blob: 04dba968ab36f824ab7647135080ab7f4518e26d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package okta
import (
const (
operationPrefixOkta = "okta"
mfaPushMethod = "push"
mfaTOTPMethod = "token:software:totp"
func Factory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error) {
b := Backend()
if err := b.Setup(ctx, conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func Backend() *backend {
var b backend
b.Backend = &framework.Backend{
Help: backendHelp,
PathsSpecial: &logical.Paths{
Unauthenticated: []string{
SealWrapStorage: []string{
Paths: []*framework.Path{
AuthRenew: b.pathLoginRenew,
BackendType: logical.TypeCredential,
b.verifyCache = cache.New(5*time.Minute, time.Minute)
return &b
type backend struct {
verifyCache *cache.Cache
func (b *backend) Login(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, username, password, totp, nonce, preferredProvider string) ([]string, *logical.Response, []string, error) {
cfg, err := b.Config(ctx, req.Storage)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if cfg == nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("Okta auth method not configured"), nil, nil
// Check for a CIDR match.
if len(cfg.TokenBoundCIDRs) > 0 {
if req.Connection == nil {
b.Logger().Warn("token bound CIDRs found but no connection information available for validation")
return nil, nil, nil, logical.ErrPermissionDenied
if !cidrutil.RemoteAddrIsOk(req.Connection.RemoteAddr, cfg.TokenBoundCIDRs) {
return nil, nil, nil, logical.ErrPermissionDenied
shim, err := cfg.OktaClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
type mfaFactor struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"factorType"`
Provider string `json:"provider"`
Embedded struct {
Challenge struct {
CorrectAnswer *int `json:"correctAnswer"`
} `json:"challenge"`
} `json:"_embedded"`
type embeddedResult struct {
User okta.User `json:"user"`
Factors []mfaFactor `json:"factors"`
Factor *mfaFactor `json:"factor"`
type authResult struct {
Embedded embeddedResult `json:"_embedded"`
Status string `json:"status"`
FactorResult string `json:"factorResult"`
StateToken string `json:"stateToken"`
authReq, err := shim.NewRequest("POST", "authn", map[string]interface{}{
"username": username,
"password": password,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
var result authResult
rsp, err := shim.Do(authReq, &result)
if err != nil {
if oe, ok := err.(*okta.Error); ok {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("Okta auth failed: %v (code=%v)", err, oe.ErrorCode), nil, nil
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("Okta auth failed: %v", err)), nil, nil
if rsp == nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta auth method unexpected failure"), nil, nil
oktaResponse := &logical.Response{
Data: map[string]interface{}{},
// More about Okta's Auth transaction state here:
// If lockout failures are not configured to be hidden, the status needs to
// be inspected for LOCKED_OUT status. Otherwise, it is handled above by an
// error returned during the authentication request.
switch result.Status {
case "LOCKED_OUT":
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("user is locked out", "user", username)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed"), nil, nil
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("password is expired", "user", username)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed"), nil, nil
oktaResponse.AddWarning("Your Okta password is in warning state and needs to be changed soon.")
if !cfg.BypassOktaMFA {
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("user must enroll or complete mfa enrollment", "user", username)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed: you must complete MFA enrollment to continue"), nil, nil
// Per Okta documentation: Users are challenged for MFA (MFA_REQUIRED)
// before the Status of PASSWORD_EXPIRED is exposed (if they have an
// active factor enrollment). This bypass removes visibility
// into the authenticating user's password expiry, but still ensures the
// credentials are valid and the user is not locked out.
// API reference:
if cfg.BypassOktaMFA {
result.Status = "SUCCESS"
var selectedFactor, totpFactor, pushFactor *mfaFactor
// Scan for available factors
for _, v := range result.Embedded.Factors {
v := v // create a new copy since we'll be taking the address later
if preferredProvider != "" && preferredProvider != v.Provider {
if !strutil.StrListContains(b.getSupportedProviders(), v.Provider) {
switch v.Type {
case mfaTOTPMethod:
totpFactor = &v
case mfaPushMethod:
pushFactor = &v
// Okta push and totp, and Google totp are currently supported.
