blob: 67545e641434d0195b7dd8b6c31578ec276ba4ce [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package aws
import (
var userPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\/([\x21-\x7F]{0,510}\/)?$`)
func pathListRoles(b *backend) *framework.Path {
return &framework.Path{
Pattern: "roles/?$",
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
OperationPrefix: operationPrefixAWS,
OperationSuffix: "roles",
Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
logical.ListOperation: b.pathRoleList,
HelpSynopsis: pathListRolesHelpSyn,
HelpDescription: pathListRolesHelpDesc,
func pathRoles(b *backend) *framework.Path {
return &framework.Path{
Pattern: "roles/" + framework.GenericNameWithAtRegex("name"),
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
OperationPrefix: operationPrefixAWS,
OperationSuffix: "role",
Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
"name": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: "Name of the role",
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Role Name",
"credential_type": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Type of credential to retrieve. Must be one of %s, %s, or %s", assumedRoleCred, iamUserCred, federationTokenCred),
"role_arns": {
Type: framework.TypeCommaStringSlice,
Description: "ARNs of AWS roles allowed to be assumed. Only valid when credential_type is " + assumedRoleCred,
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Role ARNs",
"policy_arns": {
Type: framework.TypeCommaStringSlice,
Description: fmt.Sprintf(`ARNs of AWS policies. Behavior varies by credential_type. When credential_type is
%s, then it will attach the specified policies to the generated IAM user.
When credential_type is %s or %s, the policies will be passed as the
PolicyArns parameter, acting as a filter on permissions available.`, iamUserCred, assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred),
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Policy ARNs",
"policy_document": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: `JSON-encoded IAM policy document. Behavior varies by credential_type. When credential_type is
iam_user, then it will attach the contents of the policy_document to the IAM
user generated. When credential_type is assumed_role or federation_token, this
will be passed in as the Policy parameter to the AssumeRole or
GetFederationToken API call, acting as a filter on permissions available.`,
"iam_groups": {
Type: framework.TypeCommaStringSlice,
Description: `Names of IAM groups that generated IAM users will be added to. For a credential
type of assumed_role or federation_token, the policies sent to the
corresponding AWS call (sts:AssumeRole or sts:GetFederation) will be the
policies from each group in iam_groups combined with the policy_document
and policy_arns parameters.`,
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "IAM Groups",
Value: "group1,group2",
"iam_tags": {
Type: framework.TypeKVPairs,
Description: `IAM tags to be set for any users created by this role. These must be presented
as Key-Value pairs. This can be represented as a map or a list of equal sign
delimited key pairs.`,
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "IAM Tags",
Value: "[key1=value1, key2=value2]",
"default_sts_ttl": {
Type: framework.TypeDurationSecond,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Default TTL for %s and %s credential types when no TTL is explicitly requested with the credentials", assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred),
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Default STS TTL",
"max_sts_ttl": {
Type: framework.TypeDurationSecond,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Max allowed TTL for %s and %s credential types", assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred),
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Max STS TTL",
"permissions_boundary_arn": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: "ARN of an IAM policy to attach as a permissions boundary on IAM user credentials; only valid when credential_type is" + iamUserCred,
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "Permissions Boundary ARN",
"arn": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: `Use role_arns or policy_arns instead.`,
Deprecated: true,
"policy": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: "Use policy_document instead.",
Deprecated: true,
"user_path": {
Type: framework.TypeString,
Description: "Path for IAM User. Only valid when credential_type is " + iamUserCred,
DisplayAttrs: &framework.DisplayAttributes{
Name: "User Path",
Value: "/",
