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layout: docs
page_title: Metrics reference overview
description: |-
Learn about how telemetry metrics are structured in Vault
# Telemetry metrics overview
## Metric types
Vault provides three types of telemetry metrics:
- **Counter metrics** increment when an event occurs. Counters are cumulative
and reset at the end of reporting intervals.
- **Gauge metrics** provide measurements of current values.
- **Summary metrics** provide observational values. Vault commonly uses
summaries to measure the time required to for a discrete event to complete.
High-cardinality gauges, like `vault.kv.secret.count`, update at the interval
configured with `usage_gauge_period` in the `telemetry` stanza. The default
reporting interval for gauge metrics is 10 minutes.
## Metric labels
Some telemetry metrics come with additional metadata that provides context for
the measurement. For example, a token metric might include the namespace it
belongs to or the authentication method used to create it.
Metric metadata is labeled and incorporated into the metric name for the
in-memory telemetry and any other telemetry engine that does not support custom
The metric name in the table below is followed by a list of labels supported,
in the order in which they appear, if flattened.
| Label | Example | Description
| ---------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------
| `auth_method` | `userpass` | Authorization engine type
| `cluster` | `vault-cluster-d54ad07` | Name of the cluster where the metric originated
| `creation_ttl` | `7d` | Time-to-live assigned at creation, rounded up to the next-highest bucket: `1m`, `10m`, `20m`, `1h`, `2h`, `1d`, `2d`, `7d`, `30d`, or `+Inf`
| `mount_point` | `auth/userpass/` | Path at which an authentication method or secret engine is mounted
| `name` | `memoryLimit` | Name of the object being aggregated (for example, a quota or quota rule)
| `namespace` | `ns1` | A namespace path or `root` for the root namespace
| `policy` | `default` | Name of the associated policy
| `secret_engine` | `aws` | Secrets engine type
| `token_type` | `service` | Type of the associated token: `batch` or `service`
| `peer_id` | `node-1` | Unique identifier of a raft peer node
| `node_id` | `node-42` | Unique identifier of a raft peer node (duplicates `peer_id`)
| `snapshot_config_name` | `config1` | Name of the configuration used for automated snapshots