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layout: api
page_title: /sys/audit-hash - HTTP API
description: |-
The `/sys/audit-hash` endpoint is used to hash data using an audit device's
hash function and salt.
# `/sys/audit-hash`
@include 'alerts/restricted-admin.mdx'
The `/sys/audit-hash` endpoint is used to calculate the hash of the data used by
an audit device's hash function and salt. This can be used to search audit logs
for a hashed value when the original value is known.
## Calculate hash
This endpoint hashes the given input data with the specified audit device's
hash function and salt. This endpoint can be used to discover whether a given
plaintext string (the `input` parameter) appears in the audit log in obfuscated
The audit log records requests and responses. Since the Vault API is JSON-based,
any binary data returned from an API call (such as a DER-format certificate) is
base64-encoded by the Vault server in the response. As a result such information
should also be base64-encoded to supply into the `input` parameter.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :---------------------- |
| `POST` | `/sys/audit-hash/:path` |
### Parameters
- `path` `(string: <required>)` – Specifies the path of the audit device to
generate hashes for. This is part of the request URL.
- `input` `(string: <required>)` – Specifies the input string to hash.
### Sample payload
"input": "my-secret-vault"
### Sample request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
### Sample response
"hash": "hmac-sha256:08ba35..."