Default: "/",
Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
logical.DeleteOperation: b.pathRolesDelete,
logical.ReadOperation: b.pathRolesRead,
logical.UpdateOperation: b.pathRolesWrite,
HelpSynopsis: pathRolesHelpSyn,
HelpDescription: pathRolesHelpDesc,
func (b *backend) pathRoleList(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
defer b.roleMutex.RUnlock()
entries, err := req.Storage.List(ctx, "role/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
legacyEntries, err := req.Storage.List(ctx, "policy/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logical.ListResponse(append(entries, legacyEntries...)), nil
func (b *backend) pathRolesDelete(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
for _, prefix := range []string{"policy/", "role/"} {
err := req.Storage.Delete(ctx, prefix+d.Get("name").(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (b *backend) pathRolesRead(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
entry, err := b.roleRead(ctx, req.Storage, d.Get("name").(string), true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if entry == nil {
return nil, nil
return &logical.Response{
Data: entry.toResponseData(),
}, nil
func legacyRoleData(d *framework.FieldData) (string, error) {
policy := d.Get("policy").(string)
arn := d.Get("arn").(string)
switch {
case policy == "" && arn == "":
return "", nil
case policy != "" && arn != "":
return "", errors.New("only one of policy or arn should be provided")
case policy != "":
return policy, nil
return arn, nil
func (b *backend) pathRolesWrite(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
var resp logical.Response
roleName := d.Get("name").(string)
if roleName == "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("missing role name"), nil
defer b.roleMutex.Unlock()
roleEntry, err := b.roleRead(ctx, req.Storage, roleName, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if roleEntry == nil {
roleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{}
} else if roleEntry.InvalidData != "" {
resp.AddWarning(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid data of %q cleared out of role", roleEntry.InvalidData))
roleEntry.InvalidData = ""
legacyRole, err := legacyRoleData(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if credentialTypeRaw, ok := d.GetOk("credential_type"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with an explicit credential_type"), nil
roleEntry.CredentialTypes = []string{credentialTypeRaw.(string)}
if roleArnsRaw, ok := d.GetOk("role_arns"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with role_arns"), nil
roleEntry.RoleArns = roleArnsRaw.([]string)
if policyArnsRaw, ok := d.GetOk("policy_arns"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with policy_arns"), nil
roleEntry.PolicyArns = policyArnsRaw.([]string)
if policyDocumentRaw, ok := d.GetOk("policy_document"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with policy_document"), nil
compacted := policyDocumentRaw.(string)
if len(compacted) > 0 {
compacted, err = compactJSON(policyDocumentRaw.(string))
if err != nil {
return logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse policy document: %q", policyDocumentRaw.(string))), nil
roleEntry.PolicyDocument = compacted
if defaultSTSTTLRaw, ok := d.GetOk("default_sts_ttl"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with default_sts_ttl"), nil
roleEntry.DefaultSTSTTL = time.Duration(defaultSTSTTLRaw.(int)) * time.Second
if maxSTSTTLRaw, ok := d.GetOk("max_sts_ttl"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with max_sts_ttl"), nil
roleEntry.MaxSTSTTL = time.Duration(maxSTSTTLRaw.(int)) * time.Second
if userPathRaw, ok := d.GetOk("user_path"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with user_path"), nil
roleEntry.UserPath = userPathRaw.(string)
if permissionsBoundaryARNRaw, ok := d.GetOk("permissions_boundary_arn"); ok {
if legacyRole != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot supply deprecated role or policy parameters with permissions_boundary_arn"), nil
roleEntry.PermissionsBoundaryARN = permissionsBoundaryARNRaw.(string)
if iamGroups, ok := d.GetOk("iam_groups"); ok {
roleEntry.IAMGroups = iamGroups.([]string)
if iamTags, ok := d.GetOk("iam_tags"); ok {
roleEntry.IAMTags = iamTags.(map[string]string)
if legacyRole != "" {
roleEntry = upgradeLegacyPolicyEntry(legacyRole)
if roleEntry.InvalidData != "" {
return logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse supplied data: %q", roleEntry.InvalidData)), nil
resp.AddWarning("Detected use of legacy role or policy parameter. Please upgrade to use the new parameters.")
