blob: 60dd3b0cba6278bbfd0849226ed5879b5d71ef72 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: 0.9.1
Release date: 14-Mar-2008
Another pre-1.0 release
New features:
* JsonGenerator.useDefaultPrettyPrinter()/.setPrettyPrinter()
allow for pretty printing (indentation).
(thanks to Ziad M for suggestion, sample code)
== History: ==
0.9.0 [14-Feb-2008]:
Bug fixes:
* JavaTypeMapper and JsonTypeMapper had a bug which resulted
in NullPointerException when stream ends, instead of returning
null to indicate it.
(reported by Augusto C)
* JavaTypeMapper did not implicitly flush generator after mapping
objects: it should, and now will (note: JsonTypeMapper not directly
affected, flushing still needed)
(suggested by Maciej P)
0.8.2 [03-Feb-2008]:
Bug fixes:
* Java type mapper had a bug in Collection mapping (mismatched
calls between writeStartArray and writeEndObject!)
(reported by Mike E)
0.8.1 [05-Dec-2007]:
* Completed JSON type mapper
Bug fixes:
* Java type mapper had a bug which prevented custom mappers (as
well as slower interface-based introspection) from working.
(reported by Mike E)
0.8 [17-Oct-2007]:
* Experimental version of JSON type mapper
Bug fixes:
* Numeric value parsing had some problems