blob: 7b39b5c28191df5228307c13ab962bc383e61402 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
# This module unseals the replication secondary follower nodes
terraform {
required_providers {
enos = {
source = ""
variable "vault_install_dir" {
type = string
description = "The directory where the Vault binary will be installed"
variable "vault_instance_count" {
type = number
description = "How many vault instances are in the cluster"
variable "follower_public_ips" {
type = list(string)
description = "Vault cluster follower Public IP addresses"
variable "vault_seal_type" {
type = string
description = "The Vault seal type"
variable "vault_unseal_keys" {}
locals {
followers = toset([for idx in range(var.vault_instance_count - 1) : tostring(idx)])
vault_bin_path = "${var.vault_install_dir}/vault"
# After replication is enabled the secondary follower nodes are expected to be sealed,
# so we wait for the secondary follower nodes to update the seal status
resource "enos_remote_exec" "wait_until_sealed" {
for_each = {
for idx, follower in local.followers : idx => follower
environment = {
VAULT_INSTALL_DIR = var.vault_install_dir
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = element(var.follower_public_ips, each.key)
# The follower nodes on secondary replication cluster incorrectly report
# unseal progress 2/3 (Issue:,
# so we restart the followers to clear the status and to autounseal incase of awskms seal type
resource "enos_remote_exec" "restart_followers" {
depends_on = [enos_remote_exec.wait_until_sealed]
for_each = {
for idx, follower in local.followers : idx => follower
inline = ["sudo systemctl restart vault"]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = element(var.follower_public_ips, each.key)
# We cannot use the vault_unseal resouce due to the known issue
# ( We use a custom
# script to allow retry for unsealing the secondary followers
resource "enos_remote_exec" "unseal_followers" {
depends_on = [enos_remote_exec.restart_followers]
# The unseal keys are required only for seal_type shamir
for_each = {
for idx, follower in local.followers : idx => follower
if var.vault_seal_type == "shamir"
environment = {
VAULT_INSTALL_DIR = var.vault_install_dir
UNSEAL_KEYS = join(",", var.vault_unseal_keys)
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = element(var.follower_public_ips, each.key)
# This is a second attempt needed to unseal the secondary followers
# using a custom script due to get past the known issue
# (
resource "enos_remote_exec" "unseal_followers_again" {
depends_on = [enos_remote_exec.unseal_followers]
for_each = {
for idx, follower in local.followers : idx => follower
if var.vault_seal_type == "shamir"
environment = {
VAULT_INSTALL_DIR = var.vault_install_dir
UNSEAL_KEYS = join(",", var.vault_unseal_keys)
scripts = [abspath("${path.module}/scripts/")]
transport = {
ssh = {
host = element(var.follower_public_ips, each.key)