} else {
roleEntry.ProhibitFlexibleCredPath = false
err = roleEntry.validate()
if err != nil {
return logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("error(s) validating supplied role data: %q", err)), nil
err = setAwsRole(ctx, req.Storage, roleName, roleEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(resp.Warnings) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return &resp, nil
func (b *backend) roleRead(ctx context.Context, s logical.Storage, roleName string, shouldLock bool) (*awsRoleEntry, error) {
if roleName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing role name")
if shouldLock {
entry, err := s.Get(ctx, "role/"+roleName)
if shouldLock {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var roleEntry awsRoleEntry
if entry != nil {
if err := entry.DecodeJSON(&roleEntry); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &roleEntry, nil
if shouldLock {
defer b.roleMutex.Unlock()
entry, err = s.Get(ctx, "role/"+roleName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if entry != nil {
if err := entry.DecodeJSON(&roleEntry); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &roleEntry, nil
legacyEntry, err := s.Get(ctx, "policy/"+roleName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if legacyEntry == nil {
return nil, nil
newRoleEntry := upgradeLegacyPolicyEntry(string(legacyEntry.Value))
if b.System().LocalMount() || !b.System().ReplicationState().HasState(consts.ReplicationPerformanceSecondary|consts.ReplicationPerformanceStandby) {
err = setAwsRole(ctx, s, roleName, newRoleEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This can leave legacy data around in the policy/ path if it fails for some reason,
// but should be pretty rare for this to fail but prior writes to succeed, so not worrying
// about cleaning it up in case of error
err = s.Delete(ctx, "policy/"+roleName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newRoleEntry, nil
func upgradeLegacyPolicyEntry(entry string) *awsRoleEntry {
var newRoleEntry *awsRoleEntry
if strings.HasPrefix(entry, "arn:") {
parsedArn, err := arn.Parse(entry)
if err != nil {
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
InvalidData: entry,
Version: 1,
return newRoleEntry
resourceParts := strings.Split(parsedArn.Resource, "/")
resourceType := resourceParts[0]
switch resourceType {
case "role":
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
CredentialTypes: []string{assumedRoleCred},
RoleArns: []string{entry},
ProhibitFlexibleCredPath: true,
Version: 1,
case "policy":
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
CredentialTypes: []string{iamUserCred},
PolicyArns: []string{entry},
ProhibitFlexibleCredPath: true,
Version: 1,
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
InvalidData: entry,
Version: 1,
} else {
compacted, err := compactJSON(entry)
if err != nil {
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
InvalidData: entry,
Version: 1,
} else {
// unfortunately, this is ambiguous between the cred types, so allow both
newRoleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{
CredentialTypes: []string{iamUserCred, federationTokenCred},
PolicyDocument: compacted,
ProhibitFlexibleCredPath: true,
Version: 1,
return newRoleEntry
func validateAWSManagedPolicy(policyARN string) error {
parsedARN, err := arn.Parse(policyARN)
if err != nil {
return err
if parsedARN.Service != "iam" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a service of iam but got %s", parsedARN.Service)
if !strings.HasPrefix(parsedARN.Resource, "policy/") {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a resource type of policy but got %s", parsedARN.Resource)
return nil
func setAwsRole(ctx context.Context, s logical.Storage, roleName string, roleEntry *awsRoleEntry) error {
if roleName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("empty role name")
if roleEntry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil roleEntry")
entry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON("role/"+roleName, roleEntry)
if err != nil {
return err
if entry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil result when writing to storage")
if err := s.Put(ctx, entry); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type awsRoleEntry struct {
CredentialTypes []string `json:"credential_types"` // Entries must all be in the set of ("iam_user", "assumed_role", "federation_token")
PolicyArns []string `json:"policy_arns"` // ARNs of managed policies to attach to an IAM user
RoleArns []string `json:"role_arns"` // ARNs of roles to assume for AssumedRole credentials
PolicyDocument string `json:"policy_document"` // JSON-serialized inline policy to attach to IAM users and/or to specify as the Policy parameter in AssumeRole calls
IAMGroups []string `json:"iam_groups"` // Names of IAM groups that generated IAM users will be added to
IAMTags map[string]string `json:"iam_tags"` // IAM tags that will be added to the generated IAM users
InvalidData string `json:"invalid_data,omitempty"` // Invalid role data. Exists to support converting the legacy role data into the new format
