blob: 7624257919dea966240b03b55b3060a68d95e8b4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package forwarding;
message Request {
// Not used right now but reserving in case it turns out that streaming
// makes things more economical on the gRPC side
//uint64 id = 1;
string method = 2;
URL url = 3;
map<string, HeaderEntry> header_entries = 4;
bytes body = 5;
string host = 6;
string remote_addr = 7;
repeated bytes peer_certificates = 8;
message URL {
string scheme = 1;
string opaque = 2;
// This isn't needed now but might be in the future, so we'll skip the
// number to keep the ordering in net/url
//UserInfo user = 3;
string host = 4;
string path = 5;
string raw_path = 6;
// This also isn't needed right now, but we'll reserve the number
//bool force_query = 7;
string raw_query = 8;
string fragment = 9;
message HeaderEntry {
repeated string values = 1;
message Response {
// Not used right now but reserving in case it turns out that streaming
// makes things more economical on the gRPC side
//uint64 id = 1;
uint32 status_code = 2;
bytes body = 3;
// Added in 0.6.2 to ensure that the content-type is set appropriately, as
// well as any other information
map<string, HeaderEntry> header_entries = 4;
uint64 last_remote_wal = 5;