Add(func() error {
return es.Run(ctx, ah.ExecTokenCh)
}, func(err error) {
// Let the lease cache know this is a shutdown; no need to evict
// everything
if leaseCache != nil {
// Server configuration output
padding := 24
caser := cases.Title(language.English)
c.UI.Output("==> Vault Agent configuration:\n")
for _, k := range infoKeys {
"%s%s: %s",
strings.Repeat(" ", padding-len(k)),
// Release the log gate.
// Write out the PID to the file now that server has successfully started
if err := c.storePidFile(config.PidFile); err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error storing PID: %s", err))
return 1
// Notify systemd that the server is ready (if applicable)
defer func() {
if err := c.removePidFile(config.PidFile); err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error deleting the PID file: %s", err))
var exitCode int
if err := g.Run(); err != nil {
var processExitError *exec.ProcessExitError
if errors.As(err, &processExitError) {
exitCode = processExitError.ExitCode
} else {
exitCode = 1
if exitCode != 0 {
c.logger.Error("runtime error encountered", "error", err, "exitCode", exitCode)
c.UI.Error("Error encountered during run, refer to logs for more details.")
return exitCode
// applyConfigOverrides ensures that the config object accurately reflects the desired
// settings as configured by the user. It applies the relevant config setting based
// on the precedence (env var overrides file config, cli overrides env var).
// It mutates the config object supplied.
func (c *AgentCommand) applyConfigOverrides(f *FlagSets, config *agentConfig.Config) {
if config.Vault == nil {
config.Vault = &agentConfig.Vault{}
f.Visit(func(fl *flag.Flag) {
if fl.Name == flagNameAgentExitAfterAuth {
config.ExitAfterAuth = c.flagExitAfterAuth
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.Address, &StringVar{
Name: flagNameAddress,
Target: &c.flagAddress,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultAddress,
config.Vault.Address = c.flagAddress
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.CACert, &StringVar{
Name: flagNameCACert,
Target: &c.flagCACert,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultCACert,
config.Vault.CACert = c.flagCACert
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.CAPath, &StringVar{
Name: flagNameCAPath,
Target: &c.flagCAPath,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultCAPath,
config.Vault.CAPath = c.flagCAPath
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.ClientCert, &StringVar{
Name: flagNameClientCert,
Target: &c.flagClientCert,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultClientCert,
config.Vault.ClientCert = c.flagClientCert
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.ClientKey, &StringVar{
Name: flagNameClientKey,
Target: &c.flagClientKey,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultClientKey,
config.Vault.ClientKey = c.flagClientKey
c.setBoolFlag(f, config.Vault.TLSSkipVerify, &BoolVar{
Name: flagNameTLSSkipVerify,
Target: &c.flagTLSSkipVerify,
Default: false,
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultSkipVerify,
config.Vault.TLSSkipVerify = c.flagTLSSkipVerify
c.setStringFlag(f, config.Vault.TLSServerName, &StringVar{
Name: flagTLSServerName,
Target: &c.flagTLSServerName,
Default: "",
EnvVar: api.EnvVaultTLSServerName,
config.Vault.TLSServerName = c.flagTLSServerName
// verifyRequestHeader wraps an http.Handler inside a Handler that checks for
// the request header that is used for SSRF protection.
func verifyRequestHeader(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if val, ok := r.Header[consts.RequestHeaderName]; !ok || len(val) != 1 || val[0] != "true" {
fmt.Errorf("missing %q header", consts.RequestHeaderName))
handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func (c *AgentCommand) notifySystemd(status string) {
sent, err := systemd.SdNotify(false, status)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("error notifying systemd", "error", err)
} else {
if sent {
c.logger.Debug("sent systemd notification", "notification", status)
} else {
c.logger.Debug("would have sent systemd notification (systemd not present)", "notification", status)
func (c *AgentCommand) setStringFlag(f *FlagSets, configVal string, fVar *StringVar) {
var isFlagSet bool
f.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == fVar.Name {
isFlagSet = true
flagEnvValue, flagEnvSet := os.LookupEnv(fVar.EnvVar)
switch {
case isFlagSet:
// Don't do anything as the flag is already set from the command line
case flagEnvSet:
// Use value from env var
*fVar.Target = flagEnvValue
case configVal != "":
// Use value from config
*fVar.Target = configVal
// Use the default value
*fVar.Target = fVar.Default
func (c *AgentCommand) setBoolFlag(f *FlagSets, configVal bool, fVar *BoolVar) {
var isFlagSet bool
f.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == fVar.Name {
isFlagSet = true
flagEnvValue, flagEnvSet := os.LookupEnv(fVar.EnvVar)
switch {
case isFlagSet:
// Don't do anything as the flag is already set from the command line
case flagEnvSet:
// Use value from env var
*fVar.Target = flagEnvValue != ""
case configVal:
// Use value from config
*fVar.Target = configVal
// Use the default value
*fVar.Target = fVar.Default
// storePidFile is used to write out our PID to a file if necessary
func (c *AgentCommand) storePidFile(pidPath string) error {
// Quit fast if no pidfile
if pidPath == "" {
return nil
// Open the PID file