ProhibitFlexibleCredPath bool `json:"prohibit_flexible_cred_path,omitempty"` // Disallow accessing STS credentials via the creds path and vice verse
Version int `json:"version"` // Version number of the role format
DefaultSTSTTL time.Duration `json:"default_sts_ttl"` // Default TTL for STS credentials
MaxSTSTTL time.Duration `json:"max_sts_ttl"` // Max allowed TTL for STS credentials
UserPath string `json:"user_path"` // The path for the IAM user when using "iam_user" credential type
PermissionsBoundaryARN string `json:"permissions_boundary_arn"` // ARN of an IAM policy to attach as a permissions boundary
func (r *awsRoleEntry) toResponseData() map[string]interface{} {
respData := map[string]interface{}{
"credential_type": strings.Join(r.CredentialTypes, ","),
"policy_arns": r.PolicyArns,
"role_arns": r.RoleArns,
"policy_document": r.PolicyDocument,
"iam_groups": r.IAMGroups,
"iam_tags": r.IAMTags,
"default_sts_ttl": int64(r.DefaultSTSTTL.Seconds()),
"max_sts_ttl": int64(r.MaxSTSTTL.Seconds()),
"user_path": r.UserPath,
"permissions_boundary_arn": r.PermissionsBoundaryARN,
if r.InvalidData != "" {
respData["invalid_data"] = r.InvalidData
return respData
func (r *awsRoleEntry) validate() error {
var errors *multierror.Error
if len(r.CredentialTypes) == 0 {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("did not supply credential_type"))
allowedCredentialTypes := []string{iamUserCred, assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred}
for _, credType := range r.CredentialTypes {
if !strutil.StrListContains(allowedCredentialTypes, credType) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized credential type: %s", credType))
if r.DefaultSTSTTL != 0 && !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, assumedRoleCred) && !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, federationTokenCred) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("default_sts_ttl parameter only valid for %s and %s credential types", assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred))
if r.MaxSTSTTL != 0 && !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, assumedRoleCred) && !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, federationTokenCred) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("max_sts_ttl parameter only valid for %s and %s credential types", assumedRoleCred, federationTokenCred))
if r.MaxSTSTTL > 0 &&
r.DefaultSTSTTL > 0 &&
r.DefaultSTSTTL > r.MaxSTSTTL {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf(`"default_sts_ttl" value must be less than or equal to "max_sts_ttl" value`))
if r.UserPath != "" {
if !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, iamUserCred) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("user_path parameter only valid for %s credential type", iamUserCred))
if !userPathRegex.MatchString(r.UserPath) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("The specified value for user_path is invalid. It must match %q regexp", userPathRegex.String()))
if r.PermissionsBoundaryARN != "" {
if !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, iamUserCred) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("cannot supply permissions_boundary_arn when credential_type isn't %s", iamUserCred))
if err := validateAWSManagedPolicy(r.PermissionsBoundaryARN); err != nil {
errors = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("invalid permissions_boundary_arn parameter: %v", err))
if len(r.RoleArns) > 0 && !strutil.StrListContains(r.CredentialTypes, assumedRoleCred) {
errors = multierror.Append(errors, fmt.Errorf("cannot supply role_arns when credential_type isn't %s", assumedRoleCred))
return errors.ErrorOrNil()
func compactJSON(input string) (string, error) {
var compacted bytes.Buffer
err := json.Compact(&compacted, []byte(input))
return compacted.String(), err
const (
assumedRoleCred = "assumed_role"
iamUserCred = "iam_user"
federationTokenCred = "federation_token"
const pathListRolesHelpSyn = `List the existing roles in this backend`
const pathListRolesHelpDesc = `Roles will be listed by the role name.`
const pathRolesHelpSyn = `
Read, write and reference IAM policies that access keys can be made for.
const pathRolesHelpDesc = `
This path allows you to read and write roles that are used to
create access keys. These roles are associated with IAM policies that
map directly to the route to read the access keys. For example, if the
backend is mounted at "aws" and you create a role at "aws/roles/deploy"
then a user could request access credentials at "aws/creds/deploy".
You can either supply a user inline policy (via the policy argument), or
provide a reference to an existing AWS policy by supplying the full arn
reference (via the arn argument). Inline user policies written are normal
IAM policies. Vault will not attempt to parse these except to validate
that they're basic JSON. No validation is performed on arn references.
To validate the keys, attempt to read an access key after writing the policy.