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layout: docs
page_title: Events
description: >-
Events are an experimental feature that allows Vault and plugins to exchange arbitrary activity data
within Vault and with external subscribers via WebSockets.
# Events
~> **Important:** Events are experimental, and may have backwards incompatible changes introduced in subsequent versions of Vault, or be removed altogether.
Events are arbitrary, **non-secret** data that can be exchanged between producers (Vault and plugins)
and subscribers (Vault components and external users via the API).
Events are delivered on a *best-effort* basis, so do not have delivery guarantees at this time.
As of Vault 1.13, events are not considered production-ready, and so are disabled by default when starting a Vault server.
Events can be enabled via the `events.alpha1` [experiment option](/vault/docs/configuration#experiments) in the Vault
configuration or on the command-line:
$ vault server -experiment events.alpha1
-> Note: Experiments can only be enabled at startup, and cannot be disabled or enabled at runtime.
## Event types
<!-- This information will probably be migrated to the plugin pages eventually -->
Internal components of Vault as well as external plugins can generate events.
These are published to "event types", sometimes called "topics" in some event systems.
All events of a specific event type will have the same format for their
additional `metadata` field.
The following events are currently generated by Vault and its builtin plugins automatically:
| Plugin | Event Type | Vault version |
| ------ | ----------------------- | ------------- |
| kv | `kv-v1/delete` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v1/write` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/config-write` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/data-delete` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/data-patch` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/data-write` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/delete` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/destroy` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/metadata-delete` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/metadata-patch` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/metadata-read` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/metadata-write` | 1.13 |
| kv | `kv-v2/undelete` | 1.13 |
## Event format
Events may be formatted in protobuf binary format or as JSON.
See `EventReceived` in [`sdk/logical/event.proto`]( in the relevant Vault version for the protobuf schema.
When formatted as JSON, the event conforms to the [CloudEvents]( specification.
- `id` `(string)` - CloudEvents unique identifier for the event. The `id` is unique for each event, and events with the same `id` represent the same event.
- `source` `(string)` - CloudEvents source, which is currently ``.
- `specversion` `(string)` - The CloudEvents specification version this conforms to.
- `type` `(string)` - CloudEvents type this event corresponds to, which is currently always `*`.
- ` datacontenttype` `(string)` - CloudEvents content type of the event, which is currently always `application/json`.
- `time` `(string)` - ISO 8601-formatted timestamp for when the event was generated.
- ` data` `(object)` - Vault-specific data.
- `event` `(Event)` - contains the event that happened.
- `id` `(string)` - (repeat of the `id` parameter)
- `metadata` `(object)` - arbitrary extra data customized for the event type.
- `eventType` `(string)` - the event type that was published.
- `pluginInfo` `(PluginInfo)` - information about the plugin that generated the event, if applicable.
- `mountClass` `(string)` - the class of plugin, e.g., `secret`, `auth`.
- `mountAccessor` `(string)` - the unique ID of the mounted plugin.
- `mountPath` `(string)` - the path that the plugin is mounted at.
- `plugin` `(string)` - the name of the plugin, e.g., `kv`.
Here is an example event in JSON format:
"id": "901f2388-aabb-a385-7bc0-0b09d5fa060b",
"source": "",
"specversion": "1.0",
"type": "*",
"data": {
"event": {
"id": "901f2388-aabb-a385-7bc0-0b09d5fa060b",
"metadata": {
"current_version": "1",
"oldest_version": "0",
"path": "data/foo"
"event_type": "kv-v2/data-write",
"plugin_info": {
"mount_class": "secret",
"mount_accessor": "kv_a6081d01",
"mount_path": "secret/",
"plugin": "kv"
"datacontentype": "application/cloudevents",
"time": "2023-02-17T13:11:39.227341-08:00"
## Subscribing to events
Vault has an API endpoint, `/v1/sys/events/subscribe/{eventType}`, that allows users to subscribe to events via a
WebSocket stream.
This endpoint supports the standard authentication and authorization workflows used by other Vault endpoints.
The `{eventType}` parameter is a non-empty string of what event type to subscribe to, which may contain wildcards (`*`)
to subscribe to multiple events, e.g., `kv-v2/data-*`.
By default, the events are delivered in protobuf binary format.
The endpoint can also format the data as JSON if the `json` query parameter is set to `true`:
$ wscat -H "X-Vault-Token: $(vault print token)" --connect 'ws://
The Vault CLI support this endpoint via the `events subscribe` command, which will output a stream of
JSON for the requested events (one line per event):
$ vault events subscribe kv-v2/data-write
## Policies
To subscribe, the `read` capability must be granted by a [policy](/vault/docs/concepts/policies)
on the `/v1/sys/events/subscribe/{eventType}` path, where `{eventType}` is the event type that will be
subscribed to. The path may contain wildcards.
An example blanket policy is:
path "sys/events/subscribe/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
## Supported versions
| Vault Version | Support |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| <= 1.12 | Not supported |
| 1.13 | Supported (with `events.alpha1` experiment) |