| package org.codehaus.jackson.map.deser; |
| import org.codehaus.jackson.map.*; |
| * Unit tests related to handling of overloaded methods; |
| * and specifically addressing problem [JACKSON-189]. |
| public class TestOverloaded |
| static class OverloadBean |
| public OverloadBean() { } |
| public void setA(int value) { a = String.valueOf(value); } |
| public void setA(String value) { a = value; } |
| * Unit test related to [JACKSON-189] |
| public void testSimpleOverload() throws Exception |
| bean = new ObjectMapper().readValue("{ \"a\" : 13 }", OverloadBean.class); |
| } catch (JsonMappingException e) { |
| fail("Did not expect an exception, got: "+e.getMessage()); |
| assertEquals("13", bean.a); |