// If a totp passcode is provided during login and is supported,
// that will be the preferred method.
switch {
case totpFactor != nil && totp != "":
selectedFactor = totpFactor
case pushFactor != nil && pushFactor.Provider == oktaProvider:
selectedFactor = pushFactor
case totpFactor != nil && totp == "":
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("'totp' passcode parameter is required to perform MFA"), nil, nil
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("Okta Verify Push or TOTP or Google TOTP factor is required in order to perform MFA"), nil, nil
requestPath := fmt.Sprintf("authn/factors/%s/verify", selectedFactor.Id)
payload := map[string]interface{}{
"stateToken": result.StateToken,
if selectedFactor.Type == mfaTOTPMethod {
payload["passCode"] = totp
verifyReq, err := shim.NewRequest("POST", requestPath, payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if len(req.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"]) > 0 {
verifyReq.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", req.Headers[textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey("X-Forwarded-For")][0])
rsp, err := shim.Do(verifyReq, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("Okta auth failed: %v", err)), nil, nil
if rsp == nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta auth backend unexpected failure"), nil, nil
for result.Status == "MFA_CHALLENGE" {
switch result.FactorResult {
case "WAITING":
verifyReq, err := shim.NewRequest("POST", requestPath, payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("okta auth failed creating verify request: %v", err)), nil, nil
rsp, err := shim.Do(verifyReq, &result)
// Store number challenge if found
numberChallenge := result.Embedded.Factor.Embedded.Challenge.CorrectAnswer
if numberChallenge != nil {
if nonce == "" {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("nonce must be provided during login request when presented with number challenge"), nil, nil
b.verifyCache.SetDefault(nonce, *numberChallenge)
if err != nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("Okta auth failed checking loop: %v", err)), nil, nil
if rsp == nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta auth backend unexpected failure"), nil, nil
timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
select {
case <-timer.C:
// Continue
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("exiting pending mfa challenge"), nil, nil
case "REJECTED":
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("multi-factor authentication denied"), nil, nil
case "TIMEOUT":
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("failed to complete multi-factor authentication"), nil, nil
case "SUCCESS":
// Allowed
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("unhandled result status", "status", result.Status, "factorstatus", result.FactorResult)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed"), nil, nil
case "SUCCESS":
// Do nothing here
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("unhandled result status", "status", result.Status)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed"), nil, nil
// Verify result status again in case a switch case above modifies result
switch {
case result.Status == "SUCCESS",
result.Status == "PASSWORD_WARN",
result.Status == "MFA_REQUIRED" && cfg.BypassOktaMFA,
result.Status == "MFA_ENROLL" && cfg.BypassOktaMFA,
result.Status == "MFA_ENROLL_ACTIVATE" && cfg.BypassOktaMFA:
// Allowed
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("authentication returned a non-success status", "status", result.Status)
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse("okta authentication failed"), nil, nil
var allGroups []string
// Only query the Okta API for group membership if we have a token
client, oktactx := shim.Client()
if client != nil {
oktaGroups, err := b.getOktaGroups(oktactx, client, &result.Embedded.User)
if err != nil {
return nil, logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("okta failure retrieving groups: %v", err)), nil, nil
if len(oktaGroups) == 0 {
errString := fmt.Sprintf(
"no Okta groups found; only policies from locally-defined groups available")
allGroups = append(allGroups, oktaGroups...)
// Import the custom added groups from okta backend
user, err := b.User(ctx, req.Storage, username)
if err != nil {
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("error looking up user", "error", err)
if err == nil && user != nil && user.Groups != nil {
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("adding local groups", "num_local_groups", len(user.Groups), "local_groups", user.Groups)
allGroups = append(allGroups, user.Groups...)
// Retrieve policies
var policies []string
for _, groupName := range allGroups {
entry, _, err := b.Group(ctx, req.Storage, groupName)
if err != nil {
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("error looking up group policies", "error", err)
if err == nil && entry != nil && entry.Policies != nil {
policies = append(policies, entry.Policies...)
// Merge local Policies into Okta Policies
if user != nil && user.Policies != nil {
policies = append(policies, user.Policies...)
return policies, oktaResponse, allGroups, nil
func (b *backend) getOktaGroups(ctx context.Context, client *okta.Client, user *okta.User) ([]string, error) {
groups, resp, err := client.User.ListUserGroups(ctx, user.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oktaGroups := make([]string, 0, len(groups))
for _, group := range groups {
oktaGroups = append(oktaGroups, group.Profile.Name)
for resp.HasNextPage() {
var nextGroups []*okta.Group
resp, err = resp.Next(ctx, &nextGroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, group := range nextGroups {
oktaGroups = append(oktaGroups, group.Profile.Name)
if b.Logger().IsDebug() {
b.Logger().Debug("Groups fetched from Okta", "num_groups", len(oktaGroups), "groups", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", oktaGroups))
return oktaGroups, nil
const backendHelp = `
The Okta credential provider allows authentication querying,
checking username and password, and associating policies. If an api token is
configured groups are pulled down from Okta.
Configuration of the connection is done through the "config" and "policies"
endpoints by a user with root access. Authentication is then done
by supplying the two fields for "login".