blob: 35f66dfc948b913c5f30509c684763532b2138bd [file] [log] [blame]
Here are people who have contributed to Jackson JSON process development:
(version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed)
Tatu Saloranta, Author
Alain Penders:
* Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper, where floating point numbers were
accidentally converted to Booleans.
Mike Eastey:
* Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper had a bug which prevented custom
mappers (as well as slower interface-based introspection) from working,
provided path to specific underlying bugs.
Augusto Callejas
* Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper (and JsonTypeMapper), which
caused read operation not to handle EOF appropriately but instead
cause a NullPointerException.
Maciej Pestka:
* JavaTypeMapper did not implicitly flush generator after mapping
objects: it should, and now will (note: JsonTypeMapper not directly
affected, flushing still needed)
Tudor Bosman:
* Symbol table handling not thread-safe
Michael Mangeng:
* Suggested [JACKSON-1]: make JsonNode implement Iterable<JsonNode> to
allow use of Java 5 foreach loop with container nodes.
Johannes Link:
* Reported [JACKSON-8]: Serialization of BigDecimal broken with JavaTypeMapper
Stanislaw Osinski:
* Reported [JACKSON-14], contributed code to resolve it and improve
generics-handling significantly.
Michael Descher:
* Reported [JACKSON-18], ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on IntNode, due to
off-by-one problem with comparisons used for caching common values.
Mike Goodwin:
* Suggested [JACKSON-9]: Add support for (non-standard) Json comments.
Ray Racine:
* Pointed out [JACKSON-25]: Problems with Maven pom for lgpl version
Scott Dixon:
* Contributed unit test (TestComplexJavaType) for verifying functioning
of object serialization
Justin Friedl:
* Requested [JACKSON-52]: ability to disable getter method auto-detection
* Reported [JACKSON-53] (and suggested way to fix it): problem serializing
iBatis bean classes generated (or wrapped) by CGLib. Probably would also
have caused problems with Hibernate and other frameworks.
* Reported [JACKSON-62]: NPE with JsonMappingException
Scott Anderson:
* Suggested [JACKSON-48]: Integrate ObjectMapper with JsonGenerator,
JsonParser; add MappingJsonFactory.
Kevin Grained:
* Reported [JACKSON-58] (and suggested a fix): NPE with String[]