blob: a70133066750fe2520a22ba06dbf6324fb2f4a56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package postgresql
import (
log ""
_ ""
const (
// The lock TTL matches the default that Consul API uses, 15 seconds.
// Used as part of SQL commands to set/extend lock expiry time relative to
// database clock.
PostgreSQLLockTTLSeconds = 15
// The amount of time to wait between the lock renewals
PostgreSQLLockRenewInterval = 5 * time.Second
// PostgreSQLLockRetryInterval is the amount of time to wait
// if a lock fails before trying again.
PostgreSQLLockRetryInterval = time.Second
// Verify PostgreSQLBackend satisfies the correct interfaces
var _ physical.Backend = (*PostgreSQLBackend)(nil)
// HA backend was implemented based on the DynamoDB backend pattern
// With distinction using central postgres clock, hereby avoiding
// possible issues with multiple clocks
var (
_ physical.HABackend = (*PostgreSQLBackend)(nil)
_ physical.Lock = (*PostgreSQLLock)(nil)
// PostgreSQL Backend is a physical backend that stores data
// within a PostgreSQL database.
type PostgreSQLBackend struct {
table string
client *sql.DB
put_query string
get_query string
delete_query string
list_query string
ha_table string
haGetLockValueQuery string
haUpsertLockIdentityExec string
haDeleteLockExec string
haEnabled bool
logger log.Logger
permitPool *physical.PermitPool
// PostgreSQLLock implements a lock using an PostgreSQL client.
type PostgreSQLLock struct {
backend *PostgreSQLBackend
value, key string
identity string
lock sync.Mutex
renewTicker *time.Ticker
// ttlSeconds is how long a lock is valid for
ttlSeconds int
// renewInterval is how much time to wait between lock renewals. must be << ttl
renewInterval time.Duration
// retryInterval is how much time to wait between attempts to grab the lock
retryInterval time.Duration
// NewPostgreSQLBackend constructs a PostgreSQL backend using the given
// API client, server address, credentials, and database.
func NewPostgreSQLBackend(conf map[string]string, logger log.Logger) (physical.Backend, error) {
// Get the PostgreSQL credentials to perform read/write operations.
connURL := connectionURL(conf)
if connURL == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing connection_url")
unquoted_table, ok := conf["table"]
if !ok {
unquoted_table = "vault_kv_store"
quoted_table := dbutil.QuoteIdentifier(unquoted_table)
maxParStr, ok := conf["max_parallel"]
var maxParInt int
var err error
if ok {
maxParInt, err = strconv.Atoi(maxParStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_parallel parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_parallel set", "max_parallel", maxParInt)
} else {
maxParInt = physical.DefaultParallelOperations
maxIdleConnsStr, maxIdleConnsIsSet := conf["max_idle_connections"]
var maxIdleConns int
if maxIdleConnsIsSet {
maxIdleConns, err = strconv.Atoi(maxIdleConnsStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_idle_connections parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_idle_connections set", "max_idle_connections", maxIdleConnsStr)
// Create PostgreSQL handle for the database.
db, err := sql.Open("pgx", connURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to postgres: %w", err)
if maxIdleConnsIsSet {
// Determine if we should use a function to work around lack of upsert (versions < 9.5)
var upsertAvailable bool
upsertAvailableQuery := "SELECT current_setting('server_version_num')::int >= 90500"
if err := db.QueryRow(upsertAvailableQuery).Scan(&upsertAvailable); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check for native upsert: %w", err)
if !upsertAvailable && conf["ha_enabled"] == "true" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ha_enabled=true in config but PG version doesn't support HA, must be at least 9.5")
// Setup our put strategy based on the presence or absence of a native
// upsert.