pidFile, err := os.OpenFile(pidPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not open pid file: %w", err)
defer pidFile.Close()
// Write out the PID
pid := os.Getpid()
_, err = pidFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", pid))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not write to pid file: %w", err)
return nil
// removePidFile is used to cleanup the PID file if necessary
func (c *AgentCommand) removePidFile(pidPath string) error {
if pidPath == "" {
return nil
return os.Remove(pidPath)
func (c *AgentCommand) handleMetrics() http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
logical.RespondError(w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
logical.RespondError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, err)
format := r.Form.Get("format")
if format == "" {
format = metricsutil.FormatFromRequest(&logical.Request{
Headers: r.Header,
resp := c.metricsHelper.ResponseForFormat(format)
status := resp.Data[logical.HTTPStatusCode].(int)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", resp.Data[logical.HTTPContentType].(string))
switch v := resp.Data[logical.HTTPRawBody].(type) {
case string:
case []byte:
logical.RespondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("wrong response returned"))
func (c *AgentCommand) handleQuit(enabled bool) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !enabled {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodPost:
c.logger.Debug("received quit request")
// newLogger creates a logger based on parsed config field on the Agent Command struct.
func (c *AgentCommand) newLogger() (log.InterceptLogger, error) {
if c.config == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create logger, no config")
var errors error
// Parse all the log related config
logLevel, err := logging.ParseLogLevel(c.config.LogLevel)
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
logFormat, err := logging.ParseLogFormat(c.config.LogFormat)
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
logRotateDuration, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(c.config.LogRotateDuration)
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
if errors != nil {
return nil, errors
logCfg := &logging.LogConfig{
Name: "agent",
LogLevel: logLevel,
LogFormat: logFormat,
LogFilePath: c.config.LogFile,
LogRotateDuration: logRotateDuration,
LogRotateBytes: c.config.LogRotateBytes,
LogRotateMaxFiles: c.config.LogRotateMaxFiles,
l, err := logging.Setup(logCfg, c.logWriter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return l, nil
// loadConfig attempts to generate an Agent config from the file(s) specified.
func (c *AgentCommand) loadConfig(paths []string) (*agentConfig.Config, error) {
var errors error
cfg := agentConfig.NewConfig()
for _, configPath := range paths {
configFromPath, err := agentConfig.LoadConfig(configPath)
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("error loading configuration from %s: %w", configPath, err))
} else {
cfg = cfg.Merge(configFromPath)
if errors != nil {
return nil, errors
if err := cfg.ValidateConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error validating configuration: %w", err)
return cfg, nil
// reloadConfig will attempt to reload the config from file(s) and adjust certain
// config values without requiring a restart of the Vault Agent.
// If config is retrieved without error it is stored in the config field of the AgentCommand.
// This operation is not atomic and could result in updated config but partially applied config settings.
// The error returned from this func may be a multierror.
// This function will most likely be called due to Vault Agent receiving a SIGHUP signal.
// Currently only reloading the following are supported:
// * log level
// * TLS certs for listeners
func (c *AgentCommand) reloadConfig(paths []string) error {
// Notify systemd that the server is reloading
defer c.notifySystemd(systemd.SdNotifyReady)
var errors error
// Reload the config
cfg, err := c.loadConfig(paths)
if err != nil {
// Returning single error as we won't continue with bad config and won't 'commit' it.
return err
c.config = cfg
// Update the log level
err = c.reloadLogLevel()
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
// Update certs
err = c.reloadCerts()
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
return errors
// reloadLogLevel will attempt to update the log level for the logger attached
// to the AgentComment struct using the value currently set in config.
func (c *AgentCommand) reloadLogLevel() error {
logLevel, err := logging.ParseLogLevel(c.config.LogLevel)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// reloadCerts will attempt to reload certificates using a reload func which
// was provided when the listeners were configured, only funcs that were appended
// to the AgentCommand slice will be invoked.
// This function returns a multierror type so that every func can report an error
// if it encounters one.
func (c *AgentCommand) reloadCerts() error {
var errors error
defer c.tlsReloadFuncsLock.RUnlock()
for _, reloadFunc := range c.tlsReloadFuncs {
// Non-TLS listeners will have a nil reload func.
if reloadFunc != nil {
err := reloadFunc()
if err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, err)
return errors
// outputErrors will take an error or multierror and handle outputting each to the UI
func (c *AgentCommand) outputErrors(err error) {
if err != nil {
if me, ok := err.(*multierror.Error); ok {
for _, err := range me.Errors {
} else {