blob: c82295f59614626ec7ba76690ad423c9e0b46c85 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
terraform {
required_providers {
# We need to specify the provider source in each module until we publish it
# to the public registry
enos = {
source = ""
version = ">= 0.4.0"
data "enos_environment" "localhost" {}
locals {
audit_device_file_path = "/var/log/vault/vault_audit.log"
bin_path = "${var.install_dir}/vault"
consul_bin_path = "${var.consul_install_dir}/consul"
enable_audit_devices = var.enable_audit_devices && var.initialize_cluster
// In order to get Terraform to plan we have to use collections with keys
// that are known at plan time. In order for our module to work our var.target_hosts
// must be a map with known keys at plan time. Here we're creating locals
// that keep track of index values that point to our target hosts.
followers = toset(slice(local.instances, 1, length(local.instances)))
instances = [for idx in range(length(var.target_hosts)) : tostring(idx)]
key_shares = {
"awskms" = null
"shamir" = 5
key_threshold = {
"awskms" = null
"shamir" = 3
leader = toset(slice(local.instances, 0, 1))
recovery_shares = {
"awskms" = 5
"shamir" = null
recovery_threshold = {
"awskms" = 3
"shamir" = null
vault_service_user = "vault"
resource "enos_bundle_install" "consul" {
for_each = {
for idx, host in var.target_hosts : idx => var.target_hosts[idx]
if var.storage_backend == "consul"
destination = var.consul_install_dir
release = merge(var.consul_release, { product = "consul" })
transport = {
ssh = {
host = each.value.public_ip
resource "enos_bundle_install" "vault" {
for_each = var.target_hosts
destination = var.install_dir
release = var.release == null ? var.release : merge({ product = "vault" }, var.release)
artifactory = var.artifactory_release
path = var.local_artifact_path
transport = {
ssh = {
host = each.value.public_ip
resource "enos_remote_exec" "install_packages" {
depends_on = [
enos_bundle_install.vault, // Don't race for the package manager locks with vault install
for_each = {
for idx, host in var.target_hosts : idx => var.target_hosts[idx]
if length(var.packages) > 0
environment = {
PACKAGES = join(" ", var.packages)
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = each.value.public_ip
resource "enos_consul_start" "consul" {
for_each = enos_bundle_install.consul
bin_path = local.consul_bin_path
data_dir = var.consul_data_dir
config = {
data_dir = var.consul_data_dir
datacenter = "dc1"
retry_join = ["provider=aws tag_key=${var.backend_cluster_tag_key} tag_value=${var.backend_cluster_name}"]
server = false
bootstrap_expect = 0
license = var.consul_license
log_level = var.consul_log_level
log_file = var.consul_log_file
license = var.consul_license
unit_name = "consul"
username = "consul"
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[each.key].public_ip
module "start_vault" {
source = "../start_vault"
depends_on = [
cluster_name = var.cluster_name
config_dir = var.config_dir
install_dir = var.install_dir
license = var.license
log_level = var.log_level
manage_service = var.manage_service
seal_ha_beta = var.seal_ha_beta
seal_key_name = var.seal_key_name
seal_key_name_secondary = var.seal_key_name_secondary
seal_type = var.seal_type
seal_type_secondary = var.seal_type_secondary
service_username = local.vault_service_user
storage_backend = var.storage_backend
storage_backend_attrs = var.storage_backend_addl_config
storage_node_prefix = var.storage_node_prefix
target_hosts = var.target_hosts
resource "enos_vault_init" "leader" {
depends_on = [
for_each = toset([
for idx, leader in local.leader : leader
if var.initialize_cluster
bin_path = local.bin_path
vault_addr = module.start_vault.leader[0].config.api_addr
key_shares = local.key_shares[var.seal_type]
key_threshold = local.key_threshold[var.seal_type]
recovery_shares = local.recovery_shares[var.seal_type]
recovery_threshold = local.recovery_threshold[var.seal_type]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[each.value].public_ip
resource "enos_vault_unseal" "leader" {
depends_on = [
for_each = enos_vault_init.leader // only unseal the leader if we initialized it
bin_path = local.bin_path
vault_addr = module.start_vault.leader[each.key].config.api_addr
seal_type = var.seal_type
unseal_keys = var.seal_type != "shamir" ? null : coalesce(var.shamir_unseal_keys, enos_vault_init.leader[0].unseal_keys_hex)
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[tolist(local.leader)[0]].public_ip
resource "enos_vault_unseal" "followers" {
depends_on = [
// Only unseal followers if we're not using an auto-unseal method and we've
// initialized the cluster
for_each = toset([
for idx, follower in local.followers : follower
if var.seal_type == "shamir" && var.initialize_cluster
bin_path = local.bin_path
vault_addr = module.start_vault.followers[each.key].config.api_addr
seal_type = var.seal_type
unseal_keys = var.seal_type != "shamir" ? null : coalesce(var.shamir_unseal_keys, enos_vault_init.leader[0].unseal_keys_hex)
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[each.value].public_ip
// Force unseal the cluster. This is used if the vault-cluster module is used
// to add additional nodes to a cluster via auto-pilot, or some other means.
// When that happens we'll want to set initialize_cluster to false and
// force_unseal to true.
resource "enos_vault_unseal" "maybe_force_unseal" {
depends_on = [
for_each = {
for idx, host in var.target_hosts : idx => host
if var.force_unseal && !var.initialize_cluster
bin_path = local.bin_path
vault_addr = "http://localhost:8200"
seal_type = var.seal_type
unseal_keys = coalesce(
try(enos_vault_init.leader[0].unseal_keys_hex, null),
transport = {
ssh = {
host = each.value.public_ip
# We need to ensure that the directory used for audit logs is present and accessible to the vault
# user on all nodes, since logging will only happen on the leader.
resource "enos_remote_exec" "create_audit_log_dir" {
depends_on = [
for_each = toset([
for idx, host in toset(local.instances) : idx
if var.enable_audit_devices
environment = {
LOG_FILE_PATH = local.audit_device_file_path
SERVICE_USER = local.vault_service_user
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[each.value].public_ip
resource "enos_remote_exec" "enable_audit_devices" {
depends_on = [
for_each = toset([
for idx in local.leader : idx
if local.enable_audit_devices
environment = {
VAULT_TOKEN = enos_vault_init.leader[each.key].root_token
VAULT_BIN_PATH = local.bin_path
LOG_FILE_PATH = local.audit_device_file_path
SERVICE_USER = local.vault_service_user
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = var.target_hosts[each.key].public_ip
resource "enos_local_exec" "wait_for_install_packages" {
depends_on = [
inline = ["true"]