var put_query string
if !upsertAvailable {
put_query = "SELECT vault_kv_put($1, $2, $3, $4)"
} else {
put_query = "INSERT INTO " + quoted_table + " VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4)" +
" ON CONFLICT (path, key) DO " +
" UPDATE SET (parent_path, path, key, value) = ($1, $2, $3, $4)"
unquoted_ha_table, ok := conf["ha_table"]
if !ok {
unquoted_ha_table = "vault_ha_locks"
quoted_ha_table := dbutil.QuoteIdentifier(unquoted_ha_table)
// Setup the backend.
m := &PostgreSQLBackend{
table: quoted_table,
client: db,
put_query: put_query,
get_query: "SELECT value FROM " + quoted_table + " WHERE path = $1 AND key = $2",
delete_query: "DELETE FROM " + quoted_table + " WHERE path = $1 AND key = $2",
list_query: "SELECT key FROM " + quoted_table + " WHERE path = $1" +
" UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT substring(substr(path, length($1)+1) from '^.*?/') FROM " + quoted_table +
" WHERE parent_path LIKE $1 || '%'",
// only read non expired data
" SELECT ha_value FROM " + quoted_ha_table + " WHERE NOW() <= valid_until AND ha_key = $1 ",
// $1=identity $2=ha_key $3=ha_value $4=TTL in seconds
// update either steal expired lock OR update expiry for lock owned by me
" INSERT INTO " + quoted_ha_table + " as t (ha_identity, ha_key, ha_value, valid_until) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, NOW() + $4 * INTERVAL '1 seconds' ) " +
" ON CONFLICT (ha_key) DO " +
" UPDATE SET (ha_identity, ha_key, ha_value, valid_until) = ($1, $2, $3, NOW() + $4 * INTERVAL '1 seconds') " +
" WHERE (t.valid_until < NOW() AND t.ha_key = $2) OR " +
" (t.ha_identity = $1 AND t.ha_key = $2) ",
// $1=ha_identity $2=ha_key
" DELETE FROM " + quoted_ha_table + " WHERE ha_identity=$1 AND ha_key=$2 ",
logger: logger,
permitPool: physical.NewPermitPool(maxParInt),
haEnabled: conf["ha_enabled"] == "true",
return m, nil
// connectionURL first check the environment variables for a connection URL. If
// no connection URL exists in the environment variable, the Vault config file is
// checked. If neither the environment variables or the config file set the connection
// URL for the Postgres backend, because it is a required field, an error is returned.
func connectionURL(conf map[string]string) string {
connURL := conf["connection_url"]
if envURL := os.Getenv("VAULT_PG_CONNECTION_URL"); envURL != "" {
connURL = envURL
return connURL
// splitKey is a helper to split a full path key into individual
// parts: parentPath, path, key
func (m *PostgreSQLBackend) splitKey(fullPath string) (string, string, string) {
var parentPath string
var path string
pieces := strings.Split(fullPath, "/")
depth := len(pieces)
key := pieces[depth-1]
if depth == 1 {
parentPath = ""
path = "/"
} else if depth == 2 {
parentPath = "/"
path = "/" + pieces[0] + "/"
} else {
parentPath = "/" + strings.Join(pieces[:depth-2], "/") + "/"
path = "/" + strings.Join(pieces[:depth-1], "/") + "/"
return parentPath, path, key
// Put is used to insert or update an entry.
func (m *PostgreSQLBackend) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *physical.Entry) error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"postgres", "put"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
parentPath, path, key := m.splitKey(entry.Key)
_, err := m.client.ExecContext(ctx, m.put_query, parentPath, path, key, entry.Value)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Get is used to fetch and entry.
func (m *PostgreSQLBackend) Get(ctx context.Context, fullPath string) (*physical.Entry, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"postgres", "get"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
_, path, key := m.splitKey(fullPath)
var result []byte
err := m.client.QueryRowContext(ctx, m.get_query, path, key).Scan(&result)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ent := &physical.Entry{
Key: fullPath,
Value: result,
return ent, nil
// Delete is used to permanently delete an entry
func (m *PostgreSQLBackend) Delete(ctx context.Context, fullPath string) error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"postgres", "delete"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
_, path, key := m.splitKey(fullPath)
_, err := m.client.ExecContext(ctx, m.delete_query, path, key)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// List is used to list all the keys under a given
// prefix, up to the next prefix.
