blob: a32195a56605d021852fb1f71c99e52078676e22 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?>
<!-- This Ant build file fragment contains targets needed
to run unit tests
<project name="Jackson Unit tests" basedir=".">
<!-- Source directories -->
<property name="dir.src.test" location="${dir.src}/test" />
<!-- some support for perf testing -->
<property name="" location="${}/classes/perf" />
<!-- Unit Tests -->
<property name="dir.test" location="${basedir}/test" />
<property name="dir.test.classes" location="${dir.test}/classes" />
<property name="dir.test.results" location="${dir.test}/results" />
<property name="dir.test.xmlresults" location="${dir.test.results}/xml" />
<path id="test-libs">
<fileset dir="${dir.lib}">
<!-- for actual unit testing, junit -->
<include name="junit/*.jar" />
<!-- Libs only needed for tests that check optional interoperability
<path id="test-libs-ext">
<fileset dir="${dir.lib}">
<!-- For 1.5, need JAXB API jar too (and related) -->
<include name="jaxb/*.jar" />
<!-- and some other misc libs for interoperability tests -->
<include name="ext/**/*.jar" />
<target name="test.prepare">
<!-- make test output directories -->
<mkdir dir="${dir.test}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.test.classes}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.test.results}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.test.xmlresults}" />
<!-- Tasks from here down are in support of junit tests. -->
<target name="all-tests" depends="test" />
<!-- Compiling and running test cases
<target name="test.compile" depends="test.prepare, compile.mapper,
compile.xc, compile.jaxrs,, compile.mrbean">
<javac srcdir="${dir.src.test}" destdir="${dir.test.classes}"
source="1.5" target="1.5"
<exclude name="org/codehaus/jackson/map/interop/*.java" />
<include name="**/*.java" />
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<fileset dir="${dir.lib}/jaxrs">
<include name="*.jar" />
<javac srcdir="${dir.src.test}" destdir="${dir.test.classes}"
source="1.5" target="1.5"
<include name="org/codehaus/jackson/map/interop/*.java" />
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<pathelement path="${}"/>
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<path refid="test-libs-ext"/>
<target name="test" depends="">
<junitreport todir="${dir.test.results}">
<fileset dir="${dir.test.xmlresults}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml" />
<report todir="${dir.test.results}" />
<target name="" depends="test.compile">
<!-- showoutput 'yes' to allow outputting debug msgs... -->
<junit fork="no" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no"
<batchtest fork="no" todir="${dir.test.xmlresults}">
<fileset dir="${dir.test.classes}">
<!-- Need to exclude inner classes... -->
<exclude name="**/*$*.class"/>
<!-- and also interop tests, run later on -->
<exclude name="org/codehaus/jackson/jaxrs/*.class"/>
<exclude name="org/codehaus/jackson/map/interop/Test*.class"/>
<include name="**/Test*.class"/>
<formatter type="xml" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement location="${dir.test.classes}" />
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<!-- for interop tests, yes, we need to fork (classloading issues) -->
<junit fork="yes" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" showoutput="yes">
<batchtest fork="no" todir="${dir.test.xmlresults}">
<fileset dir="${dir.test.classes}">
<exclude name="**/*$*.class"/>
<!-- 25-Nov-2009, tatu: Argh. Looks like classloading
is problematic for this test; works when run
separately as single test... but not in sequence
<exclude name="org/codehaus/jackson/map/interop/TestHibernate.class"/>
<include name="org/codehaus/jackson/map/interop/Test*.class"/>
<formatter type="xml" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement location="${dir.test.classes}" />
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<path refid="test-libs-ext"/>
<!-- And finally, minimal testing for jax-rs too -->
<junit fork="yes" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" showoutput="yes">
<batchtest fork="no" todir="${dir.test.xmlresults}">
<fileset dir="${dir.test.classes}">
<exclude name="**/*$*.class"/>
<include name="org/codehaus/jackson/jaxrs/*.class"/>
<formatter type="xml" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement location="${dir.test.classes}" />
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<fileset dir="${dir.lib}/jaxrs">
<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- Running a single Unit Test -->
<target name="test.single" depends="test.compile">
<fail unless="test" message="Must define -Dtest" />
<!-- showoutput 'yes' to allow outputting debug msgs... -->
<!-- 09-Apr-2010, tatu: Looks like we must fork, otherwise there may be
issues with junit version?
<junit fork="yes" maxmemory="128M" showoutput="yes" printsummary="yes">
<formatter type="plain" usefile="no" />
<test name="${test}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement location="${dir.test.classes}" />
<path refid="test-libs"/>
<path refid="test-libs-ext"/>
<fileset dir="${dir.lib}/jaxrs">
<include name="*.jar" />