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layout: docs
page_title: Upgrading Plugins - Guides
description: These are general upgrade instructions for Vault plugins.
# Upgrading Vault plugins
## Plugin upgrade procedure
The following procedures detail steps for upgrading a plugin that has been mounted
at a path on a running server. The steps are the same whether the plugin being
upgraded is built-in or external.
~> [Plugin versioning](/vault/docs/plugins#plugin-versioning) was introduced
with Vault 1.12.0, so if your Vault server is on 1.11.x or earlier, see the
[1.11.x version of this page](/vault/docs/v1.11.x/upgrading/plugins)
for plugin upgrade instructions.
### Upgrading auth and secrets plugins
The process is nearly identical for auth and secret plugins. If you are upgrading
an auth plugin, just replace all usages of `secrets` or `secret` with `auth`.
1. [Register][plugin_registration] the first version of your plugin to the catalog.
Skip this step if your initial plugin is built-in or already registered.
$ vault plugin register \
-sha256=<SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary> \
secret \
1. [Mount][plugin_management] the plugin. Skip this step if your initial plugin
is already mounted.
$ vault secrets enable my-secret-plugin
1. Register a second version of your plugin. You **must** use the same plugin
type and name (the last two arguments) as the plugin being upgraded. This is
true regardless of whether the plugin being upgraded is built-in or external.
$ vault plugin register \
-sha256=<SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary> \
-command=my-secret-plugin-1.0.1 \
-version=v1.0.1 \
secret \
1. Tune the existing mount to configure it to use the newly registered version.
$ vault secrets tune -plugin-version=v1.0.1 my-secret-plugin
1. If you wish, you can check the updated configuration. Notice the "Version" is
now different from the "Running Version".
$ vault secrets list -detailed
1. Finally, trigger a [plugin reload](/vault/docs/commands/plugin/reload) to reload all
mounted backends using that plugin or a subset of the mounts using that plugin
with either the `plugin` or `mounts` flag respectively.
$ vault plugin reload -plugin my-secret-plugin
Until the last step, the mount will still run the first version of `my-secret-plugin`. When
the reload is triggered, Vault will kill `my-secret-plugin`s process and start the
new plugin process for `my-secret-plugin` version 1.0.1. The "Running Version" should also
now match the "Version" when you run `vault secrets list -detailed`.
-> **Important:** Plugin reload of a new plugin binary must be
performed on each Vault instance. Performing a plugin upgrade on a single
instance or through a load balancer can result in mismatched
plugin binaries within a cluster. On a replicated cluster this may be accomplished
by setting the 'scope' parameter of the reload to 'global'.
### Upgrading database plugins
1. [Register][plugin_registration] the first version of your plugin to the catalog.
Skip this step if your initial plugin is built-in or already registered.
$ vault plugin register
-sha256=<SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary> \
database \
1. [Mount][plugin_management] the plugin. Skip this step if your initial plugin
is already mounted.
$ vault secrets enable database
$ vault write database/config/my-db \
plugin_name=my-db-plugin \
# ...
1. Register a second version of your plugin. You **must** use the same plugin
type and name (the last two arguments) as the plugin being upgraded. This is
true regardless of whether the plugin being upgraded is built-in or external.
$ vault plugin register \
-sha256=<SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary> \
-command=my-db-plugin-1.0.1 \
-version=v1.0.1 \
database \
1. Update the database config with the new version. The database secrets
engine will immediately reload the plugin, using the new version. Any omitted
config parameters will not be updated.
$ vault write database/config/my-db \
Until the last step, the mount will still run the first version of `my-db-plugin`. When
the reload is triggered, Vault will kill `my-db-plugin`s process and start the
new plugin process for `my-db-plugin` version 1.0.1.
### Downgrading plugins
Plugin downgrades follow the same procedure as upgrades. You can use the Vault
plugin list command to check what plugin versions are available to downgrade to:
$ vault plugin list secret
Name Version
---- -------
ad v0.14.0+builtin
alicloud v0.13.0+builtin
aws v1.12.0+builtin.vault
azure v0.14.0+builtin
cassandra v1.12.0+builtin.vault
consul v1.12.0+builtin.vault
gcp v0.14.0+builtin
gcpkms v0.13.0+builtin
kv v0.13.3+builtin
ldap v1.12.0+builtin.vault
mongodb v1.12.0+builtin.vault
mongodbatlas v0.8.0+builtin
mssql v1.12.0+builtin.vault
mysql v1.12.0+builtin.vault
nomad v1.12.0+builtin.vault
openldap v0.9.0+builtin
pki v1.12.0+builtin.vault
postgresql v1.12.0+builtin.vault
rabbitmq v1.12.0+builtin.vault
ssh v1.12.0+builtin.vault
terraform v0.6.0+builtin
totp v1.12.0+builtin.vault
transit v1.12.0+builtin.vault
### Additional upgrade notes
* As mentioned earlier, disabling existing mounts will wipe the existing data.
* Overwriting an existing version in the catalog will affect all uses of that
plugin version. So if you have 5 different Azure Secrets mounts using v1.0.0,
they'll all start using the new binary if you overwrite it. We recommend
treating plugin versions in the catalog as immutable, much like version control
* Each plugin has its own data within Vault storage. While it is rare for HashiCorp
maintained plugins to update their storage schema, it is up to plugin authors
to manage schema upgrades and downgrades. Check the plugin release notes for
any unsupported upgrade or downgrade transitions, especially before moving to
a new major version or downgrading.
* Existing Vault [leases](/vault/docs/concepts/lease) and [tokens](/vault/docs/concepts/tokens)
are generally unaffected by plugin upgrades and reloads. This is because the lifecycle
of leases and tokens is handled by core systems within Vault. The plugin itself only
handles renewal and revocation of them when it’s requested by those core systems.
[plugin_reload_api]: /vault/api-docs/system/plugins-reload-backend
[plugin_registration]: /vault/docs/plugins/plugin-architecture#plugin-registration
[plugin_management]: /vault/docs/plugins/plugin-management#enabling-disabling-external-plugins