func (m *PostgreSQLBackend) List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"postgres", "list"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
rows, err := m.client.QueryContext(ctx, m.list_query, "/"+prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var keys []string
for rows.Next() {
var key string
err = rows.Scan(&key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to scan rows: %w", err)
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys, nil
// LockWith is used for mutual exclusion based on the given key.
func (p *PostgreSQLBackend) LockWith(key, value string) (physical.Lock, error) {
identity, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &PostgreSQLLock{
backend: p,
key: key,
value: value,
identity: identity,
ttlSeconds: PostgreSQLLockTTLSeconds,
renewInterval: PostgreSQLLockRenewInterval,
retryInterval: PostgreSQLLockRetryInterval,
}, nil
func (p *PostgreSQLBackend) HAEnabled() bool {
return p.haEnabled
// Lock tries to acquire the lock by repeatedly trying to create a record in the
// PostgreSQL table. It will block until either the stop channel is closed or
// the lock could be acquired successfully. The returned channel will be closed
// once the lock in the PostgreSQL table cannot be renewed, either due to an
// error speaking to PostgreSQL or because someone else has taken it.
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) Lock(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
var (
success = make(chan struct{})
errors = make(chan error)
leader = make(chan struct{})
// try to acquire the lock asynchronously
go l.tryToLock(stopCh, success, errors)
select {
case <-success:
// after acquiring it successfully, we must renew the lock periodically
l.renewTicker = time.NewTicker(l.renewInterval)
go l.periodicallyRenewLock(leader)
case err := <-errors:
return nil, err
case <-stopCh:
return nil, nil
return leader, nil
// Unlock releases the lock by deleting the lock record from the
// PostgreSQL table.
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) Unlock() error {
pg := l.backend
defer pg.permitPool.Release()
if l.renewTicker != nil {
// Delete lock owned by me
_, err := pg.client.Exec(pg.haDeleteLockExec, l.identity, l.key)
return err
// Value checks whether or not the lock is held by any instance of PostgreSQLLock,
// including this one, and returns the current value.
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) Value() (bool, string, error) {
pg := l.backend
defer pg.permitPool.Release()
var result string
err := pg.client.QueryRow(pg.haGetLockValueQuery, l.key).Scan(&result)
switch err {
case nil:
return true, result, nil
case sql.ErrNoRows:
return false, "", nil
return false, "", err
// tryToLock tries to create a new item in PostgreSQL every `retryInterval`.
// As long as the item cannot be created (because it already exists), it will
// be retried. If the operation fails due to an error, it is sent to the errors
// channel. When the lock could be acquired successfully, the success channel
// is closed.
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) tryToLock(stop <-chan struct{}, success chan struct{}, errors chan error) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(l.retryInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-ticker.C:
gotlock, err := l.writeItem()
switch {
case err != nil:
errors <- err
case gotlock:
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) periodicallyRenewLock(done chan struct{}) {
for range l.renewTicker.C {
gotlock, err := l.writeItem()
if err != nil || !gotlock {
// Attempts to put/update the PostgreSQL item using condition expressions to
// evaluate the TTL. Returns true if the lock was obtained, false if not.
// If false error may be nil or non-nil: nil indicates simply that someone
// else has the lock, whereas non-nil means that something unexpected happened.
func (l *PostgreSQLLock) writeItem() (bool, error) {
pg := l.backend
defer pg.permitPool.Release()
// Try steal lock or update expiry on my lock
sqlResult, err := pg.client.Exec(pg.haUpsertLockIdentityExec, l.identity, l.key, l.value, l.ttlSeconds)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if sqlResult == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("empty SQL response received")
ar, err := sqlResult.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return ar == 1, nil