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### Can i compute clients for Vault versions before v1.6? ((#before-1-6))
@include 'alerts/auditor-deprecated.mdx'
Use the [Vault auditor tool](/vault/tutorials/monitoring/usage-metrics#vault-auditor-tool)
to compute and display client count data for Vault v1.3 – v1.5 using the
client compute logic available in Vault 1.7. Auditor use with Vault versions
older than 1.3 is untested.
### Can i compute KMIP clients for Vault? ((#kmip))
Currently, KMIP clients are not available via the usage metrics UI or client
count API.
### Can i get monthly changes for Vault versions older than v1.10? ((#month-to-month))
**Yes, for Vault v1.8 – v1.10.**
To calculate client counts for a given month, you must perform a series of
billing period updates in the UI and manual calculations:
Month | Billing period in UI | Result | Computation
--------- | ------------------------ | ------------ | -----------
January | January | `JAN` | None
February | January   February | `JAN_FEB` | `FEB = JAN_FEB - JAN`
March | January   February | `JAN_MAR` | `MAR = JAN_MAR - JAN_FEB`
April | January   February | `JAN_APR` | `APR = JAN_APR - JAN_MAR`
May | January   February | `JAN_MAY` | `MAY = JAN_MAY - JAN_APR`
June | January   February | `JAN_JUN` | `JUN = JAN_JUN - JAN_MAY`
July | January   February | `JAN_JUL` | `JUL = JAN_JUL - JAN_JUN`
August | January   February | `JAN_AUG` | `AUG = JAN_AUG - JAN_JUL`
September | January   September | `JAN_SEP` | `SEP = JAN_SEP - JAN_AUG`
October | January   February | `JAN_OCT` | `OCT = JAN_OCT - JAN_SEP`
November | January   February | `JAN_NOV` | `NOV = JAN_NOV - JAN_OCT`
December | January   February | `JAN_DEV` | `DEC = JAN_DEC - JAN_NOV`
### Do child namespaces create duplication in the client count? ((#namespace-dupes))
Tokens created in a parent namespace are recognized as the same client when used
in a child namespace. But, tokens created **across** a parent/child namespace
boundary may be counted as multiple clients. See the
[clients and entities](/vault/docs/concepts/client-count) overview for more
### Does the Nomad-Vault integration affect client counts? ((#nomad))
[Nomad Vault integration](/nomad/docs/integrations/vault-integration#token-role-based-integration)
uses token roles where a single token role creates tokens for many Nomad jobs.
Unless you have configured explicit identity aliases for your Nomad tokens,
Vault will record every running instance of a Nomad job as a unique client.
### Are batch tokens counted differently than service tokens? ((#batch-tokens))
Batch token clients are counted like service token clients. The batch token is
mapped to either to the associated active entity or an artificial entity that
Vault creates by combining the assigned namespace and policy. See the
[clients and entities](/vault/docs/concepts/client-count) overview for more
### Do custom user filters affect client counts? ((#custom-filters))
Custom [user filters](/vault/api-docs/auth/ldap#userfilter) can change the way
that entity aliases are mapped, which can affect the client count computation.
Consult the [clients and entities](/vault/docs/concepts/client-count) overview
for more information about how Vault determines entity assignments.
### Does mount migration affect client counts? ((#mount-migration))
If you are using Vault 1.10+:
- Migrating mounts **across** namespace will create duplication in the client count.
- Migrating mounts **within** a namespace will not affect client count.
If you are using an older version of Vault, migrating mounts will always create
duplication in the client count.